Psychotherapy Research

Book Description

This book provides readers with essential information on the foundations of psychotherapy research, and on its applications to the study of both psychotherapy process and outcome. The aim is to stimulate a reflection on these issues in a way that will benefit researchers and clinicians, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, at different levels and from different perspectives. Accordingly, the book presents a balanced mix of chapters summarizing the state of the art in the field from different viewpoints and covering innovative topics and perspectives, reflecting some of the most established traditions and, at the same time, emerging approaches in the field in several countries. The contributors, who were invited from among the experts in our national and international professional networks, also represent a healthy mix of leading figures and young researchers. The first part of the book addresses a number of fundamental issues in psychotherapy research at a historical, philosophical, and theoretical level. The second part of the book is concerned with research on psychotherapy processes; in this regard, both quantitative and qualitative approaches are given equal consideration in order to reflect the growing relevance of the latter. The book’s third and last part examines research on psychotherapy outcomes, primarily focusing on quantitative approaches. Offering a balanced mix of perspectives, approaches and topics, the book represents a valuable tool for anyone interested in psychotherapy research.


Book Description

Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 639,000 articles from more than 29,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2010, have been catalogued.

Neuroscientific based therapy of dysfunctional cognitive overgeneralizations caused by stimulus overload with an "emotionSync" method

Book Description

In this book Prof. (UCN) Dr. Christian Hanisch has now published his dissertation with the scientific investigations, statistical evaluations and the results. The research shows that trauma, depression, anxiety and much else can be caused by mental blockages and how to counteract this through neuro-coaching. How psychotherapy or coaching, based on physical and physiological - especially neuroelectric - principles can work, he makes clear on the basis of comprehensible test series.

Psychotherapie — eine neue Wissenschaft vom Menschen

Book Description

Die Psychotherapie tritt zunehmend als gesellschaftlich wirksame und verändernde Kraft hervor. Es ist daher naheliegend, eine Grundlagendiskussion zu führen, wie es Autoren aus Österreich, der Schweiz, Deutschland, Großbritannien und der Ukraine in diesem Band tun. Dabei stehen, ausgehend vom österreichischen Psychotherapiegesetz, zwei Fragen im Vordergrund: - Was sind die spezifischen Merkmale einer Psychotherapie auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage? - Wodurch grenzt sich die moderne Psychotherapie von benachbarten Disziplinen, insbesondere von der Medizin, der Psychologie, der Pädagogik und der Theologie ab? Dabei wird deutlich, wie differenziert und vielschichtig sich der Diskurs um diese junge Wissenschaft entwickelt und gleichzeitig neue Fragen für die nächsten Jahrzehnte aufwirft. Mit Beiträgen von Rudolf Buchmann, Wilfried Datler, Emmy van Deurzen-Smith, Ulrike Felt, Alexander Filz, Oskar Frischenschlager, Robert Hutterer, Alfred Pritz, Ludwig Reiter, Günter Schiepek, Thomas Slunecko, Mario Schlegel, David Smith, Gernot Sonneck, Egbert Steiner, Manfred Steinlechner, Gerhard Stemberger, Fritz Wallner, Elisabeth Wagner, Eva-Maria Wolfram und Josef Vetter.

Die Geschichte der Psychotherapie

Book Description

Wie gehen andere Kulturen mit psychischen Krankheiten um? Was unternahmen schriftlose Gesellschaften angesichts seelischer Leiden? Wie hat sich aus diesen magischen Wurzeln die heutige Vielfalt therapeutischer Ansätze entwickelt? Wolfgang Schmidbauer erzählt die faszinierende Geschichte der Psychotherapie von den Anfängen der Menschheit bis heute. Er beleuchtet die zahlreichen und oft widersprüchlichen Aspekte der Rolle des Helfers und Heilers zwischen einfühlendem Künstler und striktem Wissenschaftler, zwischen spirituellem Führer und modernem Dienstleister. Er zeigt auf, wo die Stärken und Schwächen der einzelnen Schulen und Richtungen der Psychotherapie liegen und welches Potenzial in ihrer Fortentwicklung steckt.

Psychotherapy in the Third Reich

Book Description

The idea for this book sprang from Geoffrey Cocks' curiosity as to what happened in the new, dynamic field of psychotherapy hi Germany with the advent of Hitler. While traditional views merely asserted that the Nazis destroyed the field of psychotherapy in Germany, a viewpoint justifiably based on the testimony of those in the field who had emigrated from Germany to escape Nazi persecution, Cocks learned that there was more to the story. He looked to several interesting shards of evidence that pointed to the possibility that one could reconstruct a history of morally questionable professional developments in German psychotherapy during the Third Reich. The evidence included: existence of a journal for psychotherapy published continuously from 1928 to 1944; accounts of a psychotherapist who assumed leadership of his colleagues and who was a relative of the powerful Nazi leader Hermann Goring; and a strong psychotherapeutic lobby in German medicine that was intellectually impoverished but apparently not destroyed by the expulsion of the prominent and predominantly Jewish psychoanalytic movement. Non-Jewish psychoanalysts and psychotherapists had in fact pursued their profession under the aegis of the so-called Goring Institute, with substantial support from agencies of the Nazi party, the Reich government, the military, and private business. Much research has been done in the ten years since the first edition of this book was published, hence the need for a second edition. Included is more information on the history of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in Nazi Germany, on the social history of the Third Reich, and on the history of the professions in Germany. Three new chapters analyze postwar developments and conflicts as well as broader issues of continuity and discontinuity in the history of modern Germany and the West. In addition, the author has reorganized the volume along chronological and narrative lines for greater ease of reading. "Psychotherapy in the Third Reich "is an important work for psychotherapists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, sociologists, and historians.

Psychotherapie — eine Wissenschaft!

Book Description

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

A Field-Centred Approach to Gestalt Therapy

Book Description

In Gestalt therapy, sociological, political, and economic research is often neglected or ignored. Drawing on analyses about current societal conditions, this book considers that there is no such thing as a ‘postmodern’ therapy and offers a new approach to Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy is still currently based on the Cartesian worldview, even if relational approaches are in search for an ‘in-between’. The author’s approach of Gestalt therapy is based on an idea by the founders: “Contact is the first reality” – so the field coemerges and coexists with individuals’ perceptions providing specific conditions, demands, limitations and opportunities. An individual’s field is not an afterthought established by the perspective of the first-person-singular (i.e. individuals) but a ‘conditio sine qua non’. Gutjahr reflects on both theoretical and practical aspects of the field’s many processes of resonance. Putting the field consistently at the centre of his approach, the author describes the main tenets expanding on previous versions of Gestalt therapy. This important new book is at the cutting edge of the current discussion of relational and field-oriented approaches to Gestalt therapy, and will be of particular interest to practitioners of Gestalt therapy, psychotherapists, phenomenologists, as well as theorists of philosophy, sociology and therapy.

Das Geheimnis der Seele

Book Description

Psychotherapeutische Praxis und ihre wissenschaftliche Erforschung müssen sich mit dem letztendlich unfassbaren, unverfügbaren, prinzipiell geheimnisvoll bleibenden Charakter des menschlichen Seelenlebens auseinandersetzen. Ausgehend von drei grundlegenden Säulen moderner Psychotherapie, der integrativen Idee, der Idee eines psychotherapeutischen Common Ground im Sinn einer Fokussierung auf existenzielle Themen in der Psychotherapie sowie der psychodynamischen Psychotherapie in Gestalt der Analytischen Psychologie, werden erkenntnistheoretisch grundlegende Eigenschaften einer zeitgemäßen Psychotherapiewissenschaft herausgearbeitet. Das Buch will aufzeigen, dass die Akzeptanz der Unmöglichkeit einer abschließenden Erkenntnisgewissheit bezüglich des Seeleninnenraums nicht das Ende einer wissenschaftlichen Psychotherapie bedeutet, sondern im Gegenteil kreative Wissenschaft inspirieren kann.