Quantum Statistics and Cooperative Phenomena

Book Description

Quantum statistics of almost classical assemblies -- Statistical theory of low frequency intermolecular forces -- The structure of liquid helium with Robert M. Mazo -- Atomic distribution in liquid helium-3 with Robert M. Mazo -- Statistical thermodynamics of quantum fluids with Robert M. Mazo -- Quantum statistical theory of plasmas and liquid metals with Robert D. Cowan -- Quantum statistical theory of electron correlation with Robert D. Cowan -- Quantum statistics of nonideal systems with Frank H. Stillinger, Jr. -- Order and disorder in binary solid solutions -- Critical behavior of solid solutions in the order-disorder transformation with H.A. Bethe -- Remarks on the hole theory of condensation -- On phase changes in crystals arising from hindered molecular rotation -- Statistical mechanics of cooperative phenomena -- On the theory of fusion with Elizabeth Monroe -- Statistical mechanics of fusion with Elizabeth Monroe -- Note on the theory of fusion with Elizabeth M. Boggs -- Phase transitions in monolayers due to hindered molecular rotation -- Crystallization as a cooperative phenomenon -- Contribution of lattice vibrations to the order-disorder transformation in alloys by Peter J. Wojtowicz.

Collected Works

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Collected Works

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Collected Works

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Collected Works. Vol. 1

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John Gamble Kirkwood

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Quantum Statistics of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena

Book Description

The quantum statistical properties of radiation represent an important branch of modern physics with rapidly increasing applications in spectroscopy, quantum generators of radiation, optical communication, etc. They have also an increasing role in fields other than pure physics, such as biophysics, psychophysics, biology, etc. The present monograph represents an extension and continuation of the previous monograph of this author entitled Coherence of Light (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, London 1972, translated into Russian in the Publishing House Mir, Moscow 1974) and of a review chapter in Progress in Optics, Vol. 18 (E. Wolf (Ed.), North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1980), published just recently. It applies the fundamental tools of the coherent-state technique, as described in Coherence of Light, to particular studies of the quantum statistical properties of radiation in its interaction with matter. In particular, nonlinear optical processes are considered, and purely quantum phenomena such as antibunching of photons are discussed. This book will be useful to research workers in the fields of quantum optics and electronics, quantum generators, optical communication and solid-state physics, as well as to students of physics, optical engineering and opto-electronics.