Quantum Mechanics and Upanishad

Book Description

"Quantum Physics and the Upanishads: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science" is an insightful exploration that delves into the profound intersections between two seemingly disparate realms of knowledge. This book offers a unique perspective on how the ancient Indian scriptures of the Upanishads resonate deeply with the revolutionary principles of quantum physics, providing a comprehensive and holistic understanding of reality.

Recasting India

Book Description

The senior editor for Fortune India explains how the world's largest democracy is at risk of falling apart and what's holding it together

My View of the World

Book Description

A Nobel prize winner, a great man and a great scientist, Erwin Schrödinger has made his mark in physics, but his eye scans a far wider horizon: here are two stimulating and discursive essays which summarize his philosophical views on the nature of the world. Schrödinger's world view, derived from the Indian writings of the Vedanta, is that there is only a single consciousness of which we are all different aspects. He admits that this view is mystical and metaphysical and incapable of logical deduction. But he also insists that this is true of the belief in an external world capable of influencing the mind and of being influenced by it. Schrödinger's world view leads naturally to a philosophy of reverence for life.

Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master

Book Description

In this tell-all autobiography, Sri M writes about his fascinating journey as a young man from the southern coast of India to the mystical Himalayan Mountains. At the age of nineteen and a half, he felt an irresistible urge to go to the Himalayas in quest for his great Master. He finally met his Master at the Vyasa Cave, beyond the Badrinath shrine. After spending three and half years with his Master, wandering freely across the length and breadth of the Himalayan ranges, he was instructed to go back to live in the plains and lead a normal life. He started working for a living, fulfilled his social commitments and prepared himself to teach others all that he had learned and experienced. This book reveals the spiritual journey of a young lad from Kerala, who by his sincerity and dedication evolved into a living yogi. Sri M shares his knowledge of the Upanishads and spiritual insights born out of first hand experiences in his autobiography. Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master will make for an engaging and riveting read for those interested in the life and teachings of Sri M.


Book Description

He appears out of nowhere in a sleepy little neighbourhood in suburban Kerala. He calls himself Shunya, the zero. Who is he? A lunatic? A dark magician? A fraud? Or an avadhuta, an enlightened soul? Saami-as they call him-settles into a small cottage in the backyard of the local toddy shop. Here he spins parables, blesses, curses, drinks endless glasses of black tea and lives in total freedom. On rare occasions, he plays soul-stirring melodies on his old, bamboo-reed flute. Then, just as mysteriously as he arrived, Shunya vanishes, setting the path for a new avadhuta, a new era. This first novel by Sri M is a meditation on the void which collapses the wall between reality and make-believe, the limited and the infinite. With its spare storytelling and profound wisdom, it leads us into the realm of 'shunya', the nothingness of profound and lasting peace, the beginning and end of all things.

The Quantum Book of Soma

Book Description

This book is about one of the last unresolved riddles of Indology. It is a search for the mythical Vedic Soma. What was this Soma? It was defined as a Deva-a god in the Vedic pantheon.The entire 9th Mandala of the Rig Veda is devoted to this magical Soma. Soma, however, is like the Beeja mantras (Aum, Hum, Sreem etc) of the Vedas. It was a meta-concept of extraordinary elegance and beauty. It encompassed a whole spectrum or range of meanings in that one word. In this book, the author examines in detail the Botanical aspect of Soma as a psychotropic plant; studies the biological aspect of Soma as an endogenous elixir-which he personally experienced in meditation; examines the Soma of Senses-of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell-and the Soma of Action as defined in the Geeta. The highlight of this book is the Quantum Mechanical approach to understanding the Atman and the act of seeing that generates this cosmos. This book analyses the Vedic Mahavakyas in the light of latest discoveries in Quantum Physics and neuro-biology; and the correspondences are simply amazing and revelatory. "General Bakshi explores Soma extensively in neurobiology and mind body medicine and depth psychology, and ultimately its connection to the subtle body and chakras & Agni/Kundalini, weaving modern science with yogic meditation. All these many types of Somas are part of a greater integral and universal view of the infinite and eternal reality, the Atman that is Brahman. His explanation of Soma in terms of Vedantic Mahavakyas like Tat Tvam Asi is most notable."Dr. David Frawley, Author, Vedic Acharya

The Tao of Physics

Book Description

Author discusses his theories on how to synthesize the basic tenets of physics and Eastern mysticism in order to present a new vision of reality.

The Wishing Tree

Book Description

The past two decades have brought revolutionary changes in the understanding of the Indian civilization. This book, as an overview of this new understanding, is for the general reader. It is based on several invited lectures at Stanford University, the Berkeley and Irvine campuses of the University of California, and an invited address at the OHM (Dutch Public TV) Congress in the Hague.

Eye of Shiva

Book Description

Where have I come from? Where will I go when the body perishes? What is Reality? What is Maya? In the pursuit of Truth, one often contemplates the meaning of existence. What is life? Is there a mystery beyond life and death? Have I experienced countless universes before? How did it all start? How will it end? The Vedic Journey begins for the one whose heart resonates with the Grand Vedic Question – Who am I? Eye of Shiva – Beyond the Quantum Universe – explores ancient concepts such as: • Relative and Absolute Consciousness. • The field of experience generated by Prakriti. • The changing order of the observer and the observed. • The states of waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. • The essence of ‘is’ and ‘is not’. • The condition of Kaivalya, and the Abode of Shiv. It brings forth the translations of Vijnan Bhairav Tantr and Kaivalya Upanishad, emphasizing the direct link between consciousness and the quantum worlds of relative realities.