Putting the New Keynesian Model to a Test

Book Description

In recent years, New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (NK DSGE) models have become increasingly popular in the academic literature and in policy analysis. However, the success of these models in reproducing the dynamic behavior of an economy following structural shocks is still disputed. This paper attempts to shed light on this issue. We use a VAR with sign restrictions that are robust to model and parameter uncertainty to estimate the effects of monetary policy, preference, government spending, investment, price markup, technology, and labor supply shocks on macroeconomic variables in the United States and the euro area. In contrast to the NK DSGE models, the empirical results indicate that technology shocks have a positive effect on hours worked, and investment and preference shocks have a positive impact on consumption and investment, respectively. While the former is in line with the predictions of Real Business Cycle models, the latter indicates the relevance of accelerator effects, as described by earlier Keynesian models. We also show that NK DSGE models might overemphasize the contribution of cost-push shocks to business cycle fluctuations while, at the same time, underestimating the importance of other shocks such as changes to technology and investment adjustment costs.

The Incremental Predictive Information Associated with Using Theoretical New Keynesian DSGE Models Vs. Simple Linear Econometric Models

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In this paper we construct output gap and inflation predictions using a variety of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) sticky price models. Predictive density accuracy tests related to the test discussed in Corradi and Swanson [Journal of Econometrics (2005a), forthcoming] as well as predictive accuracy tests due to Diebold and Mariano [Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (1995), Vol. 13, pp. 253-263]; and West [Econometrica (1996), Vol. 64, pp. 1067-1084] are used to compare the alternative models. A number of simple time-series prediction models (such as autoregressive and vector autoregressive (VAR) models) are additionally used as strawman models. Given that DSGE model restrictions are routinely nested within VAR models, the addition of our strawman models allows us to indirectly assess the usefulness of imposing theoretical restrictions implied by DSGE models on unrestricted econometric models. With respect to predictive density evaluation, our results suggest that the standard sticky price model discussed in Calvo [Journal of Monetary Economics (1983), Vol. XII, pp. 383-398] is not outperformed by the same model augmented either with information or indexation, when used to predict the output gap. On the other hand, there are clear gains to using the more recent models when predicting inflation. Results based on mean square forecast error analysis are less clear-cut, although the standard sticky price model fares best at our longest forecast horizon of 3 years, it performs relatively poorly at shorter horizons. When the strawman time-series models are added to the picture, we find that the DSGE models still fare very well, often outperforming our forecast competitions, suggesting that theoretical macroeconomic restrictions yield useful additional information for forming macroeconomic forecasts.

The Incremental Predictive Information Associated with Using Theoretical New Keynesian DSGE Models Versus - Simple Linear Econometric Models

Book Description

In this paper we construct output gap and inflation predictions using a variety of DSGE sticky price models. Predictive density accuracy tests related to the test discussed in Corradi and Swanson (2005a) as well as predictive accuracy tests due to Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996) are used to compare the alternative models. A number of simple time series prediction models (such as autoregressive and vector autoregressive (VAR) models) are additionally used as strawman models. Given that DSGE model restrictions are routinely nested within VAR models, the addition of our strawman models allows us to indirectly assess the usefulness of imposing theoretical restrictions implied by DSGE models on unrestricted econometric models. With respect to predictive density evaluation, our results suggest that the standard sticky price model discussed in Calvo (1983) is not outperformed by the same model augmented either with information or indexation, when used to predict the output gap. On the other hand, there are clear gains to using the more recent models when predicting inflation. Results based on mean square forecast error analysis are less clear-cut, although the standard sticky price model fares best at our longest forecast horizon of 3 years, and performs relatively poorly at shorter horizons. When the strawman time series models are added to the picture, we find that the DSGE models still fare very well, often winning our forecast competitions, suggesting that theoretical macroeconomic restrictions yield useful additional information for forming macroeconomic forecasts.

Assessing Dsge Models with Capital Accumulation and Indeterminacy

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The simulated results of this paper show that New Keynesian DSGE models with capital accumulation can generate substantial persistencies in the dynamics of the main economic variables, due to the stock nature of capital. Empirical estimates on U.S. data from 1960:I to 2008:I show the response of monetary policy to inflation was almost twice lower than traditionally considered, as capital accumulation creates an additional channel of influence through real interest rates in the production sector. Versions of the model with indeterminacy empirically outperform determinate versions. This paper allows for the reconsideration of previous findings and has significant monetary policy implications.

How Frequently Should We Re-Estimate DSGE Models?

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A common practice in policy making institutions using DSGE models for forecasting is to re-estimate them only occasionally rather than every forecasting round. In this paper we ask how such a practice affects the accuracy of DSGE model-based forecasts. To this end we use a canonical medium-sized New Keynesian model and compare how its quarterly real-time forecasts for the US economy vary with the interval between consecutive re-estimations. We find that updating the model parameters only once a year usually does not lead to any significant deterioration in the accuracy of point forecasts. On the other hand, there are some gains from increasing the frequency of re-estimation if one is interested in the quality of density forecasts.

Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models

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Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have become one of the workhorses of modern macroeconomics and are extensively used for academic research as well as forecasting and policy analysis at central banks. This book introduces readers to state-of-the-art computational techniques used in the Bayesian analysis of DSGE models. The book covers Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for linearized DSGE models, novel sequential Monte Carlo methods that can be used for parameter inference, and the estimation of nonlinear DSGE models based on particle filter approximations of the likelihood function. The theoretical foundations of the algorithms are discussed in depth, and detailed empirical applications and numerical illustrations are provided. The book also gives invaluable advice on how to tailor these algorithms to specific applications and assess the accuracy and reliability of the computations. Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models is essential reading for graduate students, academic researchers, and practitioners at policy institutions.

Estimation and forecasting using mixed-frequency DSGE models

Book Description

In this paper, we propose a new method to forecast macroeconomic variables that combines two existing approaches to mixed-frequency data in DSGE models. The first existing approach estimates the DSGE model in a quarterly frequency and uses higher frequency auxiliary data only for forecasting (see Giannone, Monti and Reichlin (2016)). The second method transforms a quarterly state space into a monthly frequency and applies, e.g., the Kalman filter when faced missing observations (see Foroni and Marcellino (2014)). Our algorithm combines the advantages of these two existing approaches, using the information from monthly auxiliary variables to inform in-between quarter DSGE estimates and forecasts. We compare our new method with the existing methods using simulated data from the textbook 3-equation New Keynesian model (see, e.g., Galí (2008)) and real-world data with the Smets and Wouters (2007) model. With the simulated data, our new method outperforms all other methods, including forecasts from the standard quarterly model. With real world data, incorporating auxiliary variables as in our method substantially decreases forecasting errors for recessions, but casting the model in a monthly frequency delivers better forecasts in normal times.