Public Purpose

Book Description

How governments can spur growth and innovation to solve their greatest challenges—from green energy to national security to building resilient health systems. Known around the world for challenging mainstream economics, economist Mariana Mazzucato believes that “the public sector can and should be a co-creator of wealth that actively steers growth to meet its goals” (The Financial Times). In The Mission-Driven Economy, she calls on governments to create the economies we need today. Mazzucato’s challenge leads off a debate on the revival of Industrial policy—roughly defined as deliberate government action to re(shape) the economy. Industrial policy has fallen out of favor in recent decades as economists defer to free markets to produce innovation and growth. Yet today thinkers across the political spectrum have begun expressing new interest in industrial policy as a way to address the most serious problems of our times: from national security and climate change, to the market’s underfunding of public goods, to sluggish economic growth and labor market dysfunction. Together, contributors make a compelling case for industrial policy—what it is, and why we need it now. Addressing investment, innovation, supply chains, and growth, they offer a robust vision of a renewed industrial policy, and what it can offer the US economy in the face of climate change and a global pandemic.

Economics and the Public Purpose

Book Description

Criticism of the present economic system of the USA and proposals for comprehensive economic policy reform - covers the general economic theory of advanced economic development, consumption, and the concept of the household, the market system in relation to the service sector and the self employed, economic planning, price policy, inflation, income distribution, fiscal policy, the environment, technological change, the role of women, etc.

Public Purpose in International Law

Book Description

This text explores how the public purpose doctrine reconciles the often conflicting, but equally binding, obligations that states have to engage in regulatory sovereignty while honoring host-state obligations to protect foreign investment. The work examines the multiple permutations and iterations of the public purpose doctrine and concludes that this principle needs to be reconceptualized to meet the imperatives of economic globalization and of a new paradigm of sovereignty that is based on the interdependence, and not independence, of states. It contends that the historical expression of the public purpose doctrine in customary and conventional international law is fraught with fundamental flaws that, if not corrected, will give rise to disparities in the relationship between investors and states, asymmetries with respect to industrialized nations and developing states, and, ultimately, process legitimacy concerns.

Private Funds, Public Purpose

Book Description

Comparative information detailing the cultural, legal and historical environments of foundations in international settings has been scarce - until now. Written by scholars from six countries, this text covers philanthropic foundations in the world's busiest commercial centers - the U.S. and Eastern and Western Europe. It reports on the structures and mindsets that shape foundations' gift giving, and discusses different aspects of foundation management. Case studies of the French and Italian foundation communities and a comparative legal chapter are especially notable.

History, Policy and Public Purpose

Book Description

This book takes a fresh look at the connection between history and policy, proposing that historians rediscover a sense of ‘public purpose’ that can embrace political decision-making – and also enhance historical practice. Making policy is a complex and messy affair, calling on many different forms of expertise and historians have often been reluctant to get involved in policy advice, with those interested in ‘history in public’ tending to work with museums, heritage sites, broadcasters and community organisations. Green notes, however, that historians have also insisted that ‘history matters’ in public policy debate, and been critical of politicians’ distortions or neglect of the past. She argues that it is not possible to have it both ways.

The Public Purpose of Education and Schooling

Book Description

"I have been waiting for this book for a decade. In an age in which the national debate on school reform is concerned principally with tactics and process, this volume focuses on the most important of all questions. What is the purpose of school? How do we know if a school is working? The authors are the most highly regarded names in education. This is an important book for anyone interested in schooling in America today." -- Arthur Levine, president, Teachers College, Columbia University

Why Can't You Afford a Home?

Book Description

Throughout the Western world, a whole generation is being priced out of the housing market. For millions of people, particularly millennials, the basic goal of acquiring decent, affordable accommodation is a distant dream. Leading economist Josh Ryan-Collins argues that to understand this crisis, we must examine a crucial paradox at the heart of modern capitalism. The interaction of private home ownership and a lightly regulated commercial banking system leads to a feedback cycle. Unlimited credit and money flows into an inherently finite supply of property, which causes rising house prices, declining home ownership, rising inequality and debt, stagnant growth and financial instability. Radical reforms are needed to break the cycle. This engaging and topical book will be essential reading for anyone who wants to understand why they can’t find an affordable home, and what we can do about it.

Cultural Democracy

Book Description

Attention is given to American culture. Not the culture of WalMart and the cineplex but culture as it is lived closer to the ground like local culture and neighbourhood culture. The focus is on the choices that individuals make about how to shape the fabric of their lives, and about the mechanisms that make those choices available. The perpetual and symbiotic relationships linking the cultural with the political and economic spheres are a recurrent theme.

Public Purse, Public Purpose

Book Description

This document contain papers on the following topics: setting the stage for government and universities in Canada; experience in other countries; pressures and responses of universities in Canada; university governance and management; the perspective of four presidents on how universities in Canada view the opportunities and problems of a changing environment; and perspectives from outside the university.

It's the Mission, Not the Mandates

Book Description

This book invites a conversation among stakeholders of public education and conveys the need for a common vision for America’s public schools. Amy Fast argues that we have never had a clear purpose for our schools and that now, more than ever, educators in America ache for a more inspiring purpose than simply improving results on standardized assessments. Fast asserts how focusing on the mission instead of simply the mandates and measures is how real change occurs. Until we have a common and transparent purpose that serves to inspire those in the trenches of the work, reform in public education will continue to flounder. Through the examination of our past and current priorities for American schools, Fast uncovers a nobler purpose that will intrinsically move educators as well as students to be inspired in their work. In turn, it is this inspiration—not another silver bullet reform—that will lead to meaningful change in society.