Qatar: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

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Swift and decisive policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic has helped to mitigate the health and economic impact of the crisis. Fast vaccination rollout has also strengthened the economy’s resilience to new pandemic waves, paving the way for a speedy recovery. As the economy rebounds, a gradual exit from pandemic support measures is underway.


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After very strong economic performance in 2022, boosted by the successful hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, output growth has been normalizing. High hydrocarbon prices further strengthened fiscal and external positions. Banks are strong, although non-performing loans continued to edge up. Reforms have gained momentum and are expected to intensify under the upcoming Third National Development Strategy.


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This 2019 Article IV Consultation discusses that stronger real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is envisaged in the near term, with a recovery in hydrocarbon output. Medium-term growth will be buoyed by increased gas production and non-hydrocarbon growth. Expenditure consolidation would help to sustain fiscal and external surpluses. Ample liquidity will enable credit growth to support non-hydrocarbon GDP. Trade and geopolitical tensions could undermine investor confidence and weaken fiscal and external positions. The policy priorities are fiscal consolidation, strengthened fiscal policy frameworks, enhanced resiliency of the financial sector, financial inclusion, and a diversified economy. The financial sector remains sound, underpinned by strong profitability and capital. Strengthening the regulatory and supervisory frameworks would help to bolster financial stability. Attention to women’s empowerment by introducing legislation emphasizing equality in remuneration and avoiding gender-based discrimination would support inclusive growth.

Paraguay: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

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After two consecutive years of GDP decline driven by external shocks, Paraguay’s economy rebounded in 2021. In 2019, drought and flooding reduced economic growth to -0.4 percent. In 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the secondary and tertiary sectors was partly compensated by a rebound of agriculture and an extensive emergency package, and GDP fell by only 0.8 percent. Growth rebounded to 4.2 percent in 2021, but heatwaves and a severe drought decelerated the recovery and have limited 2022 growth prospects, though a recovery is projected for 2023 and the medium-term. While the loss of agricultural export revenue is affecting Paraguay’s balance of payments in 2022, the external position in 2021 was stronger than the level implied by fundamentals and desirable policies.


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This 2015 Article IV Consultation highlights that Qatar is implementing an ambitious diversification strategy, while retaining its systemic role in the global natural gas market. Qatar accounts for one-third of global liquefied natural gas trade and has emerged as an important global financial investor, labor importer, and donor. The authorities are executing a large public infrastructure program to advance economic diversification and prepare for the FIFA 2022 World Cup. The economy has maintained strong growth momentum so far despite the large drop in oil prices since summer 2014. The short-term growth outlook is positive, but lower oil prices will lead to a substantial deterioration of the fiscal and external balances.

Israel: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release and Staff Report

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The Israeli economy has weathered the COVID-19 crisis exceptionally well, but risks are high. With substantial fiscal and monetary support, real GDP growth reached 8.1 percent in 2021, driven by consumption and high-tech exports. The rapid vaccination campaign boosted confidence. The outlook is positive but still subject to high uncertainty.


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Canada has come through the pandemic relatively well and, as a commodity exporter, has been hit less hard than many other countries have been by Russia’s war on Ukraine. Nonetheless, inflation is well above target, housing affordability is a major concern following a long boom that may now have peaked, and the pandemic remains a source of risk.


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This 2016 Article IV Consultation highlights the adverse impact of lower hydrocarbon prices on the macroeconomic performance of Qatar. Growth has slowed despite still-resilient nonhydrocarbon activity. Real GDP growth of 2.7 percent is estimated for 2016. Inflation remained low despite subsidy cuts, averaging about 2.7 percent in 2016. Growth is expected to slow in the medium term as public investment growth tapers off and hydrocarbon output continues to slow. Further subsidy cuts, a moderate recovery in global commodity prices, and the introduction of a value-added tax are expected to improve the fiscal and external balances gradually over the near to medium term.


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Mexico’s economy has recovered more gradually from the pandemic than many peers. Even so, inflation has accelerated and has become more entrenched, as elsewhere. Domestic and external financial conditions tightened in the past year, while near-term growth prospects for the U.S., Mexico’s main trading partner, have weakened. The risks of capital outflows have risen. These new challenges compound Mexico’s long-standing problems of low growth and high inequality.