Quarks '92 - Proceedings Of The 7th International Seminar

Book Description

The strongest part of this volume is the treatment of nonperturbative field theory with implications for baryon number violation at high energies and cosmology. Also, the volume contains some fresh results concerning anyons, lattice field theory, perturbative field theory and astrophysics.

Seventh International Seminar Quarks '92

Book Description

Baryons '95 - Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference On The Structure Of Baryons

Book Description

The conference focused on the current status of baryon spectroscopy, form factors and structure functions, electroweak interactions and symmetries, strange and exotic states, chiral perturbation theory, heavy quark physics, and medium modifications, through plenary session summaries and reviews and parallel session reports of recent experimental and theoretical advances. Plans for future facilities and upgrades were highlighted in special plenary sessions.

Quarks '90 - Proceedings Of The International Seminar

Book Description

Quarks '90 covers various topics in the theory of elementary particles and quantum fields (including perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, sphalerons, topological field theory, strings and superstrings, physics in TeV region), astrophysics and cosmology as related to particle physics.

Phenomenology of Ultra-relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions

Book Description

An introduction to the main ideas used in the physics of ultra-realistic heavy-ion collisions, this book covers topics such as hot and dense matter and the formation of the quark-gluon plasma in present and future heavy-ion experiments

High Energy Physics Index

Book Description

Quark Matter '88

Book Description

Fermilab Meeting (Dpf 92), The - Proceedings Of The 7th Meeting Of The Aps Division Of Particles And Fields (In 2 Volumes)

Book Description

These proceedings cover the latest results in Tevatron Collider Physics, LEP results, and results from other High Energy Physics Laboratories. The volume will consist of plenary and parallel contributions on the following subjects: Heavy Quark Physics, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Astrophysics and Non-Accelerator Physics.