China's Healthcare System and Reform

Book Description

This volume provides a comprehensive review of China's healthcare system and policy reforms in the context of the global economy. Following a value-chain framework, the 16 chapters cover the payers, the providers, and the producers (manufacturers) in China's system. It also provides a detailed analysis of the historical development of China's healthcare system, the current state of its broad reforms, and the uneasy balance between China's market-driven approach and governmental regulation. Most importantly, it devotes considerable attention to the major problems confronting China, including chronic illness, public health, and long-term care and economic security for the elderly. Burns and Liu have assembled the latest research from leading health economists and political scientists, as well as senior public health officials and corporate executives, making this book an essential read for industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, and students studying comparative health systems across the world.

China's Urban Health Care Reform

Book Description

The authors find that economic growth does not automatically improve health care, and that prioritizing health care as China has done does not necessarily lead to cost efficiency and equity in health care for the whole nation.

Health Policy Reform In China: A Comparative Perspective

Book Description

Most of the existing literature on health system reform in China deals with only one part of the reform process (for example, financing reform in rural areas, or the new system of purchasing pharmaceuticals), or consists of empirical case studies from particular cities or regions. This book gives a broad overview of the process of health system reform in China. It draws extensively both on the Western literature in health economics and on the experience of health care reform in a number of other countries, including the US, UK, Holland, and Japan, and compares China's approach to health care reform with other countries. It also places the process of health system reform in the context of re-orienting China's economic policy to place greater emphasis on equity and income distribution, and analyzes the interaction of the central and local governments in designing and implementing the reforms. This book will be of interest to policymakers, academics, students of health economics, health policy and health administration, and people who are interested in Chinese social policy.

Healthcare Reform in China

Book Description

How efficient is the Chinese healthcare system? Milcent examines the medication market in China against the global picture of healthcare organization, and how public healthcare insurance plans have been implemented in recent years, as well as reforms to tackle hospital inefficiency. Healthcare reforms, demographic changes and an increase in wealth inequity have altered healthcare preferences, which need to be addressed. Significantly, the patient–medical staff relationship is analysed, with new proposals for different lines of communication. Milcent puts forward digital healthcare in China as a tool to solve inefficiency and rising tensions, and generate profit. Where China is leading in the digitalization of healthcare, other countries can learn important lessons. Chinese social models are also put into context with respect to current reforms and experimentation.

Public Policy and Health Care in China

Book Description

This book examines the introduction and ongoing development of public medical care insurance in contemporary China. Based on extensive field investigations, residents’ surveys and analyses by local policy experts and practitioners it provides a comparative analysis of the marketization of public policy in China in contrast to those in other countries, such as the United Kingdom and Germany. The book highlights system-specific issues of the centrally planned economy (CPE) during economic reform, such as alienation of entitlements from funding and historically rooted obligations in the realm of public policy, and as such fills the gap in research on the Chinese government’s public financial management. Public Policy and Health Care in China will appeal to students, academics and researchers interested in public policy and health care in China, as well as Chinese society and economics more broadly.

China's New Public Health Insurance

Book Description

Especially since the 2003 SARS crisis, China’s healthcare system has become a growing source of concern, both for citizens and the Chinese government. China’s once praised public health services have deteriorated into a system driven by economic constraints, in which poor people often fail to get access, and middle-income households risk to be dragged into poverty by the rising costs of care. The New Rural Co-operative Medical System (NRCMS) was introduced to counter these tendencies and constitutes the main system of public health insurance in China today. This book outlines the nature of the system, traces the processes of its enactment and implementation, and discusses its strengths and weaknesses. It argues that the contested nature of the fields of health policy and social security has long been overlooked, and reinterprets the NRCMS as a compromise between opposing political interests. Furthermore, it argues that structural institutional misfits facilitate fiscal imbalances and a culture of non-compliance in local health policy, which distort the outcomes of the implementation and limit the effectiveness of insurance. These dynamics also raise fundamental questions regarding the effectiveness of other areas of the comprehensive New Health Reform, which China has initiated to overhaul its healthcare system.

Public Medical Insurance Reforms in China

Book Description

This book investigates public medical insurance reform in China and studies its effects from both institutional and empirical study perspectives. It provides the reader with academic evidence for understanding the transformation of public medical insurance and its effect on the utilization of healthcare services, expenditure for medical care, individuals’ financial portfolio allocation, and well-being. The main content of the book comprises two parts. First, institutional transformations of public medical insurance are considered: medical insurance reform in rural and urban China, and problems of medical insurance reform in the country. Second, it looks at the impact of public medical insurance reforms in China: evidence-based on empirical studies, including determinants of participation in medical insurance, the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and its effects on the utilization of healthcare services, medical insurance and its effects on out-of-pocket expenditure, risky financial market participation, and well-being in China. This study provides academic evidence about these issues based on economic theories and econometric methods using many kinds of nationwide Chinese representative survey data. The book is highly recommended to readers who are interested in up-to-date and in-depth empirical studies on the mechanisms of participation in medical insurance and the impact of public medical insurance reforms on individuals and household behaviors in China. This volume will be of interest to those who are interested in the Chinese economy, social security policymakers, and scholars with an econometric analysis background.

China's Healthcare System and Reform

Book Description

This volume provides a comprehensive review of China's healthcare system and policy reforms in the context of the global economy. Following a value-chain framework, the 16 chapters cover the payers, the providers, and the producers (manufacturers) in China's system. It also provides a detailed analysis of the historical development of China's healthcare system, the current state of its broad reforms, and the uneasy balance between China's market-driven approach and governmental regulation. Most importantly, it devotes considerable attention to the major problems confronting China, including chronic illness, public health, and long-term care and economic security for the elderly. Burns and Liu have assembled the latest research from leading health economists and political scientists, as well as senior public health officials and corporate executives, making this book an essential read for industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, and students studying comparative health systems across the world.

Health Insurance Reforms in Asia

Book Description

This book empirically examines health care financing reforms and popular responses in three major cities in East Asia: Shanghai, Singapore, and Hong Kong. It adopts a new revised version of the theory of historical institutionalism to compare and explain the divergent reform paths in these three places over the past three decades. It also examines forces that propel institutional change. The book provides three detailed case studies on the development of health care financing reforms and the politics of implementing them. It shows that health care systems in Shanghai, Singapore, and Hong Kong were the products of Western presence in the nineteenth century. It illustrates how greater attention is paid to the roles played by ideas, actors, and environmental triggers without abandoning the core assumptions that political institutions and policy feedback remain central to impact health care financing reforms. It shows that health care financing reform is shaped by a complex interplay of forces over time. It also provides the most updated material about health care financing reforms in Shanghai, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The central argument of this book is that health care financing reform is both an evolving process responding to changing circumstances and a political process revealing an intricate interplay of power relationships and diverse interests. It shows that institutional changes in health care financing system can be incremental but transformative in nature. It argues that social policies will continue to develop and welfare states will continue to adapt and evolve in order to cope with new risks and needs. This book sheds new lights on understanding the politics of health care financing reform and sources and modes of institutional change.

The Problems of China's Health Care System

Book Description

A couple of dramatic scenes were seen in China and also after getting more information about the problems of the health care system of China the decision were created to learn more about the health care system of China for being able to present solutions for the general problems. Trough the change in 1978 from communism to the implementation of the economic reforms by Deng Xiaoping the media all around the world is talking about the incredible increasing of China. The changes to a liberalized trade principle waged to decreased poverty levels and determine China on the path to economic sharpness. There is no doubt that China ushered in an era of unprecedented receptivity to foreign leverage. But beside the positive effects of the reform it also showed massive change within the once centralized medical system. Even though many efforts of the government some sections of the population are at a disadvantage. The implementation of the economic reforms have been a blessing for the Chinese as well as the improved reforms concerning to the health care system. On the other hand through the higher quality of the health care system the access is very difficult due rising costs. In that research it will be schematize the misbehaviour of many farmers concerning to health and disease and it will be shown that the present health care system that is working in the shadow of the centralized state which is managed by the government, is not the efficient way concerning to the rising costs. Furthermore solution and suggestions for improvement which could lead to an improvement in the health care system in China are introduced.