Our Oneness in Christ

Book Description

This book starts by establishing that all believers in Christ are already, in fact, one with each other in Christ. This leaves us with the challenge, not of creating unity where it does not exist, but of living consistently with the oneness that already exists. The first section explains why living consistently with our oneness is important, including God’s commands and expectations, the benefits of living in oneness and the hazards of living contrary to the truth. Part two explains what oneness is and is not, including the concepts that oneness is a harmony of diverse believers each doing their own part, not unison, unanimity or strict conformity to the same mold. The third section deals with practical barriers to living in oneness—selfishness, misunderstandings, heresy, and incorrect understanding of the origin of the organizational divisions in the universal Church—and suggests how to overcome them.

Pursue Oneness

Book Description

Oneness doesn't just happen. You make it happen. A deep, soul-rooted unity is why we get married in the first place. And it can deepen over the lifetime of a marriage. Pursue Oneness is based on research of over 50,000 couples who attended one of our live events or a Smalley Marriage Intensive. Discover how to meet the greatest desire of your heart for your marriage...to grow in friendship, companionship, romance, intimacy and experience closeness for a lifetime. Above all, our God-given aspiration is for our hearts to be fully known. It's the pursuit of oneness. If you are going to build the kind of marriage that stands the test of time, culture, children, in-laws, finances, poor communication and misunderstanding then you must pursue Christ as you pursue oneness.

Eta 2 Oneness

Book Description

Can I really practice tolerance, patience, kindness, and love in a world full of violence, anger, hatred, and selfishness? Where is God in the middle of all of this "ego madness" as people seek only to manifest their personal desires? What happens to my life if I don't guide it; is there really a God that will step in and take control? It doesn't take any effort to ponder these questions, but it takes a lot of courage to pursue the answers. Despite visiting more than 40 countries while living the "American Dream" of money and privilege, the author still felt separated and isolated from God. In seeking to return to the "Source of all creation", the author risked the loss of everything in trying to access oneness with God. Take this wild and crazy journey to spiritual awakening and follow the process which has come to be known as the "estimated time of arrival to oneness"

Near West

Book Description

This book tells stories of interaction, conflict and common exchange between Berbers, Arabs, Latins, Muslims, Christians and Jews in North Africa and Latin Europe. Medieval Western European and North African history were part of a common Western Mediterranean culture. Examining shared commerce, slavery, mercenary activity, art and intellectual and religious debates, this book argues that North Africa was an integral part of western Medieval History. The book tells the history of North Africa and Europe through the eyes of Christian kings and Muslim merchants, Emirs and Popes, Sufis, Friars and Rabbis. It argues North Africa and Europe together experienced the Twelfth Century Renaissance and the Commercial Revolution. When Europe was highly divided during twelfth century, North Africa was enjoying the peak of its power, united under the Berber, Almohad Empire. In the midst of a common commercial growth throughout the medieval period, North Africa and Europe also shared in a burst of spirituality and mysticism. This growth of spirituality occurred even as representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam debated and defended their faiths, dreaming of conversion even as they shared the same rational methods. The growth of spirituality instigated a Second Axial Age in the history of religion. Challenging the idea of a Mediterranean split between between Islam and Christianity, the book shows how the Maghrib (North Africa) was not a Muslim, Arab monolith or as an extension of the exotic Orient. North Africa, not the Holy Land to the far East, was the first place where Latin Europeans encountered the Muslim other and vice versa. Medieval North Africa was as diverse and complex as Latin Europe. North Africa should not be dismissed as a side show of European history. North Africa was, in fact, an integral part of the story.

Tear Down These Walls

Book Description

"I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me" (John 17:20-21, NLT). For most Christians these words of Jesus seem like an unreachable ideal. Or they promise spiritual unity without a visible demonstration between real people. Some even read these words with a sense of fear seeing this text used for a compromise agenda. How should we understand this prayer offered for all who follow Jesus? What if Jesus really intended for the world to "believe" the gospel on the basis of looking at Christians who live deep unity in a shared relationship with him? What if there is way of understanding what Jesus desired so that we can begin anew to tear down the many walls of division that keep the world from seeing God's love in us? Is our oneness much bigger and deeper than we could imagine? John Armstrong has devoted three decades to the work of Christian unity. His story and ministry have encouraged many around the world and now they are reflected in this memoir of a life devoted to unity.


Book Description

Today Women have many choices. This book of 12 lessons prepares women to make wise, God-aligned decisions in such vital areas as career, family, and personal growth. Each lesson has its own group study guide.

Pursuing an Elusive Unity

Book Description

Since its founding in 1924, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) has grown to span five synods across Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa. Dr Rhodian Munyenyembe traces the history of these synods back to their shared roots in the Reformation and individual roots in three separate Presbyterian missions. Dr Munyenyembe skillfully explores both historic and contemporary challenges to the unity of the CCAP, and raises the question of whether the CCAP truly functions as a single denomination or could better be understood as a loose federation of five distinct churches. His in-depth explanation provides a critical look that goes beyond a surface understanding of what it means to unite churches from different cultural traditions, and brings honest answers to disputes and conflicts among the CCAP synods. Through this analysis and exploration, Dr Munyenyembe also sheds light on the political and socio-economic aspects of life in relation to the influence of religious denominations. In this objective yet astute account, Munyenyembe gives voice to the CCAP’s complex history, present reality, and future potential.

Oneness Embraced

Book Description

With the Bible as a guide and heaven as the goal, Oneness Embraced calls God's people to kingdom-focused unity. It tells us why we don't have it, what we need to get it, and what it will look like when we do. Mr. Evans weaves his own story into this word to the church.

The Ministry, Vol. 06, No. 07

Book Description

In this issue of The Ministry, we include six messages from the Spring 2002 International Elders and Responsible Ones' training held in Anaheim, California. The general subject of the training was knowing the Body, and these six messages were on the specific topic of the principles of the Body. The remaining messages on practical fellowship concerning the function of the elders and building up the Body will be included in the next issue of The Ministry. Message One, concerning the vision of the Body, tells us that we need revelation to know the reality of the Body of Christ and to usher us into the realm of the Body. This heavenly vision includes three things: "Me," "Jesus," and "chosen vessel" (Acts 9:4-5, 15). Message Two, concerning the constitution of the Body of Christ, unveils that the Body of Christ is constituted with the Triune God and His redeemed people, with His redeemed people as the outward framework and the Triune God as the inward element. Message Three reveals three levels of the oneness of the believers: 1) in the Father's name and by the Father's divine life, 2) in the reality of the sanctifying word, and 3) in the divine glory for the expression of the processed, mingled, and incorporated Triune God (John 17:6-24). Message Four testifies that the genuine oneness of the Body of Christ is the oneness of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3). Message Five shows how the church ground is constituted of three crucial elements: 1) the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ, 2) the unique ground of the locality in which a local church is established and exists, and 3) the reality of the Spirit of oneness. Message Six concludes this section on the principles of the Body by pointing out the blessing of life on the ground of oneness (Psa. 133). We also include a report concerning a recent conference in Armenia.

The Proof

Book Description

The saints and mystics are unanimous in their belief that we are not the separate beings we believe ourselves to be, but that we are in reality One. Best-selling author, filmmaker, and musician James Twyman tested this in a dramatic experiment that has inspired hundreds of thousands of people, proving that our thoughts can be shared and that we are not as isolated as we once thought. There is a bond that exists between us, an unseen link that unites and satisfies us in ways that nothing else can. In the end, what we are seeking is not the riches of the world, but the richness of our souls; and this can only come from realizing that we are connected and whole. Simply put: We are One. Join James and spiritual teacher Anakha Coman as they break down the process of discovering Oneness into 40 practices that can profoundly change your life and how you see the world. Through step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to tap into your own hidden power to achieve the miracles you only dreamed of before. This is more than an instruction manualits a doorway into a new world.