Quantifying Gait Adaptability

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Successful walking necessitates modifying locomotor patterns when encountering organism, task, or environmental constraints. The structure of stride-to-stride variance (fractal dynamics) may represent the adaptive capacity of the locomotor system. To date, however, fractal dynamics have been assessed during unperturbed walking. Quantifying gait adaptability requires tasks that compel locomotor patterns to adapt. The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the potential relationship between fractal dynamics and gait adaptability. The studies presented herein represent a necessary endeavor to incorporate both an analysis of gait fractal dynamics and a task requiring adaptation of locomotor patterns. The adaptation task involved walking asymmetrically on a split-belt treadmill, whereby individuals adapted the relative phasing between legs. This experimental design provided a better understanding of the prospective relationship between fractal dynamics and adaptive capacity. Results from the first study indicated there was no association between unperturbed walking fractal dynamics and gait adaptability in young, healthy adults. However, there was an emergent relationship between asymmetric walking fractal dynamics and gait adaptability. Moreover, fractal dynamics increased during asymmetric walking. The second study investigated fractal dynamics and gait adaptability in healthy, active young and older adults. The findings from study 2 showed no differences between young and older adults regarding unperturbed or asymmetric walking fractal dynamics, or gait adaptability performance. The second study provided further evidence for the lack of association between unperturbed fractal dynamics and gait adaptability. Furthermore, study 2 delivered additional support that asymmetric walking not only yields increased fractal scaling values, but also associates with adaptive gait performance in older adults. Finally, while the first two studies explored stride time monofractality during various walking tasks, the third study aimed to understand the potential multifractality, i.e. temporal evolution of fractal dynamics, of unperturbed and asymmetric walking. The results suggest that unperturbed walking is monofractal in nature, while more challenging asymmetric walking reveals multifractal characteristics, and that multifractality does not associate with adaptive gait performance. This dissertation provides preliminary evidence for the lack of relationship between gait adaptability and unperturbed fractal dynamics, and the emergent association between adaptive gait and asymmetric walking fractality.

An Analysis of the Relationship Between Complexity and Gait Adaptability

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The presented sequence of studies considers theoretical applications from Complexity Science and Chaos Theory for gait time-series analysis. The main goal of this research is to build on insights from a previous body of knowledge, which have identified measures derived from Complexity Science and Chaos Theory as critical markers of gait control. Specifically, the studies presented in this dissertation attempt to directly test whether characterizing gait complexity relates to an ability to flexibly adjust gait. The broader impact of this research is utilizing measures of complexity to characterize gait control, and as a tool for rehabilitation which have both gained momentum in fall prevention research. Through a series of four studies, this dissertation was designed to test the theoretical viewpoint that complexity is related to gait control, particularly gait adaptability. Firstly, I sought to develop a paradigm for reliably entraining gait complexity with the use of several auditory fluctuating timing imperatives which, differed based on specified fractal characteristics. I also sought to quantify the duration of the retention of gait complexity, following entrainment. Thirdly, I assessed whether attentional demands required during entrainment were affected by the fractal characteristics of a fluctuating timing imperative. Lastly, I applied the developed paradigm to evaluate the theoretical relationship between gait complexity and stepping performance. The findings from this dissertation have developed a framework for assessing gait control. This series of projects has determined that a fluctuating timing imperative can reliably prescribe the gait pattern of healthy individuals towards a particular complexity. The use of a fluctuating timing imperative leads to entrainment of the stimulus complexity. Furthermore, once the timing imperative has ceased, there is a brief period of complexity retention in the walking pattern. This dissertation has also confirmed that entraining complexity to a fluctuating timing imperative does not alter the attentional demands associated with entrainment. However, entraining gait to fluctuating timing imperatives of different complexities alters the stepping strategy that is adopted. Lastly, this dissertation has shown that synchronizing gait to a fixed-interval stimulus following entrainment, depends on the complexities of the gait pattern.

Adaptability of Human Gait

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A large number of volumes have been produced summarizing the work on generation and control of rhythmic movements, in particular locomotion. Unfortunately most of them focus on locomotor studies done on animals. This edited volume redresses that imbalance by focusing completely on human locomotor behaviour. The very nature of the problem has both necessitated and attracted researchers from a wide variety of disciplines ranging from psychology, neurophysiology, kinesiology, engineering, medicine to computer science. The different and unique perspectives they bring to this problem provide a comprehensive picture of the current state of knowledge on the generation and regulation of human locomotor behaviour. A common unifying theme of this volume is studying the adaptability of human gait to obtain insights into the control of locomotion. The intentional focus on "adaptability" is meant to draw attention to the importance of understanding the generation and regulation of "skilled locomotor behaviour" rather than just the generation of basic locomotor patterns which has been the major focus of animal studies. The synthesis chapter at the end of the volume examines how the questions posed, the technology, and the experimental and theoretical paradigms have evolved over the years, and what the future has in store for this important research domain.

The Development and Application of a Framework for Exploring the Energetics of Gait Strategy Adaptations

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How a person walks, or their gait strategy, has substantial ties to their ability to function in society. Gait strategies are formed by the contributions of each lower extremity constituent (i.e., hips, knees, ankles, and feet) to the walking pattern. The formation of a gait strategy is dependent on several factors (purpose, environment, and physical health), of which each has a spectrum of conditions (e.g., speed, terrain, muscle weakness, etc.). Understanding the rules by which individuals adapt gait strategies to accommodate a spectrum of conditions is useful for informing assistive device design and rehabilitation protocols that help individuals reach their highest levels of function. Recognizing the relationship between changes in mechanical energetics (work and energy) and movement, energetics variables are well suited to be quantitative summary metrics that characterize gait strategy adaptations. ☐ The overall purpose of this dissertation was to develop and apply a general framework to explore the energetics of gait strategy adaptations. Two novel approaches using mechanical energetics were developed to create the Gait Energetics Adaptations Resource (GEAR) framework. The Constituent Lower Extremity Work (CLEW) approach represents the proportion of constituent lower extremity work contributing to the absolute work done over a time interval – such as a gait cycle. Then, the Work-Energy Profiles approach was developed using the work-energy relationship to examine the mechanical energetics of gait strategies within and between a set of conditions. ☐ These two approaches were developed by quantifying the gait strategy adaptations that occur when typical, unimpaired individuals walk at slow, moderate, and typical speeds. The CLEW approach revealed that the relative ankle and foot work adapt by increasing from slow to typical walking speeds while the relative hip and knee work remain constant across speeds. The Work-Energy Profiles approach revealed that the gait strategy implemented at a slow speed uses more pendular mechanics to raise the center of mass compared to the other speeds, while the strategy at a typical speed is more effective at “propelling” the body into its next step compared to the other speeds. ☐ An application of the GEAR framework was conducted by quantifying the gait strategy adaptations that occur when a cohort of unimpaired individuals walked with and without an artificial ankle impairment unilaterally and bilaterally. The CLEW approach revealed that the knee compensates during stance when the stance limb ankle is partially impaired unilaterally, but that the hip and knee both compensate when ankles are impaired bilaterally. The Work-Energy Profiles demonstrated that the compensatory strategies with both unilateral and bilateral ankle impairment are effective in propelling the body during double support phase compared with no ankle impairment, but the compensatory strategies are less effective during single support. ☐ The CLEW and Work-Energy Profiles approaches under the GEAR framework are the first methodologies to use comprehensive energetics metrics for the quantification of gait strategy adaptations and their effectiveness. The GEAR framework will be used in the future to explore gait adaptations across the spectra of many different conditions that can be helpful in fully understanding the underlying rules and mechanisms by which humans adapt their gait strategies.

Adaptability of Human Gait

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Using dynamical systems approaches to examine gait, it has been found that variability structure is important for understanding gait, and that stimuli can influence gait variability. The present study was performed to test for an adaptability limit and to analyze stepping strategies used for entraining gait. The study used Detrended Fluctuation Analysis to analyze gait variability, characterized by a Fractal Scaling Index (FSI), compared to auditory stimuli with FSI values between 1.00 to 1.25. Stepping strategy was analyzed through kinematics including cadence, stride time, and stride velocity, and comparing stride times to stimuli onset times. Fourteen participants completed one baseline trial and six stimuli-cued walking trials. For gait FSI, differences were found for both stimuli and sex. However, entrainment error only had differences for stimuli, and kinematic variables only showed differences between sexes. Overall, the study showed that a possible entrainment limit exists at a stimuli FSI value of 1.20.

Wearable and Wireless Systems for Healthcare I

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This book provides visionary perspective and interpretation regarding the role of wearable and wireless systems for the domain of gait and reflex response quantification. These observations are brought together in their application to smartphones and other portable media devices to quantify gait and reflex response in the context of machine learning for diagnostic classification and integration with the Internet of things and cloud computing. The perspective of this book is from the first-in-the-world application of these devices, as in smartphones, for quantifying gait and reflex response, to the current state of the art. Dr. LeMoyne has published multiple groundbreaking applications using smartphones and portable media devices to quantify gait and reflex response.

Quantifying Coordination of Human Gait

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Falls have become an immense source of physical, social, and economic hardship among older adults. Compromised coordination, defined as a decrease in the ability to properly time the motion of body segments with one another, is thought to be one factor contributing to the high rate of falls in older populations. Thus, coordination is often used by clinicians as a measure to help identify a patient's risk of falling, as well as by therapists to design targeted rehabilitative programs with the goal of reducing that fall risk. However, these assessments are currently evaluated subjectively, motivating the need for an objective measure of coordination. The aims of this study were to assess age-related differences in inter-joint coordination during the timed "Up and Go" (TUG) test of functional movement in an attempt to provide more information regarding the underlying coordination patterns of older adults that might contribute to an increased fall risk. Motion data from fourteen older and fifteen young adults performing the TUG test were analyzed using the Relative Coordination Metric (RCM). Significant differences in TUG task completion time were found between young and old populations. While TUG task completion time has been shown to correlate strongly with fall risk, no significant differences in RCM values were found when averaging across the gait phases. While older adults might require more time to complete a TUG task, the basic inter-joint coordination patterns utilized during gait seems to be preserved, suggesting a potential mechanism by which the brain is able to compensate for physiological changes due to aging.