On the Trinity

Book Description

The following dissertation concerning the Trinity, as the reader ought to be informed, has been written in order to guard against the sophistries of those who disdain to begin with faith, and are deceived by a crude and perverse love of reason. Now one class of such men endeavor to transfer to things incorporeal and spiritual the ideas they have formed, whether through experience of the bodily senses, or by natural human wit and diligent quickness, or by the aid of art, from things corporeal; so as to seek to measure and conceive of the former by the latter. Aeterna Press

Understanding the Trinity

Book Description

Understanding the Trinity is a revolution in Christian thought and philosophy. True Christianity is a Jewish religion established and organized by Jews. Gentiles were invited by Jews, with God's approval, to participate in the Christian movement. However, Gentile Leaders in most Christian Churches of the world today do not preach the original Christian gospel message of salvation that was first delivered to the saints by the apostle Paul (Galatians 1:8-9). "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations," will bring us back to the original gospel message, the oneness of God, and the power of God's name in the face of Jesus Christ. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11). When Billy G. Newton, Bishop, Diocesan of the 29th Episcopal District, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc., Pastor of the Word of Church read this book, he said, "This book was so fascinating I couldn't put it down." When Kevin Seraaj, M.Div., J.D. Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Publisher, Central Florida Advocate News read this book, he said, "Understanding the Trinity" is a timely, relevant and extremely provocative piece of work. In a time when the church must be challenged to move out of old ways, notions, thoughts and traditions, this book will without question provide a forum for much-needed theological discussion. For students of the Bible, this book is a must read, for it is always that process of reading, analyzing and debating that enables us to move forward in both our personal and spiritual journeys." Great job!! When Frank E. Thompson, Pastor of the Worship Center Church read the book, he said, "This book should be taught in colleges and universities." Author's Note: You have in your possession the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't let the birds steal your seeds (Matthew 13:3-13) (KJV).

Worshipping Trinity

Book Description

If worship is God centered, and God is the Trinity, then worship should be Trinity centered. 'Worshipping Trinity' explores the meaning and implications of that simple claim. Written for church leaders, worship leaders, and songwriters, as well as for those interested in theology, this volume explains why the Trinity matters so much and explores practical ways our worship can be made more Trinitarian. This second edition is fully updated and expanded.

Jesus' Death and Heavenly Offering in Hebrews

Book Description

Examines Hebrews' exposition of Jesus' death, his self-offering in heaven at his ascension, and the link between them.

Delighting in the Trinity

Book Description

In this brief and winsome book, Michael Reeves presents an introduction to the Christian faith that is rooted in the triune God. He takes cues from preachers and teachers down through the ages, setting key doctrines of creation, the person and work of Christ, and life in the Spirit into a simple framework of the Christian life.

The Triune God

Book Description

A constructive study of Trinitarian theology that aims to clarify our knowledge of the triune God by rightly ordering the theological language we use to praise him. The Triune God reaches its conclusions about how this doctrine should be handled on the basis of the way the Trinity was revealed. As such, theologian Fred Sanders: Invites a doxological invitation to the reader to contemplate the mystery of the Trinity. Establishes the biblical exposition and draws the doctrinal implications from it. Offers dogmatic principles for Trinitarian exegesis. Though Sanders does interact with major voices from the history of doctrine—and his arguments are indebted to and informed by the great tradition of Trinitarianism—he is clear throughout that Trinitarianism is a gift of revelation before it is an achievement of the church. The most patristic way to proceed toward a well-ordered doctrine of the Trinity is, after all, to study Scripture. -ABOUT THE SERIES- New Studies in Dogmatics seeks to retrieve the riches of Christian doctrine for the sake of contemporary theological renewal. Following in the tradition of G. C. Berkouwer's Studies in Dogmatics, this series provides thoughtful, concise, and readable treatments of major theological topics, expressing the biblical, creedal, and confessional shape of Christian doctrine for a contemporary evangelical audience. The editors and contributors share a common conviction that the way forward in constructive systematic theology lies in building upon the foundations laid in the church's historic understanding of the Word of God as professed in its creeds, councils, and confessions, and by its most trusted teachers.

Releasing the Church from Its Cultural Captivity

Book Description

In this book, I would like you to come on a journey with me. It is a journey that I have been on, and I want to retrace the route that I have taken. Some parts of the journey may be familiar to you, but other parts may be new and sometimes scary. My journey is by no means at its end yet, but the delight that I have experienced beckons me to tell others and to take others along this journey. Many times along the way, I had to discard the cultural baggage that I had carried along because they became burdensome and prevented me from going further. I then had to adorn a totally new attire and at times change my lenses to see things clearer. I was reluctant to do that at first, but the moment I tried on the new lenses, I saw things that I had never seen before. That was exciting. Things came into much sharper focus. However, the distant view remained hazy, but this only made me more determined to journey on. With each new step I took, I saw a little more. Somehow the haze of the distant hills never lifted. It remained. I was only given a clear view of the immediate surroundings. Over time I became contended with that view knowing that in this journey the delight is limitless. (S K Tham) Those who have struggled with cross-cultural communication of the Word of God will find this book a great assistance. It is not that here at last is a method we can employ that will remove the barriers we face, but there is an explanation and one that is not restricted to any particular Christian cultural group. Siew Kiong Tham has argued that the basic problem is not anthropological or culturalit is theological. Knowing the triune God and having that knowledge effect Christian living and relationships lies at the heart of all we are about as believers and proclaimers. (Rev Dr Ian Pennicook, New Creation Teaching Ministry, NSW) We see our own culture as inviolable. Apart from Christ, it represents our lasting and sacred endeavours. It fits us with the way things are done. Dr Tham shows us that we may not simply overlay our culture with a form of external Christianity. The delivery of grace by the present reigning Lord Jesus can never be drooped over our culture as a better moral system that simply tidies up some minor cultural loose ends. The culture of the Fathers family must break through as the culture of love seen and known only in the Cross. Only there do we discover the Fathers lasting and sacred endeavours to form His culture within humanity. (Brian Arthur, Pastor, Bethel Christian Church)

Delighting in the Trinity

Book Description

In this brief and winsome book, Michael Reeves presents an introduction to the Christian faith that is rooted in the triune God. He takes cues from preachers and teachers down through the ages, setting key doctrines of creation, the person and work of Christ, and life in the Spirit into a simple framework of the Christian life.