Quantum Riemannian Geometry

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive account of a modern generalisation of differential geometry in which coordinates need not commute. This requires a reinvention of differential geometry that refers only to the coordinate algebra, now possibly noncommutative, rather than to actual points. Such a theory is needed for the geometry of Hopf algebras or quantum groups, which provide key examples, as well as in physics to model quantum gravity effects in the form of quantum spacetime. The mathematical formalism can be applied to any algebra and includes graph geometry and a Lie theory of finite groups. Even the algebra of 2 x 2 matrices turns out to admit a rich moduli of quantum Riemannian geometries. The approach taken is a `bottom up’ one in which the different layers of geometry are built up in succession, starting from differential forms and proceeding up to the notion of a quantum `Levi-Civita’ bimodule connection, geometric Laplacians and, in some cases, Dirac operators. The book also covers elements of Connes’ approach to the subject coming from cyclic cohomology and spectral triples. Other topics include various other cohomology theories, holomorphic structures and noncommutative D-modules. A unique feature of the book is its constructive approach and its wealth of examples drawn from a large body of literature in mathematical physics, now put on a firm algebraic footing. Including exercises with solutions, it can be used as a textbook for advanced courses as well as a reference for researchers.

Geometric And Algebraic Topological Methods In Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

In the last decade, the development of new ideas in quantum theory, including geometric and deformation quantization, the non-Abelian Berry's geometric factor, super- and BRST symmetries, non-commutativity, has called into play the geometric techniques based on the deep interplay between algebra, differential geometry and topology. The book aims at being a guide to advanced differential geometric and topological methods in quantum mechanics. Their main peculiarity lies in the fact that geometry in quantum theory speaks mainly the algebraic language of rings, modules, sheaves and categories. Geometry is by no means the primary scope of the book, but it underlies many ideas in modern quantum physics and provides the most advanced schemes of quantization.

Functional Differential Geometry

Book Description

An explanation of the mathematics needed as a foundation for a deep understanding of general relativity or quantum field theory. Physics is naturally expressed in mathematical language. Students new to the subject must simultaneously learn an idiomatic mathematical language and the content that is expressed in that language. It is as if they were asked to read Les Misérables while struggling with French grammar. This book offers an innovative way to learn the differential geometry needed as a foundation for a deep understanding of general relativity or quantum field theory as taught at the college level. The approach taken by the authors (and used in their classes at MIT for many years) differs from the conventional one in several ways, including an emphasis on the development of the covariant derivative and an avoidance of the use of traditional index notation for tensors in favor of a semantically richer language of vector fields and differential forms. But the biggest single difference is the authors' integration of computer programming into their explanations. By programming a computer to interpret a formula, the student soon learns whether or not a formula is correct. Students are led to improve their program, and as a result improve their understanding.

Geometric Mechanics on Riemannian Manifolds

Book Description

* A geometric approach to problems in physics, many of which cannot be solved by any other methods * Text is enriched with good examples and exercises at the end of every chapter * Fine for a course or seminar directed at grad and adv. undergrad students interested in elliptic and hyperbolic differential equations, differential geometry, calculus of variations, quantum mechanics, and physics

On the Hypotheses Which Lie at the Bases of Geometry

Book Description

This book presents William Clifford’s English translation of Bernhard Riemann’s classic text together with detailed mathematical, historical and philosophical commentary. The basic concepts and ideas, as well as their mathematical background, are provided, putting Riemann’s reasoning into the more general and systematic perspective achieved by later mathematicians and physicists (including Helmholtz, Ricci, Weyl, and Einstein) on the basis of his seminal ideas. Following a historical introduction that positions Riemann’s work in the context of his times, the history of the concept of space in philosophy, physics and mathematics is systematically presented. A subsequent chapter on the reception and influence of the text accompanies the reader from Riemann’s times to contemporary research. Not only mathematicians and historians of the mathematical sciences, but also readers from other disciplines or those with an interest in physics or philosophy will find this work both appealing and insightful.

Quantum Physics and Geometry

Book Description

This book collects independent contributions on current developments in quantum information theory, a very interdisciplinary field at the intersection of physics, computer science and mathematics. Making intense use of the most advanced concepts from each discipline, the authors give in each contribution pedagogical introductions to the main concepts underlying their present research and present a personal perspective on some of the most exciting open problems. Keeping this diverse audience in mind, special efforts have been made to ensure that the basic concepts underlying quantum information are covered in an understandable way for mathematical readers, who can find there new open challenges for their research. At the same time, the volume can also be of use to physicists wishing to learn advanced mathematical tools, especially of differential and algebraic geometric nature.

An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry

Book Description

Unlike many other texts on differential geometry, this textbook also offers interesting applications to geometric mechanics and general relativity. The first part is a concise and self-contained introduction to the basics of manifolds, differential forms, metrics and curvature. The second part studies applications to mechanics and relativity including the proofs of the Hawking and Penrose singularity theorems. It can be independently used for one-semester courses in either of these subjects. The main ideas are illustrated and further developed by numerous examples and over 300 exercises. Detailed solutions are provided for many of these exercises, making An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry ideal for self-study.

Quantum Triangulations

Book Description

This book discusses key conceptual aspects and explores the connection between triangulated manifolds and quantum physics, using a set of case studies ranging from moduli space theory to quantum computing to provide an accessible introduction to this topic. Research on polyhedral manifolds often reveals unexpected connections between very distinct aspects of mathematics and physics. In particular, triangulated manifolds play an important role in settings such as Riemann moduli space theory, strings and quantum gravity, topological quantum field theory, condensed matter physics, critical phenomena and complex systems. Not only do they provide a natural discrete analogue to the smooth manifolds on which physical theories are typically formulated, but their appearance is also often a consequence of an underlying structure that naturally calls into play non-trivial aspects of representation theory, complex analysis and topology in a way that makes the basic geometric structures of the physical interactions involved clear. This second edition further emphasizes the essential role that triangulations play in modern mathematical physics, with a new and highly detailed chapter on the geometry of the dilatonic non-linear sigma model and its subtle and many-faceted connection with Ricci flow theory. This connection is treated in depth, pinpointing both the mathematical and physical aspects of the perturbative embedding of the Ricci flow in the renormalization group flow of non-linear sigma models. The geometry of the dilaton field is discussed from a novel standpoint by using polyhedral manifolds and Riemannian metric measure spaces, emphasizing their role in connecting non-linear sigma models’ effective action to Perelman’s energy-functional. No other published account of this matter is so detailed and informative. This new edition also features an expanded appendix on Riemannian geometry, and a rich set of new illustrations to help the reader grasp the more difficult points of the theory. The book offers a valuable guide for all mathematicians and theoretical physicists working in the field of quantum geometry and its applications.

Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives

Book Description

The unifying theme of this book is the interplay among noncommutative geometry, physics, and number theory. The two main objects of investigation are spaces where both the noncommutative and the motivic aspects come to play a role: space-time, where the guiding principle is the problem of developing a quantum theory of gravity, and the space of primes, where one can regard the Riemann Hypothesis as a long-standing problem motivating the development of new geometric tools. The book stresses the relevance of noncommutative geometry in dealing with these two spaces. The first part of the book deals with quantum field theory and the geometric structure of renormalization as a Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. It also presents a model of elementary particle physics based on noncommutative geometry. The main result is a complete derivation of the full Standard Model Lagrangian from a very simple mathematical input. Other topics covered in the first part of the book are a noncommutative geometry model of dimensional regularization and its role in anomaly computations, and a brief introduction to motives and their conjectural relation to quantum field theory. The second part of the book gives an interpretation of the Weil explicit formula as a trace formula and a spectral realization of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. This is based on the noncommutative geometry of the adèle class space, which is also described as the space of commensurability classes of Q-lattices, and is dual to a noncommutative motive (endomotive) whose cyclic homology provides a general setting for spectral realizations of zeros of L-functions. The quantum statistical mechanics of the space of Q-lattices, in one and two dimensions, exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the low-temperature regime, the equilibrium states of the corresponding systems are related to points of classical moduli spaces and the symmetries to the class field theory of the field of rational numbers and of imaginary quadratic fields, as well as to the automorphisms of the field of modular functions. The book ends with a set of analogies between the noncommutative geometries underlying the mathematical formulation of the Standard Model minimally coupled to gravity and the moduli spaces of Q-lattices used in the study of the zeta function.