Que Ell One

Book Description

There is a highway that travels the length of Vietnam's seacoast from Hanoi to Saigon. Many dreadful happenings have blotted this road for over a hundred years. It is truly a street without joy. It is named QL-1. There is a perennial military insult by real soldiers about those behind the lines. For each frontline hero, there lurks ten Rear Echelon Mothers who supply and support them. This story is about some of those Rear Echelon Mothers. Meet a comical group of mechanics and clerks, a wonderfully inept gaggle of men who goofballed and occasionally graced the margins of QL-1.

Information Structure and Agreement

Book Description

This collection consists of thirteen contributions focusing on the latest trends of information structure and agreement, couched in the most current developments of Minimalism, Cartography, and Optimality. Some chapters focus on the syntax of information structure in relation with the position occupied by different constituents in the CP domain and their interpretation such as the distinction between contrastive and corrective focus; the inclusion of given information in focus; the interplay of information structure and binding; the relative position of complementisers; and discourse-based constituents in the left periphery. Information structure is also analysed with regards to prominence phenomena at word level. Other chapters deal with the notion of agreement and its role in the syntax of specific constructions such as applicatives, correlatives, or different types of CP like relatives or embedded interrogatives. This selection of papers was originally presented at the 21st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, held at the University of Seville in April 2011.

Automotive Industries

Book Description

Diccionari UB

Book Description

El diccionari UB anglès-català és el resultat d’una activitat conjunta de diferents agents que, de manera complementària, han sumat coneixements, continguts i tecnologia per fer una obra de referència rigorosa, posada al dia, útil a un ampli sector de la ciutadania i que contribueixi a eixamplar els horitzons culturals i lingüístics no solament de la comunitat universitària, sinó de la societat catalana...Pel seu contingut, constitueix una obra idònia tant per als usuaris comuns de la llengua com per a especialistes d’un ampli ventall de sectors professionals, així com per al professorat i estudiants universitaris i de cursos avançats de secundària. La mobilitat estudiantil a nivell internacional el converteix en un company de viatge imprescindible per als estudiants catalans que viatgen a l’estranger i en una eina bàsica per al coneixement de la llengua i la cultura catalanes per als qui vénen a completar els seus estudis al nostre país.