Psychopathic Politicians and Presidents: Characteristics Field Guide. Know and Stop

Book Description

Table of Contents: Introduction Book 8 in a series on Dangerous Narcissists and Political Psychopaths Psychopathy understanding is growing now, RARE and others What is a political psychopath? Psychopathic Politician / World Dictator Checklist Field Guide to Psychopath Characteristics:  Axioms of Psychopathic Character  Divide, Conquer and Rule: War Strategies against one's own people.  Skyscrapers of Lies and Deceit  Gangsterism: When Criminals Connect  Political PTSD  Hostile Aggression  Paranoia and it's uses 9  Missing: Human Emotions  Adrenalin and Stimulation  Minions: Mini Me  Going for the Gold, My Gold

Psychopathic Politicians and Presidents

Book Description

Taking, Stealing, Destroying, Self-Serving, and 100% Deceitful. Not all politicians are corrupt. But 20% may be dangerously so. You make be short on time to catch eye-opening news and new information we have now on Political Psychopaths. This Field Guide of Characteristics solves that, giving you concise and interesting must-know info and supportive contemporary photos. The simplified format doesn't short change you because learning about and remembering Characteristics will flow. You'll finally have an "identifying eye" for the Political Psychopaths in North America as well as World Dictators. Psychopaths are dangerous because they take by conning, and have no regard for the humanity of others and even nature: They will take from you and harm you and those you love, if not now, soon They are only there to serve I, Me, My, and Mine They take from the poor to fill their own stores of riches. Greed rules. And, they are the masters of lies, deceit, counter-propaganda, and vilifying and scapegoating the innocent....persons just like you. Political Psychopaths are waging a war against their own people, and use defined military and propaganda strategies to Divide, Conquer, Rule, and Steal. They are masters the con, getting you to believe their Thievery is for the good of all. Political Psychopaths have been know in other times as dictators, pirates, gangster, and vampires. Let this Field Guide be your wake up call to the dangers of cons and takers in leadership roles. Don't let the Fox Guard the Hen House anymore! Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D., Retired clinical therapist, Current author and business consultant

Trump Trauma: When Political Bully Psychopaths Mentally Overwhelm Healing PTSD and Connecting to Your True Self While Making Salt

Book Description

What happens with your President and Cabinet are eroding your life possibilities, and you know something stinks: narcissist, lies, and psychopathy are ruling. What happens when you are bombarded with this daily, including the confused state that comes from being conned and deceived on a perpetual basis. What do you do when others around you are falling in line with the Pirate Dictator, leaving you marginalized? The mental result for all in this situation is to be traumatized. It's severe form from Trump's Daily Trauma, and the assault on the US Government to fill his coffers creates Political PTSD: a disorder of mind and brain functions. Dr. Bunch lines out how to know and intervene in this short booklet. Be prompted to affirm life and connect with your soul's directions, not the draining Mesmer of the vampire.

Psychopathic Nation

Book Description

Psychopathic Nation. 33 Diverse Articles with tons of links to Online Resources. Psychopathic leaders sow and cultivate the culture of hate, greed, bias, revenge and the lack of compassion that allows death by marginalization and genocide. These Dark Disorders are everywhere, and in the USA they are cruel leaders currently in office, a group of mobsters headed by Mafia-like Donald Trump. This culture can spread from person to group, aided by our own brain that accepts prejudice and hate. But, we can intervene in the propaganda and warlike methods of the stealing Psychopaths. This is Book 14 in a series on dangerous narcissism, and political psychopaths. Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D., is a retired clinical therapist of 30 years, and is currently a writer on Dark Disorder, consultant, and author of 100 books.

Almost a Psychopath

Book Description

Do you know someone who is just a bit too manipulative and full of himself? Does someone you know charm the masses yet lack the ability to deeply connect with those around her? You might have an Almost Psychopath in your life. Grandiosity and exaggerated self-worth. Pathological lying. Manipulation. Lack of remorse. Shallowness. Exploitation for financial gain. These are the qualities of Almost Psychopaths. They are not the deranged criminals or serial killers that might be coined "psychopaths" in the movies or on TV. They are spouses, coworkers, bosses, neighbors, and people in the news who exhibit many of the same behaviors as a full-blown psychopath, but with less intensity and consistency. In Almost a Psychopath, Ronald Schouten, MD, JD, and James Silver, JD, draw on scientific research and their own experiences to help you identify if you are an Almost Psychopath and, if so, guide you to interventions and resources to change your behavior. If you think you have encountered an Almost Psychopath, they offer practical tools to help you: recognize the behavior, attitudes, and characteristics of the Almost Psychopath; make sense of interactions you've had with Almost Psychopaths; devise strategies for dealing with them in the present; make informed decisions about your next steps; and learn ways to help an Almost Psychopath get better control of their behavior. The Almost Effect Series presents books written by Harvard Medical School faculty and other experts that offer guidance on common behavioral and physical problems falling in the spectrum between normal health and a full-blown medical condition. These are the first publications to help general readers recognize and address these problems.

The Psychopathic CEO

Book Description

Approximately 15% of chief executive officers are psychopathic, and many more have psychopathic traits. The Psychopathic CEO, An Executive Survival Guide was written for executives who are in a challenging work environment and suspect that their organizations are led by such a person. This book will help you to identify a potential psychopath in the corner office and to develop a survival strategy - for yourself and the company you lead. Jack McCullough is the president and founder of the CFO Leadership Council, a professional association for financial leaders. He has held many roles throughout his career, including entrepreneur, CEO, board member, author and public speaker, in addition to serving as financial executive for 26 different companies. His previous book, Secrets of Rockstar CFOs, was published in 2019. He holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and lives in Massachusetts with his wife and two teenage sons. For this book, McCullough interviewed medical professionals, law enforcement agents, as well as investors and executives who were victims of a psychopathic leader. The Psychopathic CEO is a fascinating look at these remorseless manipulators and will help you and your company survive a psychopath in the corner office.

Democracy from the Grass Roots

Book Description

In an historic turn, grassroots America has overcome its apathy and cyclic reversion to the ways of the past, last induced by Islamic fundamentalism. Newly cognizant of its inherent interests, grassroots America has responded to the vision of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and fl ocked to the polls. The emotions of politics take front and center. In Democracy From The Grassroots: A Guide to Creative Politics, we examine in depth the political passion of the grassroots and these emergent leaders. Beginning with an inspiring historical overview of grassroots politics in America, the author then guides us through its organizational structures the political clubs, committees, councils, caucuses, and workshops wherein real people work to create real change. A chapter devoted to the analysis of issues, the systems which determine their resolution, and their role in the political campaign, serves to enlighten and motivate the ideal lead-in to an exhaustive section on training. A concise summary integrates the hypotheses set forth about the role of grassroots politics in American social development. And in a unique and compelling twist, that model is then compared to the individual's development as a person. Written by psychoanalyst, political activist and scholar Dr. Joseph Abrahams, Democracy From the Grassroots, A Guide to Creative Political Action presents the pioneering work of three decades in the grassroots trenches. At once a vibrant history lesson and a call to action, this slender volume is as lush in practical howto as it is in thoughtful refl ection and insight. The appendix is remarkable for its richly annotated bibliography and a revealing chronicle of the events and issues of American grassroots movements.

Disordered Minds

Book Description

Disordered Minds offers a compelling and timely account of the dangers posed by narcissistic leaders, and provides a stark warning that the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes - extremes of social inequality and a culture of hyper-individualism - are the hallmarks of our present age. 'An excellent account of how malignant narcissism is evident in the lives of the great dictators, and how the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes have returned to haunt us.' Dr Kieran Keohane, editor of The Social Pathologies of Contemporary Civilization

Terrorism in American Cinema

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The American cinema of terrorism, although coming to prominence primarily in the 1970s amidst high-profile Palestinian terrorist activity, actually dates back to the beginnings of the Cold War. But this early terrorist cinema was centered largely around the Bomb--who had it, who would use it, when--and differs greatly from the terrorist cinema that would follow. Changing world events soon broadened the cinema of terrorism to address emerging international conflicts, including Black September, pre-9/11 Middle Eastern conflicts, and the post-9/11 "War on Terror." This analytical filmography of American terrorist films establishes terrorist cinema as a unique subgenre with distinct thematic narrative and stylistic trends. It covers all major American films dealing with terrorism, from Otto Preminger's Exodus (1960) to Ridley Scott's Body of Lies (2008).

When Texas Prison Scams Religion

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State ordained child torturer Minister prisoner represents the offices of the Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, TDCJ Director Bryan Collier, TBCJ, and wardens throughout the prison—but the greatest piece of fantasy is how the Executive Culture of cover ups came to see this Fools’ Parade as good for Texas, even “God’s will” to change the world. TDCJ destroys records of violence after 7 years and has hired the lowest qualified of the applicant pool many times in the last 25 years, even ordered the cleaning of contraband at the Polunsky Prison, and all those responsible for covering up a horde were promoted! 25 years of this! Who thinks a director that allowed that can competently supervise a naïve volunteer in a systemwide program of indenturing prisoners? Why is the director sponsoring psychopaths counseling psychopaths? Answer? MONEY—selling the Fools’ Parade Fantasy that buying faith from prisoners with favor turns them into saints after 4 years of Bible to naïve Evangelicals. Who thinks it JUSTICE that 400,000,000 hours of officer contact has zero definitive influence on parole when a commissioner spends