Book Description
"ALLIFE IS LIGHT!" Says Rebazar Tarzs. Rebazar taught Paul & Duane for many lifetimes to prepare them for The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS. When is was time for Paul Twitchell to appear on the scene in 1965 with The Rod of Power, he wrote many books to explain how to make The RealConnection to THE ALLIS, but at the time Paul could not go directly to THE IS, because it would have been too much for people to See, so Paul created the 'foundation' to be built upon so the process of awakening could start for those who were Now ready to go beyond the Gods of Man. Paul hinted at 'THE ISNESS' as little was written about it, because Paul knew that it would take time for people to get to know what he was presenting. The two who followed Paul were to expand upon what Paul created, but they were too interested in being the 'idolized master' raking in the money of what has become the Krone Korporation now owned by Queen B Joanny. Joanny is only interested in Kontrol and Kash.