Qualitative Valence-Bond Descriptions of Electron-Rich Molecules: Pauling “3-Electron Bonds” and “Increased-Valence” Theory

Book Description

This book provides qualitative molecular orbital and valence-bond descriptions of the electronic structures for electron-rich molecules, with strong emphasis given to the valence-bond approach. Electron-rich molecules form an extremely large class of molecules, and the results of quantum mechanical studies from different laboratories indicate that qualitative valence-bond descriptions for many of these molecules are incomplete in so far as they usually omit "long-bond" Lewis structures from elementary descriptions of bonding. For example, the usual representation for the electronic structure of the ground-state for 03 involves resonance between the (+1 o and Until standard Lewis structures ~ ~ (-I . b:'" ~d· . . . . , recently, any contribution to resonance of the "long-bond" (or spin-paired o •• / •• ,. . has been largely ignored. diradica~ Lewis structure However, it :0 . 0. . e-. . . . . ______ " has now been calculated to be a very important structure. For the ground-states of numerous other systems, calculations also indicate that "long-bond" structures are more important than is usually supposed, and therefore they should frequently be included in qualitative valence-bond descriptions of electronic structure. The book describes how this may be done, and some of the resulting consequences for the interpretation of the electronic structure, bond properties and reactivities of various electron-rich molecules. When appropriate, molecular orbital and valence bond descriptions of bonding are compared, and relationships that exist between them are derived.

Bonding in Electron-Rich Molecules

Book Description

This second edition was updated to include some of the recent developments, such as “increased-valence” structures for 3-electron-3-centre bonding, benzene, electron conduction and reaction mechanisms, spiral chain O4 polymers and recoupled-pair bonding. The author provides qualitative molecular orbital and valence-bond descriptions of the electronic structures for primarily electron-rich molecules, with strong emphasis given to the valence-bond approach that uses “increased-valence” structures. He describes how “long-bond” Lewis structures as well as standard Lewis structures are incorporated into “increased-valence” structures for electron-rich molecules. “Increased-valence” structures involve more electrons in bonding than do their component Lewis structures, and are used to provide interpretations for molecular electronic structure, bond properties and reactivities. Attention is also given to Pauling “3-electron bonds”, which are usually diatomic components of “increased-valence” structures for electron-rich molecules.

Valence Bond Theory

Book Description

Valence bond (VB) theory, which builds the descriptions of molecules from those of its constituent parts, provided the first successful quantum mechanical treatments of chemical bonding. Its language and concepts permeate much of chemistry, at all levels. Various modern formulations of VB theory represent serious tools for quantum chemical studies of molecular electronic structure and reactivity. In physics, there is much VB-based work (particularly in semi-empirical form) on larger systems. Importance of TopicThe last decade has seen significant advances in methodology and a vast increase in the range of applications, with many new researchers entering the field.Why This TitleValence Bond Theory succeeds in presenting a comprehensive selection of contributions from leading valence bond (VB) theory researchers throughout the world. It focuses on the vast increase in the range of applications of methodology based on VB theory during the last decade and especially emphasizes recent advances.

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 20

Book Description

THIS VOLUME, LIKE THOSE PRIOR TO IT, FEATURES CHAPTERS BY EXPERTS IN VARIOUS FIELDS OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY. TOPICS COVERED IN VOLUME 20 INCLUDE VALENCE THEORY, ITS HISTORY, FUNDAMENTALS, AND APPLICATIONS; MODELING OF SPIN-FORBIDDEN REACTIONS; CALCULATION OF THE ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF LARGE MOLECULES; SIMULATING CHEMICAL WAVES AND PATTERNS; FUZZY SOFT-COMPUTING METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN CHEMISTRY; AND DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL MODELS FOR ENZYMES, TRANSPORTERS, CHANNELS, AND RECEPTORS RELEVANT TO ADME/TOX. FROM REVIEWS OF THE SERIES "Reviews in Computational Chemistry remains the most valuable reference to methods and techniques in computational chemistry." -JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS AND MODELING "One cannot generally do better than to try to find an appropriate article in the highly successful Reviews in Computational Chemistry. The basic philosophy of the editors seems to be to help the authors produce chapters that are complete, accurate, clear, and accessible to experimentalists (in particular) and other nonspecialists (in general)." -JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY

Atoms, Chemical Bonds and Bond Dissociation Energies

Book Description

Chemical bonds, their intrinsic energies in ground-state molecules and the energies required for their actual cleavage are the subject of this book. The theory, modelled after a description of valence electrons in isolated atoms, explains how intrinsic bond energies depend on the amount of electronic charge carried by the bond-forming atoms. It also explains how bond dissociation depends on these charges. While this theory vividly explains thermochemical stability, future research could benefit from a better understanding of bond dissociation: if we learn how the environment of a molecule affects its charges, we also learn how it modifies bond dissociation in that molecule. This essay is aimed at theoretical and physical-organic chemists who are looking for new perspectives to old problems.

Hypervirial Theorems

Book Description

GRMS or Graphical Representation of Model Spaces

Book Description

The purpose of these notes is to give some simple tools and pictures to physicists and ' chemists working on the many-body problem. Abstract thinking and seeing have much in common - we say "I see" meaning "I understand" , for example. Most of us prefer to have a picture of an abstract object. The remarkable popularity of the Feynman diagrams, and other diagrammatic approaches to many-body problem derived thereof, may be partially due to this preference. Yet, paradoxically, the concept of a linear space, as fundamental to quantum physics as it is, has never been cast in a graphical form. We know that is a high-order contribution to a two-particle scattering process (this one invented by Cvitanovic(1984)) corresponding to a complicated matrix element. The lines in such diagrams are labeled by indices of single-particle states. When things get complicated at this level it should be good to take a global view from the perspective of the whole many-particle space. But how to visualize the space of all many-particle states ? Methods of such visualization or graphical representation of the ,spaces of interest to physicists and chemists are the main topic of this work.

Time-Dependent Reactivity of Species in Condensed Media

Book Description

These notes on the use of one particular form of the time-dependent rate constant to describe the reaction patterns in condensed media have been put together primarily to encourage chemists to try and accept this new way of experimental data treatment. A number of applications is shown and interpretative aspects are discussed. Emphasized are the problems that need to be currently solved. Some of them are also of current interest in condensed phase physics from which the chemical kinetics benefits a great deal. It was inevitable that the choice of subject matter from both rapidly expanding fields and its form of pre sentation reflect to some extent the author's own interests and some important topics are treated briefly or even omitted. Fully recognizing this, I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the contributions to the subject of all my coworkers in the Laboratories of Lodz, Detroit Mi, MUlheim/Ruhr, and Houston Tx, and of those who helped me in preparing this text. Dr. Wlodzi~ierz Lefik and my son WojciecQ recalculated most of the experimental results, Mrs. Aleksandra Karczewska redrew all the figures. Special thanks go to my wife Ewa for her invaluable assistance in all works and for the final form of the text. AP Lodz, February 1986 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Reaction kinetics of species trapped in glassy matrices 6 Excess electrons (6): Post-irradiated decay (6). Spectral relaxation (11). Photostimulated decay (15). Photostimu lated conversion into trapped hydrogen atoms (17). Radio luminescence kinetics (21).