Quotients of Coxeter Complexes and $P$-Partitions

Book Description

This is a study of some of the combinatorial and topological properties of finite Coxeter complexes. The author begins by studying some of the general topological and algebraic properties of quotients of Coxeter complexes, and determines when they are pseudomanifolds (with or without boundary) and when they are Cohen-Macaulay or Gorenstein over a field. The paper also examines quotients of Coxeter complexes by cyclic subgroups generated by Coxeter elements.

Jerusalem Combinatorics '93

Book Description

This book contains twenty-two papers presented at the International Conference in Combinatorics, held in Jerusalem in May 1993. The papers describe some of the latest developments in algebraic combinatorics, enumeration, graph and hypergraph theory, combinatorial geometry, and geometry of polytopes and arrangements. The papers are accessible to specialists as well as nonspecialists.

Gorenstein Quotient Singularities in Dimension Three

Book Description

In chapter one we address the classification of finite subgroups of [italic capitals]SL([bold]3,[double-struck capital]C). This is followed by a general method to find invariant polynomials and their relations of finite subgroups of [italic capitals]GL([bold]3,[double-struck capital]C). Lastly, we recall some properties of quotient varieties and prove that [double-struck capital]C3/[italic capital]G has isolated singularities if and only if [italic capital]G is abelian and 1 is not an eigenvalue of g in [italic capital]G.

Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups

Book Description

Includes a rich variety of exercises to accompany the exposition of Coxeter groups Coxeter groups have already been exposited from algebraic and geometric perspectives, but this book will be presenting the combinatorial aspects of Coxeter groups

Abelian Coverings of the Complex Projective Plane Branched along Configurations of Real Lines

Book Description

This work studies abelian branched coverings of smooth complex projective surfaces from the topological viewpoint. Geometric information about the coverings (such as the first Betti numbers of a smooth model or intersections of embedded curves) is related to topological and combinatorial information about the base space and branch locus. Special attention is given to examples in which the base space is the complex projective plane and the branch locus is a configuration of lines.

Total Positivity and Its Applications

Book Description

This volume contains both invited lectures and contributed talks presented at the meeting on Total Positivity and its Applications held at the guest house of the University of Zaragoza in Jaca, Spain, during the week of September 26-30, 1994. There were present at the meeting almost fifty researchers from fourteen countries. Their interest in thesubject of Total Positivity made for a stimulating and fruitful exchange of scientific information. Interest to participate in the meeting exceeded our expectations. Regrettably, budgetary constraints forced us to restriet the number of attendees. Professor S. Karlin, of Stanford University, who planned to attend the meeting had to cancel his participation at the last moment. Nonetheless, his almost universal spiritual presence energized and inspired all of us in Jaca. More than anyone, he influenced the content, style and quality of the presentations given at the meeting. Every article in these Proceedings (except some by Karlin hirnself) references his influential treatise Total Positivity, Volume I, Stanford University Press, 1968. Since its appearance, this book has intrigued and inspired the minds of many researchers (one of us, in his formative years, read the galley proofs and the other of us first doubted its value but then later became its totally committed disciple). All of us present at the meeting encourage Professor Karlin to return to the task of completing the anxiously awaited Volume 11 of Total Positivity.

$(16,6)$ Configurations and Geometry of Kummer Surfaces in ${\mathbb P}^3$

Book Description

The philosophy of the first part of this work is to understand (and classify) Kummer surfaces by studying (16, 6) configurations. Chapter 1 is devoted to classifying (16, 6) configurations and studying their manifold symmetries and the underlying questions about finite subgroups of [italic capitals]PGL4([italic]k). In chapter 2 we use this information to give a complete classification of Kummer surfaces together with explicit equations and the explicit description of their singularities.

Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements

Book Description

This monograph studies the interplay between various algebraic, geometric and combinatorial aspects of real hyperplane arrangements. It provides a careful, organized and unified treatment of several recent developments in the field, and brings forth many new ideas and results. It has two parts, each divided into eight chapters, and five appendices with background material. Part I gives a detailed discussion on faces, flats, chambers, cones, gallery intervals, lunes and other geometric notions associated with arrangements. The Tits monoid plays a central role. Another important object is the category of lunes which generalizes the classical associative operad. Also discussed are the descent and lune identities, distance functions on chambers, and the combinatorics of the braid arrangement and related examples. Part II studies the structure and representation theory of the Tits algebra of an arrangement. It gives a detailed analysis of idempotents and Peirce decompositions, and connects them to the classical theory of Eulerian idempotents. It introduces the space of Lie elements of an arrangement which generalizes the classical Lie operad. This space is the last nonzero power of the radical of the Tits algebra. It is also the socle of the left ideal of chambers and of the right ideal of Zie elements. Zie elements generalize the classical Lie idempotents. They include Dynkin elements associated to generic half-spaces which generalize the classical Dynkin idempotent. Another important object is the lune-incidence algebra which marks the beginning of noncommutative Möbius theory. These ideas are also brought upon the study of the Solomon descent algebra. The monograph is written with clarity and in sufficient detail to make it accessible to graduate students. It can also serve as a useful reference to experts.