Quo Vadis Homine

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Quo Vadis, Homine ? Are ye Sapiens or Failed Species ?

Book Description

Outlook on this insane, sickly, degrading, insecure, ugly world - where the worst and meanest (criminals, predators and parasites) win and rule, not merely the fittest... Is this "the glory of Creation" .. It seems, we live in the world of animals, in a society of inadequate morons not responsible for their actions and deeds, from top to the bottom, worldwide, without any Cosmic guidance and grace... The real issue is not East vs. West, or South vs. North, nor conflict of civilizations, but incompatible antagonism between the upper strata and masses, power/authorities and the people, exploiters and the destitute, Labor and Capital, the Good and the Evil... Conflict between Homo Sapiens and Homo Defectus... Real people's enemies are banks, financial speculators, bureaucracy, mass-media, entertainment and insane politicians... Criminality of the most authorities is in disrespect, contempt for their own people. In majority of the countries the state does not fulfill its due functions, turning into the Monster degrading and terrorizing the people in all spheres. That's the common social decease which can be solved only through transformation of inadequate state into Volksstaat based on equality, collective, just economy...

America, Before the Storm

Book Description

AMERICA, BEFORE THE STORM Portrait of a Nation By Gerald Lewis Geiger (Copyright 2005) This is a collection of poems in rhythmic and rhymed verse, about America, her place in Atlantica and the World, and a Time in Our Age that brought out the best in us. We all are gathered and accounted for in this company the mighty and the not-so, the many and the few; all those who serve and those who only stand and wait. All of us are rich and fortified because of it, foras the Ancients had itpoetry is music of the spirit without the notes! Poetry is lovepure and straight and steadyfor it nourishes that by which we live with food not otherwise obtainable. Poetry will lilt the soul through days and years of choring, searching, grasping, through fortune and calamity and leave us better, nobler beings. AMERICA, BEFORE THE STORM Portrait of a Nation starts with the 9/11 bang that jolted us and US awake. Against the background of our national hurt and anger, the work marshals our spirit and braces our resolve. It reaches back to trials past and glories gained. It proclaims our case and spotlights our feats that make so many throughout the world seek our land and ways. AMERICA, BEFORE THE STORM - Portrait of a Nation, by Gerald Lewis Geiger, tellsin lyrical languageof an Honor Roll, writ in sweat and blood, spelled out by the genius and guts of a people, young yet wise enough to build and plant and nurture generations. It sends a hearty Hello! to all the generations, including the X-ers, who built this magnificent House and Home America! We all are there, and what we did and do and plan; deeds are recorded, fairly marked; due credit is awarded. Somewho should know better-rattle on and on about this-that-the-other-thing they disapprove of in America. But then they copiously copy us! Such flattry in their imitation of our course! In the epic poem The First Day of Forever, the author honors America. He shows us whats at stake and calmly tells us that its we! The author brings our priceless Classic genre into Modern Times with A Prince for All Time the humanly elegant tale of a search for a new home to strike roots, certainly a timely topic in our Age of Mass Worldwide Migrations, what with people crossing land and sea frontiers, settling far from place of birth, to build a career and raise a family. He pays tribute to the martyred artists of the Prague Spring and Maos Hundred Flowersboth of which shook a caring humankind with A Thousand Flowers Died. And he asks the abyssal question of All Ages: Who art Thou, Man? Whence came you, Man? And whither goest Thou? His answer is so obvious and, yet, so profound. The book puts Americas wars in perspective in Roll Call of Liberty to highlight our gains and sacrifices as we sail in Harms Way again. Full faith and credit is given to Atlantica, the fertile furrow for seeds of human genius, and to The Atlantic Family, the composite catalyst of human progress, the historical marriage of the best from West and East and North and South. POWER POETRY FOR THE PEOPLE A poem a day keeps the blues away! This is THEME Poetry and the Theme is AMERICA, the Core of the American Idea the Promise of the American Ideal This is To the People Poetry It SOUNDS OFF in the clearwithout a dozen footnotes on each page. It LILTS the routine pace of life along. It LIFTS the burdened spirit. It LOFTS our thoughts and dreams. It BOOSTS the Will to Win. It SPARKS the Imagination. It SUMMONS the Ingenuity. It BRACES the Sinew. A constant call to the Heart and Reason of Americans as America once again sails in Harms Way. These poems show us whats at stake and tell u


Book Description

…MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… The way through which a single media in news, in breaking-news, carrying the smallest information, paved the way of Multi-Media Giant of triad Information – Inspiration – Intuition, all being seen primarily as the first instinct of communication, whatever the single cell, cell – signaling of the archetypal Earth, or multi – cells of human neurons as Human – signaling… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… This Mass of Humanness Communication (of receiving news, of working and reworking news, of emitting news), through press in classic or digital format, through radio, through TV, through fax, through internet, through telephone or smart – phone, generating a huge logos of Media, as MEDIOLOGY, as ALMIGHTY MEDIOLOGY, fighting day and night, changing every second and challenging consciousness and indolence, in imposing its own seal of news overcoming news… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… A form of human knowledge, which primarily is spiritual and rational, because it contains ideas in motion and emotion, in words, in numbers, in signs and in video (static or dynamic), acting always towards an end, as an underlying principle of our society of events, of processes, of phenomena, always in struggle for domination or clarification… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… If MEDIOLOGY is spiritual and rational, then, the MEDIOLOGY is a form of soul – principle of our society, i.e., a living soul as PSYCHE, as breath of intelligent – life, a vital communicating principle, whatever in science, in researching, in technology, in economy, industry, in politics, in art, in education, or entertainment… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… If MEDIOLOGY is spiritual, rational and educational, then, the same MEDIOLOGY is a basic nature of human society, having thus, its own physical and metaphysical PHYSIS, by setting and resetting the theory of society into praxis of activity, by having its own efficient cause throughout of human organization, KINOUN effect, becoming an object of intelligible, therefore a NOETON place of MEDIOLOGY FORMS, a really TOPOS EIDON MEDIOLOGY… Mediologist of Mediology

Phenomenology of Space and Time

Book Description

This book celebrates the investigative power of phenomenology to explore the phenomenological sense of space and time in conjunction with the phenomenology of intentionality, the invisible, the sacred, and the mystical. It examines the course of life through its ontopoietic genesis, opening the cosmic sphere to logos. The work also explores, on the one hand, the intellectual drive to locate our cosmic position in the universe and, on the other, the pull toward the infinite. It intertwines science and its grounding principles with imagination in order to make sense of the infinite. This work is the first of a two-part work that contains papers presented at the 62nd International Congress of Phenomenology, The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life, held in Paris, France, August 2012. It features the work of scholars in such diverse disciplines as biology, anthropology, pedagogy, and psychology who philosophically investigate the cosmic origins of beingness. Coverage in this first part includes: Toward a New Enlightenment: Metaphysics as Philosophy of Life, Transformation in Phenomenology: Husserl and Tymieniecka, Biologically Organized Quantum Vacuum and the Cosmic Origin of Cellular Life, Plotinus "Enneads" and Self-Creation, The Creative Potential of Humor, Transcendental Morphology – A Phenomenological Interpretation of Human and Non-Human Cosmos, and Cognition and Emotion: From Dichotomy to Ambiguity. ​


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG - SIX, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen and Magyar - Erdely, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, have been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Transsylvanialogos, or Siebenbürgenlogos, or Erdelylogos, is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG SIX, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-Book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Being of Unio Trio Logos


Book Description

The Book is dedicated to the British People, who through culture and civilization has reached the zenith of British Empire which has lasted over three hundred years… The greatest legacy of the British Empire remains English language and English alphabet, which are spread-out throughout latitudes and longitudes of our planetary Earth… Encylopaedist


Book Description

The Book is dedicated to the French People of France, to their culture and their civilizations, which over centuries has been overspread throughout the continents of our planetary earth… One must be added that the French Civilization has at least a supposedly root in its Homo Cromagnon, through the pictures in Dordogne, Lascoux and La Ferassie, which is placed in the late phase of Upper Paleolithicum… Encylopaedist


Book Description

Through the prophetic impulse of Make Human Great Again, launched together by dr. AnthropoWill in Clinicum and by encyclopaedist of the Aera of Philosophical Systems in Theoreticum, has brought about the present book called BLESSING HUMAN, which is conceived as a set of self-overcoming in triad of Theoreticum, Laboratorium and Clinicum, regarding the difficulties of Human Being endeavour in a prolonged sounding life span, likewise in working ability, in working productivity and working creativity, seening and analysed as the only one fullfilment of its sapientic destiny of every human! I swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture. To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the physician’s oath, but to nobody else. I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein. Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets. Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me. Author