Poverty Comparisons and Household Survey Design

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World Bank Discussion Paper No. 356. The World Bank has become the world's largest lender in the health, nutrition, and population (HNP) sectors, requiring the institution to seek ever greater evidence that its work is effective on the ground. This paper reviews the literature on the causes of observed changes in health and fertility levels, on the evaluation of policies, and on programs designed to accelerate these changes. It presents a framework that delineates the relationships between Bank activities in the HNP sectors, the characteristics of a health care system, household behavior, and changes in health outcomes. The paper also describes a strategy for assessing the development effectiveness of the Bank's work in these sectors. The underlying thesis is that changes in health policy and improved outcomes depend on the the demand for health services and on institutional incentives that drive health care system performance.

Public-private Sector Wage Differentials and Returns to Education in Djibouti

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Do public sector workers earn a wage premium in Djibouti and are the returns to education different across the sectors? The authors estimate private and public sector wage earnings using 1996 household survey data, while controlling for selectivity using Heckman's two stage approach. They find that Djiboutian public sector employees earn a wage premium, independent of their personal attributes and human capital endowments, and are more likely to be males and have parents in the public sector. Workers in the public sector earn higher private rates of return to education than do private sector workers with post-secondary schooling. These results raise concerns about current government hiring and wage-setting practices that generate distortions in the labor market and are not efficiently allocating labor and public resources.

Model Living Standards Measurement Study Survey Questionnaire for the Countries of the Former Soviet Union

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Living Standards Measurement Survey Working Paper No. 130.This document presents a set of Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) questionnaires that have been developed for use in the Russian-speaking countries of the former Soviet Union. The questionnaires are available in English and Russian, as well as in an electronic format. The document describes in detail how to modify the questionnaires for use in any specific country. The author guides the questionnaire writer through the modification process, illustrating the important aspects of LSMS surveys, the translation and field-testing procedures, and a section-by-section description of the types of modification that are likely to be required to suit particular goals and circumstances.Also available in Russian : (ISBN 0-8213-3935-4) / Stock No. 13935

Are Public Sector Workers Underpaid?

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Does the public sector overpay or underpay workers relative to what they could earn in the private sector? Usual comparisons focus on similar jobs, but in a Developing country it is more sensible to focus on similar workers, as shown by the case of Vietnam.

Determinants of Fertility and Child Mortality in Côte D'Ivoire and Ghana

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Explains the broad range of financial instruments government policymakers can use to avoid commodity price risks caused by fluctuating prices. This hands-on book describes management techniques countries can use to avoid the financial risk that occurs when commodity prices fluctuate dramatically. It illustrates each technique in detail with practical case studies of Colombia, Costa Rica, Hungary, Papua New Guinea, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Venezuela. These financial techniques include short-term instruments and newer methods that let governments evade price risks over longer periods and raise finances that are linked to commodity prices. The new techniques include commodity loans, bonds, swaps, futures, forwards, and options. Policymakers receive clear information about how these financial instruments can manage price risk, provide access to external finance, and lower a country's credit risk. The workbook shows how risk instruments work within traditional stabilization schemes and explains which of the techniques protect against external risk. It also identifies the institutional changes and education requirements governments must meet to use the instruments effectively. This book advances the more theoretical work on the new, longer-term instruments that appears in Commodity Risk Management and Finance, published by the World Bank and Oxford University Press. Published for the World Bank by The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Poverty Lines in Theory and Practice

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A poverty line helps focus the attention of governments and civil society on the living conditions of the poor. This paper offers a critical overview of alternative approaches to setting poverty lines. In reviewing the methods found in practice, the paper tries to throw light on, and go some way toward resolving, ongoing debates about poverty measurement, emphasizing those debates which would appear to have greatest bearing on policy discussions.

Contraceptive Choice, Fertility, and Public Policy in Zimbabwe

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Living Standards Measurement Study No. 107. Lost investment opportunities for society and the inefficient provision of public schooling are just some of the reasons why developing countries are concerned with low school completion rates. This study investigates the underlying causes of school attrition, paying particular attention to how school quality affects dropout rates. The central finding is that children are strongly influenced in their schooling decisions by the quality of their prospective school. The authors suggest that altering the character of the schools may prove an effective method of keeping students in school. The study will benefit education policymakers who need fundamental data on determinants of school leaving.