Quantum Christian Realism

Book Description

Classical Christianity is rooted in a historical event: the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. This is the central tenet of the Christian Faith. However there are a good number of tenets of Christianity that aren't historical at all. Rather, they are ontological. In other words, they are grounded in the nature of reality itself. In this work Rocco Boni shows how the dozen or so ontologically-based tenets of Christianity derive from the very foundations of reality; being grounded in the theistically-friendly ontology of quantum phenomenon. These tenets seem to have been built into the cosmos at the ground floor, their realization deriving from the indeterministic, immaterial, abstract nature of quantum process. This is not simply a book, it's a discovery. One that shows that the true ontic status of reality is not simply theistic, but Christian. The structure of this theistic ontology is elegant and economic, both hallmarks of scientific truth. If there were such a thing as a Theistic Unification Theory, this would be it.

Christian Foundations for Law and Science

Book Description

In biblical Hebrew there is a word that means both “God” and “nothing.” Paradoxically, what if God himself is simultaneously the All and the Nothing? Would this help explain why God is invincible and paradoxical? Paradoxes fill reality, with opposites routinely manifesting as the same thing at their extremes. Like the rugged earth, there is danger amidst opportunity here. While we study paradoxes to strengthen our connection with God, surprisingly in the process we learn about Satan’s hypocrisies that crudely mimic paradoxes in our lives. The Bible teaches that Satan is a lying imitator, and a murderer. Why would God desire to teach us about God’s own paradoxical creative power by comparison to Satan’s destructive power of hypocrisy? Much of the Bible is devoted to answering this question by exposing hypocrisies in human culture and character. The Messiah particularly exposed the teachers of the law, scribes, and Pharisees, as hypocrites. When we get deeply self-honest, we know God is just, because we open our minds to possibilities that everything happens for a reason, where even the crucifixion of God’s son creates healing ultimately.

Christian Foundations for Law and Science

Book Description

In biblical Hebrew there is a word that means both "God" and "nothing." Paradoxically, what if God himself is simultaneously the All and the Nothing? Would this help explain why God is invincible and paradoxical? Paradoxes fill reality, with opposites routinely manifesting as the same thing at their extremes. Like the rugged earth, there is danger amidst opportunity here. While we study paradoxes to strengthen our connection with God, surprisingly in the process we learn about Satan's hypocrisies that crudely mimic paradoxes in our lives. The Bible teaches that Satan is a lying imitator, and a murderer. Why would God desire to teach us about God's own paradoxical creative power by comparison to Satan's destructive power of hypocrisy? Much of the Bible is devoted to answering this question by exposing hypocrisies in human culture and character. The Messiah particularly exposed the teachers of the law, scribes, and Pharisees, as hypocrites. When we get deeply self-honest, we know God is just, because we open our minds to possibilities that everything happens for a reason, where even the crucifixion of God's son creates healing ultimately.

Quantum Physics and Theology

Book Description

Three decades ago, federal policymakers - Republicans and Democrats - embarked on a general strategy of deregulation. In the electricity, gas delivery, and telecommunications industries, the strategy called for restructuring to separate production from transmission and distribution, followed by elimination of price controls. The expected results were lower prices and increased quality, reliability, and scope of services. Paul MacAvoy, an economist with forty years of experience in the regulatory field, here assesses the results and concludes that deregulation has failed to achieve any of these goals in any of these industries. MacAvoy shows that we now have only partial deregulation, a mixture of oligopoly structure with direct price control. He explores why this system leads to volatile and high prices, reduced investment, and low profitability, and what policy actions can be implemented to address these problems.

The Quantum Love of God

Book Description

The book reveals that the science of Quantum Physics can bring clarity and understanding of the love of God and how He can have complete knowledge of all things yet not hinder free will. The Quantum Love of God is what makes Christianity completely different and unique from all the other religions in the world because it is the only religion where Jesus Christ, who is love Himself, comes to dwell within each willing heart when He is invited to. The book takes an insightful look at Quantum Physics and separates the objective science of Quantum Physics from the subjective mystical and spiritual interpretations and then compares them with what the Bible has to say on this subject. The book does not attempt to combine the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics with Christian doctrine to show that theology and science fit together very comfortably, or to prove scientifically that God exists.

Realistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

According to Einstein “a physical theory should offer a picture of reality”. This made him frustrated and dissatisfied with the standard interpretation (or lack thereof) of quantum theory, since attempts to get a “picture” from it soon led to contradictions like the wave-particle duality. This book provides such a picture of the quantum world, that is, a “realistic interpretation”. Of course, this needs to be done in a way that is compatible with today’s experimental evidence, including the experiments that seem to contradict (local) realism. The book also offers a personal view on the meaning of general relativity and its relation with quantum mechanics, proposing a new perspective for dark energy, dark matter and stellar collapse. It is the result and a summary of the author’s extensive research on the foundations of quantum mechanics, spanning more than 50 years.

Quantum Mechanics’ Return to Local Realism

Book Description

This book proposes a model of the light knot electronic structure and the theory of quantum inverse measurement, showing that diffraction experiments can be explained by directional quantization. It points out that there exists a logical loophole in the interpretation process of quantum entanglement, and proves that there is a paradox in the uncertainty relationship. As such, the book lays the foundation for the establishment of local-realism quantum mechanics and successfully establishes the quantum mechanics of localized realism and determinism is successfully established. It will appeal to university students, teachers, and scientists, as well as science lovers.

Spiritual Healing from Sexual Violence

Book Description

Spiritual Healing from Sexual Violence: An Intersectional Guide is a collection of essays from survivors, scholars, activists, spiritual leaders, and social justice practitioners that offers numerous intersectional and culturally competent options for women, men, and non-binary conforming adults to create their own safe healing conditions and establish pathways for recovery. These chapters provide a wide range of survival stories that raise awareness of the issues involved in healing after sexual assault and also provide inspiration for reforming negative societal issues and patterns. In a classroom setting, these chapters deliver both the culturally grounded knowledge and the skillsets necessary for recovery. This is a vital guide for students and practitioners in counseling, social work, theology, and gender studies.

Beyond These Horizons

Book Description

"From the electron microscope to the Hubble space telescope, modern technological advances have broadened our horizons - macroscopic and microscopic - beyond anything imaginable prior to the 1930s. One of the most important discoveries of the past few decades is the fact that everything, beginning with subatomic particles and including star systems and conscious human life, emerges from an underlying, transcendent Reality that brings all things from nonexistence into being through a continuous act of creation. All things are essentially interconnected in an entangled unity, which obliges us to view the world as a great hologram in which every aspect contains information of the Whole. This book raises the question of the relationship between that Reality and the Christian understanding of God. Written in the form of a simple novel, it begins by offering an overview, in lay terms, of quantum theory as it has developed since the early twentieth century. Gradually it lays the groundwork for an exploration of the relationship between quantum mechanics and certain key aspects of traditional Christian teaching. Its aim is to make clear that our usual conception of God and the world, in the words of the English theologian J.B. Phillips, is far 'too small.' With the help of insights drawn from quantum theory, we can now see that Creation is more intricate, more interconnected and more beautiful than our forebears could ever have imagined."--Publisher.

Quantum Theory and the Flight from Realism

Book Description

This book is a critical introduction to the long-standing debate concerning the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics and the problems it has posed for physicists and philosophers from Einstein to the present. Quantum theory has been a major infulence on postmodernism, and presents significant problems for realists. Keeping his own realist position in check, Christopher Norris subjects a wide range of key opponents and supporters of realism to a high and equal level of scrutiny. With a characteristic combination of rigour and intellectual generosity, he draws out the merits and weaknesses from opposing arguments. In a sequence of closely argued chapters, Norris examines the premises of orthodox quantum theory, as developed most influentially by Bohr and Heisenberg, and its impact on varous philosophical developments. These include the ideas developed by W.V Quine, Thomas Kuhn, Michael Dummett, Bas van Fraassen, and Hilary Puttnam. In each case, Norris argues, these thinkers have been influenced by the orthodox construal of quantum mechanics as requiring drastic revision of principles which had hitherto defined the very nature of scientific method, causal explanati and rational enquiry. Putting the case for a realist approach which adheres to well-tried scientific principles of causal reasoning and inference to the best explanation, Christopher Norris clarifies these debates to a non-specialist readership and scholars of philosophy, science studies and the philosophy of science alike. Quantum Theory and the Flight From Realism suggests that philosophical reflection can contribute to a better understanding of these crucial, current issues.