Quasar Structure from Microlensing in Gravitationally Lensed Quasars

Book Description

Abstract: I analyze microlensing in gravitationally lensed quasars to yield measurements of the structure of their continuum emission regions. I first describe our lensed quasar monitoring program and RETROCAM, the auxiliary port camera I built for the 2.4m Hiltner telescope to monitor lensed quasars. I describe the application of our Monte Carlo microlensing analysis technique to SDSS 0924+0219, a system with a highly anomalous optical flux ratio. For an inclination angle cos(i)=0.5, I find an optical scale radius log[r_s/cm] = 14.8"0.4. I extrapolate the best-fitting light curves into the future to find a roughly 45% probability that the anomalous image (D) will brighten by at least an order of magnitude during the next decade. I expand our method to make simultaneous estimates of the time delays and structure of HE1104-1805 and QJ0158-4325, two doubly-imaged quasars with microlensing and intrinsic variability on comparable time scales. For HE1104-1805, I find a time delay of Delta t_{AB} = 162"6 days and estimate a scale radius of log[r_s/cm] = 15.7"0.5 at 200 nm in the rest frame. I am unable to measure a time delay for QJ0158-4325, but the scale radius is log[r_s/cm] = 14.9"0.3 at 300 nm in the rest frame. then apply our Monte Carlo microlensing analysis technique to the optical light curves of 11 lensed quasar systems to show that quasar accretion disk sizes at 250 nm are strongly correlated with black hole mass. The resulting scaling relation is consistent with the expectation from thin disk theory, but it implies that black holes radiate with relatively low efficiency. These sizes are also larger, by a factor of approximately 3, than the size needed to produce the observed 800 nm quasar flux by thermal radiation from a thin disk with the same temperature profile. Finally, I analyze the microlensing of the X-ray and optical emission of the lensed quasar PG 1115+080. I find that the size of the X-ray emission region is approximately 1.3 dex smaller than that of the optical emission, and I find a weak trend supporting models with low stellar mass fractions near the lensed images.

A Microlensing Analysis of the Central Engine in the Lensed Quasar WFI J2033-4723

Book Description

We measured the size of the accretion disk in the gravitationally lensed quasar WFI J2033-4723 by the analysis of 13 seasons of optical imagery. Using point spread function (PSF) modeling software, we measured the brightness of each of this system’s four images in 7 seasons of optical monitoring data taken at the 1.3m SMARTS telescope at Cerro Tololo, Chile and in 6 seasons of optical monitoring data from the 1.5m EULER telescope in La Silla, Chile. We combined these new data with published measurements from Vuissoz et al. (2008) to create a 13-season set of optical light curves. Employing the Bayesian Monte Carlo microlensing analysis technique of Kochanek (2004), we analyzed these light curves to yield the first-ever measurement of the size of this quasar’s accretion disk log{(rs/cm)[cos(i)/0.5]1/2}= 15.86+0.25 −0.27 at the rest frame center of the R-band ðrest = 247 nm. Despite the fact that we now know of ~ 106 lensed quasars, the size of the central engine has been measured in only 14 of these systems.

GravItational Lensing of Quasars

Book Description

This book begins with the basics of gravitational lensing, explaining how light is deflected as it passes the vicinity of mass. The focus however, is on applications related to gravitationally lensed quasars. A brief overview of the different classes of active galactic nuclei is given, as well as open questions and unknowns about these objects. Applications of gravitationally lensed quasars are described and particular attention is given to a specific case of gravitational lensing, called microlensing.

New Optical Surveys for Gravitationally Lensed Quasars

Book Description

(Cont.) The HST snapshot survey has searched for close separation lenses - spirals in particular - that are difficult to resolve from ground-based surveys. Of the eight systems discovered form these surveys, five are described in detail in this thesis. The first object, FBQ 1633+3134, is a 0"f7 double discovered from the MDM survey. Discrepant optical and radio flux ratios for this system means that it is most likely a physical binary quasar. The second, third and fourth objects -CTQ 414, HE 0230-2130, and CTQ 839 - were all discovered from the CTIO survey. The former two systems are confirmed gravitational lenses, while the latter is a binary quasar. CTQ 414 is a 12 double quasar that is well suited for future optical monitoring and a possible time-delay measurement, HE 0230-2130 is a complex four-image gravitational lens formed by two lensing galaxies, and CTQ 839 is almost certainly a binary quasar after repeated attempts to detect the hypothesized lensing galaxy have failed. The fifth system, the lensed quasar CTQ 327, is a 1"/2 double discovered from the HST survey which is also well suited for optical monitoring and a possible time-delay measurement. The superior angular resolution afforded by the HST snapshot survey is also used to constrain the matter density of any hypothetical population of dark, compact objects at high redshift to be less than 2.2% of the closure density for objects of mass 109 6M0, and rules out a closure density of any compact object in the mass range 1075

Gravitational Lenses

Book Description

One of the most spectacular predictions of Einstein's theory of general relativity is the occurrence of gravitational lenses in our galactic system. Nowadays the mastering of the mathematics together with the technology available to astronomers allow Einstein's prediction to be confirmed. Several reviews here give the reader the chance to under- stand the basic theoretical concept of gravitational lensing and to obtain an overview of observational work. The present state of the field and latest results are given in a large number of specialized papers. Anextensive source and subject index make these proceedings valuable also as areference book for all researchers active in the field.

Astrophysical Masers (IAU S336)

Book Description

Summarizes state of the art observations and theories pertaining to astrophysical masers and their environments, for graduate students and researchers.

Formation of Structure in the Universe

Book Description

This advanced textbook provides an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the very active field of structure formation in cosmology. It is written by eleven world-leading authorities. Written in a clear and pedagogical style appropriate for graduate students in astronomy and physics, this textbook introduces the reader to a wide range of exciting topics in contemporary cosmology: from recent advances in redshift surveys, to the latest models in gravitational lensing and cosmological simulations. The authors are all world-renowned experts both for their research and teaching skills. In the fast-moving field of structure formation, this book provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a welcome textbook which unites the latest theory and observations.


Book Description

We report follow-up observations of two gravitational lens candidates identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dataset. We have confirmed that SDSS J102111.02+491330.4 is a previously unknown gravitationally lensed quasar. This lens system exhibits two images of a z = 1.72 quasar, with an image separation of 1''.14 ± 0.04. Optical and near-IR imaging of the system reveals the presence of the lensing galaxy between the two quasar images. Observations of SDSS J112012.12+671116.0 indicate that it is more likely a binary quasar than a gravitational lens. This system has two quasars at a redshift of z = 1.49, with an angular separation of 1''.49 ± 0.02. However, the two quasars have markedly different SEDs and no lens galaxy is apparent in optical and near-IR images of this system. We also present a list of 31 SDSS lens candidates which follow-up observations have confirmed are not gravitational lenses.