Quantum versus Chaos

Book Description

Quantum and chaos, key concepts in contemporary science, are incompatible by nature. This volume presents an investigation into quantum transport in mesoscopic or nanoscale systems which are classically chaotic and shows the success and failure of quantal, semiclassical, and random matrix theories in dealing with questions emerging from the mesoscopic cosmos. These traditional theories are critically analysed, and this leads to a new direction. To reconcile quantum with chaos and to restore genuine temporal chaos in quantum systems, a time-discrete variant of quantum dynamics is proposed. Audience:This book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in physics, chemistry and mathematics, whose work involves fundamental questions of quantum mechanics in chaotic systems.

Quantum Versus Chaos

Book Description

Quantum Chaos

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive overview of our understanding of chaotic behaviour in quantum systems.

Classical Nonintegrability, Quantum Chaos

Book Description

Our DMV Seminar on 'Classical Nonintegrability, Quantum Chaos' intended to introduce students and beginning researchers to the techniques applied in nonin tegrable classical and quantum dynamics. Several of these lectures are collected in this volume. The basic phenomenon of nonlinear dynamics is mixing in phase space, lead ing to a positive dynamical entropy and a loss of information about the initial state. The nonlinear motion in phase space gives rise to a linear action on phase space functions which in the case of iterated maps is given by a so-called transfer operator. Good mixing rates lead to a spectral gap for this operator. Similar to the use made of the Riemann zeta function in the investigation of the prime numbers, dynamical zeta functions are now being applied in nonlinear dynamics. In Chapter 2 V. Baladi first introduces dynamical zeta functions and transfer operators, illustrating and motivating these notions with a simple one-dimensional dynamical system. Then she presents a commented list of useful references, helping the newcomer to enter smoothly into this fast-developing field of research. Chapter 3 on irregular scattering and Chapter 4 on quantum chaos by A. Knauf deal with solutions of the Hamilton and the Schr6dinger equation. Scatter ing by a potential force tends to be irregular if three or more scattering centres are present, and a typical phenomenon is the occurrence of a Cantor set of bounded orbits. The presence of this set influences those scattering orbits which come close.

The Transition to Chaos

Book Description

Based on courses given at the universities of Texas in Austin, and California in San Diego, this book treats an active fields of research that touches upon the foundations of physics and chemistry. It presents, in as simple a manner as possible, the basic mechanisms that determine the dynamical evolution of both classical and quantum systems in sufficient generality to include quantum phenomena. The book begins with a discussion of Noether's theorem, integrability, KAM theory, and a definition of chaotic behavior; it continues with a detailed discussion of area-preserving maps, integrable quantum systems, spectral properties, path integrals, and periodically driven systems; and it concludes by showing how to apply the ideas to stochastic systems. The presentation is complete and self-contained; appendices provide much of the needed mathematical background, and there are extensive references to the current literature. Problems at the ends of chapters help students clarify their understanding. In this new edition, the presentation will be brought up to date throughout, and a new chapter on open quantum systems will be added.

The Transition to Chaos

Book Description

Based on courses given at the universities of Texas and California, this book treats an active field of research that touches upon the foundations of physics and chemistry. It presents, in as simple a manner as possible, the basic mechanisms that determine the dynamical evolution of both classical and quantum systems in sufficient generality to include quantum phenomena. The book begins with a discussion of Noether's theorem, integrability, KAM theory, and a definition of chaotic behavior; continues with a detailed discussion of area-preserving maps, integrable quantum systems, spectral properties, path integrals, and periodically driven systems; and concludes by showing how to apply the ideas to stochastic systems. The presentation is complete and self-contained; appendices provide much of the needed mathematical background, and there are extensive references to the current literature; while problems at the ends of chapters help students clarify their understanding. This new edition has an updated presentation throughout, and a new chapter on open quantum systems.

Quantum Chaos

Book Description

Past studies on chaos have been concerned with classical systems but this book is one of the first to deal with quantum chaos.

Quantum Chaos — Quantum Measurement

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `Quantum Chaos -- Theory and Experiment', held at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, from 28 May to 1 June 1991. The work brings together leading quantum chaos theorists and experimentalists and greatly improves our understanding of the physics of quantum systems whose classical limit is chaotic. Quantum chaos is a subject of considerable current interest in a variety of fields, in particular nuclear physics, chemistry, statistical mechanics, atomic physics, condensed matter physics and nonlinear dynamics. The volume contains lectures about the currently most active fronts of quantum chaos, such as scars, semiclassical methods, quantum diffusion, random matrix spectra, quantum chaos in atomic and nuclear physics, and possible implications of quantum chaos for the problem of quantum measurement. Part of the book -- The Physics of Quantum Measurements -- is dedicated to the memory of John Bell.

Quantum Gods

Book Description

Stenger alternates his discussions of popular spirituality with a survey of what the findings of 20th-century physics actually mean in laypersons terms--without equations.

Quantum Chaos

Book Description

Discusses quantum chaos, an important area of nonlinear science.