Public Digitalisation in a legal perspective

Book Description

Available online: In this report leading researchers within law and digitalisation from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Denmark present the fundamental characteristics of the digitalization of their national public administrations from a legal perspective. An important conclusion of the DigiLaw project is that the Nordic-Baltic countries possess different specialised expertise and experiences when it comes to public digitalisation, and from different angles and at various levels, all researchers recommend strengthening the Nordic-Baltic cooperation when it comes to sharing experiences and handling challenges related to public digitalization.

Digitization and the Law

Book Description

Neue Technologien bedeuten neue Herausforderungen für das Recht. Das Internet ist kein Neuland mehr, kritische Themen wie Cyberattacken, Privatsphäre, der Schutz Minderjähriger oder auch das Cloud Computing sind jedoch keinesfalls ausdiskutiert. Die zunehmende Digitalisierung und Technisierung beschränkt sich nicht auf das World Wide Web. Der automatisierte Straßenverkehr ist ein ebenso zukunftsweisendes Thema, dessen Entwicklung rechtlich begleitet werden muss. Im vorliegenden Band sind Forschungsarbeiten von Rechtwissenschaftlern aus Deutschland, den USA, Kanada und Griechenland zusammengefasst. Die von Prof. Eric Hilgendorf und Prof. Susanne Beck herausgegebene Reihe Robotik und Recht widmet sich der Diskussion praxisrelevanter Rechtsfragen zu Robotik, Technisierung und Digitalisierung. Mit Beiträgen von Prof. Eric Hilgendorf, Prof. Susanne Beck, Prof. Mark Kende, Prof. Ari Ezra Waldman, Prof. Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi, Prof. Sara Sun Beale and Peter Berris, Prof. Frank Peter Schuster

Rule of law and public digitalisation: – pilot project​

Book Description

Available online: The Nordic Council of Ministers has noted the call from the UN to take measures in order to secure the fundamental values of rule of law and democracy in relation to public digitalisation and to consider the growing influence of the tech industry on public administration in the digital welfare states. The shared Nordic values of democracy, rule of law and trust between citizens and authorities, should be carried further into the digital age. Therefore, the Nordic Council of Ministers has initiated a pilot project that identify relevant themes and initiatives on the basis of input and information from public authorities and supervisory bodies in Norway, Sweden, The Faeroe Islands, Finland and Denmark. The team behind the report assesses that there is a need to: - strengthen the exchange of knowledge regarding investigations, reflections and case law of supervisory bodies in the Nordic and Baltic countries - identify and analyse the legal framework related to constitutional law and human rights for public sector digitisation, and to evaluate whether present administrative law provides sufficient support for compliance within these parameters - study the effects of digitisation on governance, control and liability structures in the field of public administration, possibly including the court administration - investigate the direction of the legislative development, clarify the underlying considerations and interests and assess this development in light of the values of legal certainty and rule of law - integrate legal research as an element of projects related to public digitisation within Nordic research programmes The Nordic Council of Ministers will now consider how it can support using the opportunities offered by digitisation so that they safeguard the shared Nordic values.

Understanding Cybersecurity Law and Digital Privacy

Book Description

Cybersecurity, data privacy law, and the related legal implications overlap into a relevant and developing area in the legal field. However, many legal practitioners lack the foundational understanding of computer processes which are fundamental for applying existing and developing legal structures to the issue of cybersecurity and data privacy. At the same time, those who work and research in cybersecurity are often unprepared and unaware of the nuances of legal application. This book translates the fundamental building blocks of data privacy and (cyber)security law into basic knowledge that is equally accessible and educational for those working and researching in either field, those who are involved with businesses and organizations, and the general public.

Instruments of Public Law

Book Description

The Covid 19 pandemic has revealed the need to verify the existing principles of functioning of public authorities, in relation to various decision-making processes, both at the conceptual level and at law implementation. The action of the legislator and public administration towards the society and the economy is conducted using peculiar instruments to control the public administration system. These instruments are likely to be of a public or private law nature. This book takes a comparative approach to examine the issues related to digital transformation in the times of a pandemic regarding the use of public-law instruments in Poland and the wider European context. In particular, the research aims to identify what stage the development of digital solutions in the state's organization and its authorities has reached, including the organization of public administration; what the has pandemic changed. Exploring the concepts of digital transformation, pandemic and public-law instruments, it provides an analysis of European and national public-law instruments using digital solutions, security and cybersecurity during a pandemic, and concrete issues such as public administration, health protection and social security, economic activity and the system of public finances, and education during the pandemic is performed. Establishing whether particular solutions are durable and to what extent they create a certain standard of response to a threat, it makes recommendations for determining which of the existing solutions is useful for the functioning of the state and its organs and facilitates the performance of their tasks.

Law and Technology in a Global Digital Society

Book Description

This book examines central aspects of the new technologies and the legal questions raised by them from both an international and an inter-disciplinary perspective. The technology revolution and the global networking of IT systems pose enormous challenges for the law. Current areas of discussion relate to autonomous systems, big data and issues surrounding legal tech. Ensuring data protection and IT security as well as the creation of a legal framework for the new technology as a whole can only be achieved through international and inter-disciplinary co-operation. The team of authors is made up of experienced, internationally renowned experts as well as young researchers and professionals who give valuable insights from numerous different jurisdictions. This book is written for jurists and those responsible for technology in public authorities and companies as well as practising lawyers and researchers.

Digitalization as a challenge for justice and administration

Book Description

This volume documents the presentations of a multilingual online conference on "Digitalization as a challenge for justice and administration" held in March 2022. The contributions of the international team of authors provide insights into central issues of this highly relevant subject from African, Japanese, U.S., Swiss, Latin American and German perspectives. The result is a multifaceted picture of digitalization in the context of public, private and even criminal law. Este volumen documenta las presentaciones de una conferencia multilingüe en línea sobre "La digitalización como reto para la justicia y la administración" celebrada en marzo de 2022. Las contribuciones del equipo internacional de autores ofrecen una visión de las cuestiones centrales de este tema de gran actualidad desde las perspectivas africana, japonesa, estadounidense, suiza, latinoamericana y alemana. El resultado es una imagen multifacética de la digitalización en el contexto del derecho público, privado y penal. Der vorliegende Tagungsband dokumentiert die Vorträge einer im März 2022 durchgeführten multilingualen Online-Konferenz zur "Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für Justiz und Verwaltung". Die Beiträge des internationalen Autorenteams vermitteln Einblicke in zentrale Fragestellungen der hochaktuellen Thematik aus afrikanischer, japanischer, US-amerikanischer, schweizerischer, lateinamerikanischer und deutscher Perspektive. Dabei ergibt sich ein facettenreiches Bild zur Digitalisierung im öffentlich-rechtlichen, privatrechtlichen und auch strafrechtlichen Kontext.

Tax and the Digital Economy

Book Description

The increasingly digitalized global economy is undermining the usefulness of many traditional tax concepts. In addition to issues of double taxation and double non-taxation, important questions arise concerning the allocation of taxing rights in respect of income from cross-border digital transactions. This is the first book to analyse what changes are possible, necessary and feasible in order to forestall the unravelling of the existing international tax framework. Focusing in turn on the legal framework, specific proposals for adapting tax concepts for the digital economy, types of transactions and administrative issues such as those around data protection and digital currencies, the expert contributors discuss such challenges to taxation as the following: the pervasiveness of intangible assets; new value creation models; the ascendance of the sharing economy and digital services; virtual currencies; the importance of user participation for digital platforms; cloud computing; the impact of Big Data on tax enforcement; virtual business presence; and the influence of robotization. Throughout, the authors describe and analyse proposals made by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European Union (EU) and individual countries and their likely impact going forward. They also attend to the limits imposed on reform possibilities by public international law, EU law and constitutional law. It is generally acknowledged that there is a need to monitor how the digital transformation may be impacting value creation. This book is a key milestone toward developing a durable, long-term solution to the tax challenges posed by the digitalization of the economy. With its thorough scrutiny of proposals for digital services tax and virtual permanent establishments, insightful analysis of digital services and detailed description of the impact of big data on tax administration and taxpayer protection, it will quickly prove indispensable for tax practitioners and the international tax community more generally.

Public Service Broadcasting 3.0

Book Description

The digital media environment is characterized by an abundance and diversity of content, a multiplicity of platforms, new modes of content production, distribution and access, and changed patterns of consumer and business behaviour. This has challenged the traditional model of public service broadcasting (PSB) in diverse ways. This book explores whether and how PSB should adapt to reflect the conditions of the digital media space so that it can effectively and efficiently continue to serve its public mandate. Drawing on literature on media governance in media and communication science, public international law as well as discussions on cyberlaw, Mira Burri maps and critically analyses existing policy and scholarly debates on PSB transformation. She challenges some of conventional rationales for reform, identifies new ones, as well as exposes the limitations placed upon existing and future policy solutions by global media governance arrangements, especially in the fields of trade, copyright and Internet governance. The book goes on to advance a future-oriented model of Public Service Media, which is capable of matching an environment of technological and of governance complexity. As a work that explores how public interest objectives can be pursued efficiently and sustainably in the digital media ecology, this book will be of great interest and use to students and researchers in media law, information technology law, and broadcast media studies, as well as to policy-makers.

Copyright in the Digital Era

Book Description

Over the course of several decades, copyright protection has been expanded and extended through legislative changes occasioned by national and international developments. The content and technology industries affected by copyright and its exceptions, and in some cases balancing the two, have become increasingly important as sources of economic growth, relatively high-paying jobs, and exports. Since the expansion of digital technology in the mid-1990s, they have undergone a technological revolution that has disrupted long-established modes of creating, distributing, and using works ranging from literature and news to film and music to scientific publications and computer software. In the United States and internationally, these disruptive changes have given rise to a strident debate over copyright's proper scope and terms and means of its enforcement-a debate between those who believe the digital revolution is progressively undermining the copyright protection essential to encourage the funding, creation, and distribution of new works and those who believe that enhancements to copyright are inhibiting technological innovation and free expression. Copyright in the Digital Era: Building Evidence for Policy examines a range of questions regarding copyright policy by using a variety of methods, such as case studies, international and sectoral comparisons, and experiments and surveys. This report is especially critical in light of digital age developments that may, for example, change the incentive calculus for various actors in the copyright system, impact the costs of voluntary copyright transactions, pose new enforcement challenges, and change the optimal balance between copyright protection and exceptions.