Quick-Reaction Report on Base Realignment Budget Data for Naval Station, Philadelphia, and Naval Training Center, Great Lakes

Book Description

The overall audit objective was to evaluate significant increases in base realignment and closure military construction project costs over the estimated costs provided to the Commission. This report provides the audit results of two projects, valued at $24.2 million, related to the realignment of the Naval Regional Contracting Center to the Naval Aviation Supply Office, both in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the realignment of the Naval Damage Control Training Center, Philadelphia, to the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois.

Quick-Reaction Report on the Audit of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Budget Data for Naval Training Center Great Lakes, Illinois

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Project P-557S, "Hull Technician 'A' School," was realigned to building 520 at the Naval Training Center Great Lakes as part of the closure of the Naval Station Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Hull Technician School will share building 520 with the Advanced Hull Technician School, which is being realigned from the Naval Training Center San Diego, California, under project P-608T. The two projects are programmed for $20.1 million. We are issuing this as a quick-reaction report to preclude the issuance of a request for proposal for renovations of building 520 pending resolution of differences in specifications and because time is limited for adjusting and resubmitting the budget information. The overall audit objective was to determine the accuracy of Defense base realignment and closure military construction budget data. This report identifies the results of the audit of project P-608T, "Building Modifications," as they relate to project P-557S. Because both projects will be collocated within building 520 at the Naval Training Center Great Lakes, the costs for both projects are commingled and not easily differentiated for the renovation of building 520. The results of our audit on project P-608T was addressed in Report No. 94-108, "Quick-Reaction Report on the Audit of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Budget Data for Naval Station Treasure Island, California," May 19, 1994.

Semiannual Report to the Congress

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Quick-Reaction Report on Base Closure and Realignment Budget Data for the Naval Station Puget Sound (Sand Point), Washington

Book Description

The overall audit objective was to evaluate significant increases in base realignment and closure military construction project costs over the estimated costs provided to the Commission. This report provides the results of the audit of eight projects, with a total original estimated value of $30.5 million requested in the FYs 1993 and 1994 budgets, related to the realignment of activities assigned to Naval Station Puget Sound (Sand Point), Washington.

Quick-Reaction Report on Base Realignment and Closure Budget Data for the Collocations of Army and Navy Blood and Dental Research Programs

Book Description

The audit was directed by Public Law 102-190, "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993." The Public Law states that the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that the amount of the authorization requested by DoD for each military construction project associated with base realignment and closure (BRAC) actions does not exceed the original estimated cost provided to the Base Closure and Realignment Commission (the Commission). The Secretary of Defense is required to explain to Congress the reasons for the differences between the original project cost estimate provided to the Commission and the requested budget amount. The Inspector General, DoD, is required to review each military construction project for which a significant difference exists and to provide the results of the review to the congressional Defense committees. This report is one in a series of reports relating to FY 1994 military construction costs for realigning and closing bases. It provides the results of the audit of three projects valued at $24.2 million relating to the collocation of the Letterman Army Institute of Research-Blood Research Division, San Francisco, California, with the Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, and the collocation of the U.S. Army Institute of Dental Research, Washington, DC, and Fort Meade, Maryland, with the Naval Dental Research Institute, Great Lakes, Illinois. The overall audit objective was to evaluate significant increases in BRAC military construction project costs over the estimated costs provided to the 1991 Commission. The specific objectives were to determine whether construction requirements were adequately supported and whether improvements to real property facilities at the gaining installations were needed.

Quick-Reaction Report on the Review of Defense Base-Closure and Realignment Budget Data for Naval Aviation Engineering Service Unit

Book Description

The review was directed by Public Law 102-190, "National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1992 and 1993." This Public Law states that the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that the amount of the authorization requested by DoD for each military construction project, associated with base closure and realignment actions, does not exceed the original estimated costs provided to the Base Closure and Realignment Commission. The Secretary is required to submit to Congress an explanation of the reasons for the differences in a project's requested amount and the estimated cost provided to the Commission. The Inspector General, DoD, is required to review each military construction (MILCON) project for which there was a significant difference and provide the results of the review to the Secretary for forwarding to Congress. This report is one in a series of reports relating to FY 1993 MILCON cost increases for closing and realigning bases.