Huichol Territory and the Mexican Nation

Book Description

The Huichol (Wixarika) people claim a vast expanse of Mexico’s western Sierra Madre and northern highlands as a territory called kiekari, which includes parts of the states of Nayarit, Jalisco, Durango, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potosí. This territory forms the heart of their economic and spiritual lives. But indigenous land struggle is a central fact of Mexican history, and in this fascinating new work Paul Liffman expands our understanding of it. Drawing on contemporary anthropological theory, he explains how Huichols assert their sovereign rights to collectively own the 1,500 square miles they inhabit and to practice rituals across the 35,000 square miles where their access is challenged. Liffman places current access claims in historical perspective, tracing Huichol communities’ long-term efforts to redress the inequitable access to land and other resources that their neighbors and the state have imposed on them. Liffman writes that “the cultural grounds for territorial claims were what the people I wanted to study wanted me to work on.” Based on six years of collaboration with a land-rights organization, interviews, and participant observation in meetings, ceremonies, and extended stays on remote rancherías, Huichol Territory and the Mexican Nation analyzes the sites where people define Huichol territory. The book’s innovative structure echoes Huichols’ own approach to knowledge and examines the nation and state, not just the community. Liffman’s local, regional, and national perspective informs every chapter and expands the toolkit for researchers working with indigenous communities. By describing Huichols’ ceremonially based placemaking to build a theory of “historical territoriality,” he raises provocative questions about what “place” means for native peoples worldwide.

Ethnography and Law

Book Description

Ethnographies of law are historically associated with anthropology and the study of far-away places and people. In contrast, this volume underscores the importance of ethnographic research in analyzing law in all societies, particularly complex developed nations. By exploring recent ethnographic research by socio-legal scholars across a range of disciplines, the volume highlights how an ethnographic approach helps in appreciating the realities of legal pluralism, the subtle contradictions in any legal system and how legal meaning is constantly reproduced on the ground through the cultural frames and practices of peoples' everyday lives.

Adiós al capitalismo

Book Description

¿Qué implica replantearse la posibilidad de un mundo liberado del capitalismo? En el marco de una crisis que marca los límites del pensamiento neoliberal, los nuevos movimientos sociales –excluidos, sin papeles, sin empleo, sin vivienda, migrantes, pueblos indígenas– proponen iniciativas desde abajo. Jérôme Baschet analiza en este libro las experimentaciones sociales y políticas de las comunidades zapatistas, en las que participa desde hace años, para reabrir el horizonte de los posibles. Pero no establece como modelo universal estas experiencias de autogestión que se llevan a cabo en esa región de México, ni construye un gran relato de futuro, sino más bien al contrario, las condena a disolverse en un nuevo Estado, incluso proletario. La crisis mundial no afecta a todos de la misma manera. Las mutaciones del mundo del trabajo y subjetividades dispuestas a participar de nuevas formas de producción y consumo rediseñan nuestro presente. Sin embargo, no han madurado aún los proyectos de emancipación. Gracias a un esfuerzo poco habitual, que conjuga proyección teórica y conocimiento directo de una de las experiencias de autonomía más reflexivas de las últimas décadas, Jérôme Baschet propone un balance crítico del zapatismo y analiza la organización política de esas comunidades autónomas federadas que se hicieron cargo de los servicios de salud, educación, policía y justicia. Más allá de las recetas revolucionarias del siglo XX, Baschet explicita las características más complejas del capitalismo financiarizado y explora vías alternativas para la elaboración práctica de nuevas formas de vida.

Contornos y pliegues del derecho

Book Description

CONTENIDO: Filosofía del derecho y antropología jurídica - Sociología del control penal y problemas sociales - El sistema penal: historia, política (s) y controversias - Recuerdos y reflexiones en voz alta.

Dominación y contienda

Book Description

Esta obra abrirá a los lectores las puertas de un micromundo poco conocido, pero que como argumentan los autores, es una más de las claves para entender la dinámica de la desigualdad en la sociedad mexicana. A la vez, es un ejercicio teórico de empalmar tres esquemas teóricos previamente separados, aplicándolos a lo que los autores observaron y reconstruyeron a partir de la observación directa, las entrevistas, los periódicos y los archivos agrarios e históricos. El resultado es un ejemplo de cómo se pueden estudiar los fenómenos sociales reconstruyendo los procesos que los actores crearon colectivamente, con sus giros repentinos y sus resultados inciertos.

The New Global Politics

Book Description

Over the past decade, there has been an unprecedented mobilization of street protests worldwide, from the demonstrations that helped bring progressive governments to power in Latin America, to the Arab Spring, to Occupy movements in the United States and Europe, to democracy protests in China. This edited volume investigates the current status, nature and dynamics of the new politics that characterizes social movements from around the world that are part of this revolutionary wave. Spanning case studies from Latin America, North and South Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and North America, this volume examines the varied manifestations of the current cycle of protest, which emerged from the Global South and spread to the North and highlights their interconnections – the globalized nature of these social movements. Analytically converging around Sidney Tarrow’s emphasis on protest cycles, political opportunity structures and identity, the individual chapters investigate processes such as global framing, internationalization, diffusion, scale shifts, externalizations and transnational coalition building to provide an analytic cartography of the current state of social movements as they are simultaneously globalizing while still being embedded in their respective localities. Looking at new ways of thinking and new forms of challenging power, this comprehensive volume will be of great interest to graduates and scholars in the fields of globalization, social movements and international politics.

Mayan Lives, Mayan Utopias

Book Description

The dramatic January 1, 1994, emergence of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in Chiapas, Mexico, brought the state's indigenous peoples to the attention of the international community. Yet indigenous peoples in Chiapas had been politically active and organized for years prior to the uprising. This compelling volume examines in detail these local and regional histories of power and resistance, powerfully bolstered by gripping and heartrending details of oppression and opposition. Situated broadly within the field of political anthropology, the authors trace the connections between indigenous culture and indigenous resistance. Their case studies include the Tzotzils and Tzeltals of the highland region, the Tojolabals of eastern Chiapas, northern Ch'ol communities, the Mams of eastern and southeastern Chiapas, and the settler communities of the Lacandon rain forest. In the wake of the Chiapas rebellion, all of these groups have increasingly come together around common goals, the most important of which is autonomy. Three essays focus specifically on the issue of Indian autonomy_in both Zapatista and non-Zapatista communities. Offering a consistent and cohesive vision of the complex evolution of a region and its many cultures and histories, this work is a fundamental source for understanding key issues in nation building. In a unique collaboration, the book brings together recognized authorities who have worked in Chiapas for decades, many linking scholarship with social and political activism. Their combined perspectives, many previously unavailable in English, make this volume the most authoritative, richly detailed, and authentic work available on the people behind the Zapatista movement.