Quantum Mechanics Built on Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This book presents a novel standpoint concerning contemporary physics, namely, quantum mechanics with a view toward algebraic geometry. As is well-known, algebraic geometry is the study of geometric objects delineated by polynomials, and the polynomial representations are ubiquitous in physics. For this reason, quantum mechanics is also an object of algebraic geometry. An example is the eigenvalue problem. It is a set of polynomial equations and has traditionally been the question of linear algebra. However, the modern method of computational algebraic geometry accurately unravels the information encapsulated in the polynomials. This approach shall not remain as a plaything. It has betokened an innovative style of electronic structure computation. The objects of this new method include the simultaneous determination of the wave-functions and the movements of nuclei, or the prediction of the required structure that shall show the desired property. Accordingly, this book explains the basic ideas of computational algebraic geometry and related topics, such as Groebner bases, primary ideal decomposition, Dmodules, Galois, class field theory, etc. The intention of the author is, nevertheless, not to give an irksome list of abstract concepts. He hopes that the readers shall use algebraic geometry as the active tool of the computations. For this reason, this book abundantly presents the model computations, by which the readers shall learn how to apply algebraic geometry toward quantum mechanics. The readers shall also see the modern computer algebra could facilitate the study when you would like to apply abstract mathematical ideas to definite physical problems.

Geometric and Algebraic Topological Methods in Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

In the last decade, the development of new ideas in quantum theory, including geometric and deformation quantization, the non-Abelian Berry''s geometric factor, super- and BRST symmetries, non-commutativity, has called into play the geometric techniques based on the deep interplay between algebra, differential geometry and topology. The book aims at being a guide to advanced differential geometric and topological methods in quantum mechanics. Their main peculiarity lies in the fact that geometry in quantum theory speaks mainly the algebraic language of rings, modules, sheaves and categories. Geometry is by no means the primary scope of the book, but it underlies many ideas in modern quantum physics and provides the most advanced schemes of quantization.

Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

Book Description

Presents a comprehensive treatment of quantum mechanics from a mathematics perspective. Including traditional topics, like classical mechanics, mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, quantization, and the Schrodinger equation, this book gives a mathematical treatment of systems of identical particles with spin.

Geometric Phases in Classical and Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

Several well-established geometric and topological methods are used in this work in an application to a beautiful physical phenomenon known as the geometric phase. This book examines the geometric phase, bringing together different physical phenomena under a unified mathematical scheme. The material is presented so that graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics and physics with an understanding of classical and quantum mechanics can handle the text.

Mathematical Topics Between Classical and Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

This monograph draws on two traditions: the algebraic formulation of quantum mechanics as well as quantum field theory, and the geometric theory of classical mechanics. These are combined in a unified treatment of the theory of Poisson algebras of observables and pure state spaces with a transition probability, which leads on to a discussion of the theory of quantization and the classical limit from this perspective. A prototype of quantization comes from the analogy between the C*- algebra of a Lie groupoid and the Poisson algebra of the corresponding Lie algebroid. The parallel between reduction of symplectic manifolds in classical mechanics and induced representations of groups and C*- algebras in quantum mechanics plays an equally important role. Examples from physics include constrained quantization, curved spaces, magnetic monopoles, gauge theories, massless particles, and $theta$- vacua. Accessible to mathematicians with some prior knowledge of classical and quantum mechanics, and to mathematical physicists and theoretical physicists with some background in functional analysis.

Quantum Theory for Mathematicians

Book Description

Although ideas from quantum physics play an important role in many parts of modern mathematics, there are few books about quantum mechanics aimed at mathematicians. This book introduces the main ideas of quantum mechanics in language familiar to mathematicians. Readers with little prior exposure to physics will enjoy the book's conversational tone as they delve into such topics as the Hilbert space approach to quantum theory; the Schrödinger equation in one space dimension; the Spectral Theorem for bounded and unbounded self-adjoint operators; the Stone–von Neumann Theorem; the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation; the role of Lie groups and Lie algebras in quantum mechanics; and the path-integral approach to quantum mechanics. The numerous exercises at the end of each chapter make the book suitable for both graduate courses and independent study. Most of the text is accessible to graduate students in mathematics who have had a first course in real analysis, covering the basics of L2 spaces and Hilbert spaces. The final chapters introduce readers who are familiar with the theory of manifolds to more advanced topics, including geometric quantization.

Instanton Counting, Quantum Geometry and Algebra

Book Description

This book pedagogically describes recent developments in gauge theory, in particular four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theory, in relation to various fields in mathematics, including algebraic geometry, geometric representation theory, vertex operator algebras. The key concept is the instanton, which is a solution to the anti-self-dual Yang–Mills equation in four dimensions. In the first part of the book, starting with the systematic description of the instanton, how to integrate out the instanton moduli space is explained together with the equivariant localization formula. It is then illustrated that this formalism is generalized to various situations, including quiver and fractional quiver gauge theory, supergroup gauge theory. The second part of the book is devoted to the algebraic geometric description of supersymmetric gauge theory, known as the Seiberg–Witten theory, together with string/M-theory point of view. Based on its relation to integrable systems, how to quantize such a geometric structure via the Ω-deformation of gauge theory is addressed. The third part of the book focuses on the quantum algebraic structure of supersymmetric gauge theory. After introducing the free field realization of gauge theory, the underlying infinite dimensional algebraic structure is discussed with emphasis on the connection with representation theory of quiver, which leads to the notion of quiver W-algebra. It is then clarified that such a gauge theory construction of the algebra naturally gives rise to further affinization and elliptic deformation of W-algebra.

Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives

Book Description

The unifying theme of this book is the interplay among noncommutative geometry, physics, and number theory. The two main objects of investigation are spaces where both the noncommutative and the motivic aspects come to play a role: space-time, where the guiding principle is the problem of developing a quantum theory of gravity, and the space of primes, where one can regard the Riemann Hypothesis as a long-standing problem motivating the development of new geometric tools. The book stresses the relevance of noncommutative geometry in dealing with these two spaces. The first part of the book deals with quantum field theory and the geometric structure of renormalization as a Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. It also presents a model of elementary particle physics based on noncommutative geometry. The main result is a complete derivation of the full Standard Model Lagrangian from a very simple mathematical input. Other topics covered in the first part of the book are a noncommutative geometry model of dimensional regularization and its role in anomaly computations, and a brief introduction to motives and their conjectural relation to quantum field theory. The second part of the book gives an interpretation of the Weil explicit formula as a trace formula and a spectral realization of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. This is based on the noncommutative geometry of the adèle class space, which is also described as the space of commensurability classes of Q-lattices, and is dual to a noncommutative motive (endomotive) whose cyclic homology provides a general setting for spectral realizations of zeros of L-functions. The quantum statistical mechanics of the space of Q-lattices, in one and two dimensions, exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the low-temperature regime, the equilibrium states of the corresponding systems are related to points of classical moduli spaces and the symmetries to the class field theory of the field of rational numbers and of imaginary quadratic fields, as well as to the automorphisms of the field of modular functions. The book ends with a set of analogies between the noncommutative geometries underlying the mathematical formulation of the Standard Model minimally coupled to gravity and the moduli spaces of Q-lattices used in the study of the zeta function.

Physics for Mathematicians

Book Description

Mathematical Foundations Of Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

The book is very different from other books devoted to quantum field theory, both in the style of exposition and in the choice of topics. Written for both mathematicians and physicists, the author explains the theoretical formulation with a mixture of rigorous proofs and heuristic arguments; references are given for those who are looking for more details. The author is also careful to avoid ambiguous definitions and statements that can be found in some physics textbooks.In terms of topics, almost all other books are devoted to relativistic quantum field theory, conversely this book is concentrated on the material that does not depend on the assumptions of Lorentz-invariance and/or locality. It contains also a chapter discussing application of methods of quantum field theory to statistical physics, in particular to the derivation of the diagram techniques that appear in thermo-field dynamics and Keldysh formalism. It is not assumed that the reader is familiar with quantum mechanics; the book contains a short introduction to quantum mechanics for mathematicians and an appendix devoted to some mathematical facts used in the book.