Radial Basis Function Networks 2

Book Description

The Radial Basis Function (RBF) network has gained in popularity in recent years. This is due to its desirable properties in classification and functional approximation applications, accompanied by training that is more rapid than that of many other neural-network techniques. RBF network research has focused on enhanced training algorithms and variations on the basic architecture to improve the performance of the network. In addition, the RBF network is proving to be a valuable tool in a diverse range of applications areas, for example, robotics, biomedical engineering, and the financial sector. The two-title series Theory and Applications of Radial Basis Function Networks provides a comprehensive survey of recent RBF network research. This volume, New Advances in Design, contains a wide range of applications in the laboratory and case-studies describing current use. The sister volume to this one, Recent Developments in Theory and Applications, covers advances in training algorithms, variations on the architecture and function of the basis neurons, and hybrid paradigms. The combination of the two volumes will prove extremely useful to practitioners in the field, engineers, researchers, students and technically accomplished managers.

Radial Basis Function Networks 2

Book Description

The Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network has gained in popularity over recent years because of its rapid training and its desirable properties in classification and functional approximation applications. RBF network research has focused on enhanced training algorithms and variations on the basic architecture to improve the performance of the network. In addition, the RBF network is proving to be a valuable tool in a diverse range of application areas, for example, robotics, biomedical engineering, and the financial sector. The two volumes provide a comprehensive survey of the latest developments in this area. Volume 2 contains a wide range of applications in the laboratory and case studies describing current industrial use. Both volumes will prove extremely useful to practitioners in the field, engineers, reserachers, students and technically accomplished managers.

Self-Organizing Neural Networks

Book Description

The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is one of the most frequently used architectures for unsupervised artificial neural networks. Introduced by Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s, SOMs have been developed as a very powerful method for visualization and unsupervised classification tasks by an active and innovative community of interna tional researchers. A number of extensions and modifications have been developed during the last two decades. The reason is surely not that the original algorithm was imperfect or inad equate. It is rather the universal applicability and easy handling of the SOM. Com pared to many other network paradigms, only a few parameters need to be arranged and thus also for a beginner the network leads to useful and reliable results. Never theless there is scope for improvements and sophisticated new developments as this book impressively demonstrates. The number of published applications utilizing the SOM appears to be unending. As the title of this book indicates, the reader will benefit from some of the latest the oretical developments and will become acquainted with a number of challenging real-world applications. Our aim in producing this book has been to provide an up to-date treatment of the field of self-organizing neural networks, which will be ac cessible to researchers, practitioners and graduated students from diverse disciplines in academics and industry. We are very grateful to the father of the SOMs, Professor Teuvo Kohonen for sup porting this book and contributing the first chapter.

Regularized Radial Basis Function Networks

Book Description

Simon Haykin is a well-known author of books on neural networks. * An authoritative book dealing with cutting edge technology. * This book has no competition.

Neural Networks and Soft Computing

Book Description

This volume presents new trends and developments in soft computing techniques. Topics include: neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, knowledge discovery, rough sets, and hybrid methods. It also covers various applications of soft computing techniques in economics, mechanics, medicine, automatics and image processing. The book contains contributions from internationally recognized scientists, such as Zadeh, Bubnicki, Pawlak, Amari, Batyrshin, Hirota, Koczy, Kosinski, Novák, S.-Y. Lee, Pedrycz, Raudys, Setiono, Sincak, Strumillo, Takagi, Usui, Wilamowski and Zurada. An excellent overview of soft computing methods and their applications.

Fully Tuned Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Flight Control

Book Description

Fully Tuned Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Flight Control presents the use of the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks for adaptive control of nonlinear systems with emphasis on flight control applications. A Lyapunov synthesis approach is used to derive the tuning rules for the RBF controller parameters in order to guarantee the stability of the closed loop system. Unlike previous methods that tune only the weights of the RBF network, this book presents the derivation of the tuning law for tuning the centers, widths, and weights of the RBF network, and compares the results with existing algorithms. It also includes a detailed review of system identification, including indirect and direct adaptive control of nonlinear systems using neural networks. Fully Tuned Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Flight Control is an excellent resource for professionals using neural adaptive controllers for flight control applications.

Radial Basis Function Networks 2

Book Description

The Radial Basis Function (RBF) network has gained in popularity in recent years. This is due to its desirable properties in classification and functional approximation applications, accompanied by training that is more rapid than that of many other neural-network techniques. RBF network research has focused on enhanced training algorithms and variations on the basic architecture to improve the performance of the network. In addition, the RBF network is proving to be a valuable tool in a diverse range of applications areas, for example, robotics, biomedical engineering, and the financial sector. The two-title series Theory and Applications of Radial Basis Function Networks provides a comprehensive survey of recent RBF network research. This volume, New Advances in Design, contains a wide range of applications in the laboratory and case-studies describing current use. The sister volume to this one, Recent Developments in Theory and Applications, covers advances in training algorithms, variations on the architecture and function of the basis neurons, and hybrid paradigms. The combination of the two volumes will prove extremely useful to practitioners in the field, engineers, researchers, students and technically accomplished managers.

Radial Basis Function Networks 1

Book Description

The Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network has gained in popularity over recent years because of its rapid training and its desirable properties in classification and functional approximation applications. RBF network research has focused on enhanced training algorithms and variations on the basic architecture to improve the performance of the network. In addition, the RBF network is proving to be a valuable tool in a diverse range of application areas, for example, robotics, biomedical engineering, and the financial sector. The two volumes provide a comprehensive survey of the latest developments in this area. Volume 1 covers advances in training algorithms, variations on the architecture and function of the basis neurons, and hybrid paradigms, for example RBF learning using genetic algorithms. Both volumes will prove extremely useful to practitioners in the field, engineers, researchers and technically accomplished managers.

Artificial Neural Networks for Speech and Vision

Book Description

Presents some of the most promising current research in the design and training of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with applications in speech and vision, as reported by the investigators themselves. The volume is divided into three sections. The first gives an overview of the general field of ANN.