Radionuclide Contamination as a Risk Factor in Terrestrial Ecosystems

Book Description

Radionuclide contamination poses serious hazards for terrestrial ecosystems. Beyond the readily apparent damage to the biota at high doses, low doses of ionizing radiation produce stochastic effects: mutation, carcinogenesis, and genomic instability. The proposed chapter is a review of the biological and ecological effects of radionuclides. The authors discuss, beyond the Chernobyl accident, other contamination events. The review includes the biological and ecological effects of the three principal technogenic contaminants in terrestrial ecosystems: Cs-137, Sr-90, and I-131. Ecological risks to terrestrial small mammals are assessed in detail. In addition, the chapter provides some of the lesser-known methods of remediation and detoxification, including the use of modified natural zeolites as environmental remedies and bio-sorbents. Presented herein is little-known information on environmental protection against radioactive contamination.

Health Impacts of Large Releases of Radionuclides

Book Description

This up-to-the-minute account examines how radionuclides affect human health. It explores how radionuclides travel through various food chains and how they are transported throughout the terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Radionuclide Contamination and Remediation Through Plants

Book Description

This book focuses on the mechanistic (microscopic) understanding of radionuclide uptake by plants in contaminated soils and potential use of phytoremediation. The key features concern radionuclide toxicity in plants, how the radioactive materials are absorbed by plants, and how the plants cope with the toxic responses. The respective chapters examine soil classification, natural plant selection, speciation of actinides, kinetic modeling, and case studies on cesium uptake after radiation accidents. Radionuclide contaminants pose serious problems for biological systems, due to their chemical toxicity and radiological effects. The processes by which radionuclides can be incorporated into vegetation can either originate from activity interception by external plant surfaces (either directly from the atmosphere or from resuspended material), or through uptake of radionuclides via the root system. Subsequent transfer of toxic elements to the human food chain is a concrete danger. Therefore, the molecular mechanisms and genetic basis of transport into and within plants needs to be understood for two reasons: The effectiveness of radionuclide uptake into crop plants – so-called transfer coefficient – is a prerequisite for the calculation of dose due to the food path. On the other hand, efficient radionuclide transfer into plants can be made use of for decontamination of land – so-called phytoremediation, the direct use of living, green plants for in situ removal of pollutants from the environment or to reduce their concentrations to harmless levels.

Radioecology and the Restoration of Radioactive-Contaminated Sites

Book Description

Most of the nuclear facilities built since the Second World War have ceased active operation and have been decommissioned. Some of the sites are heavily contaminated with radioactive substances. Correct and efficient action to mitigate the radiological consequences of such contamination will only be possible when the behaviour of radionuclides in the terrestrial environment is sufficiently well known. Yet radioecologists often find it difficult to study the transfer of radioactivity in agricultural land and semi-natural ecosystems, because of the complexity and diversity of such environments. The present book presents an analysis of all the factors that affect the behaviour of radionuclides as they move from their point of release through the environment and then enter the tissues of biota living in the ecosystems, in particular plants and animals consumed by humans. The course on which the book is based was held in a region that is heavily contaminated by radioactive discharges into the environment during nuclear weapons fabrication in the 1950s and '60s, and due to a severe accidental release following the explosion of a rad-waste tank in 1957. This allowed in situ training of the students. The book's main emphasis is on specific radioecological problems in severely contaminated areas in the former Soviet Union: the Southern Urals Trail, the rivers Techa-Isert-Tobol-Irtis-Ob, and the 30 km zone around Chernobyl. Systems examined include soils, arable and pasture land, forests, lakes and rivers. Special attention is paid to the effects of radiation on natural ecosystems: trees, soil-dwelling organisms, and aquatic organisms. Synergistic effects are also considered. Short, medium and long term countermeasures are discussed.

Radionuclide Concentrations in Food and the Environment

Book Description

As radiological residue, both naturally occurring and technologically driven, works its way through the ecosystem, we see its negative effects on the human population. Radionuclide Concentrations in Food and the Environment addresses the key issues concerning the relationship between natural and manmade sources of environmental radioactivity

Radionuclides in the Environment

Book Description

This book provides extensive and comprehensive information to researchers and academicians who are interested in radionuclide contamination, its sources and environmental impact. It is also useful for graduate and undergraduate students specializing in radioactive-waste disposal and its impact on natural as well as manmade environments. A number of sites are affected by large legacies of waste from the mining and processing of radioactive minerals. Over recent decades, several hundred radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes) of natural elements have been produced artificially, including 90Sr, 137Cs and 131I. Several other anthropogenic radioactive elements have also been produced in large quantities, for example technetium, neptunium, plutonium and americium, although plutonium does occur naturally in trace amounts in uranium ores. The deposition of radionuclides on vegetation and soil, as well as the uptake from polluted aquifers (root uptake or irrigation) are the initial point for their transfer into the terrestrial environment and into food chains. There are two principal deposition processes for the removal of pollutants from the atmosphere: dry deposition is the direct transfer through absorption of gases and particles by natural surfaces, such as vegetation, whereas showery or wet deposition is the transport of a substance from the atmosphere to the ground by snow, hail or rain. Once deposited on any vegetation, radionuclides are removed from plants by the airstre am and rain, either through percolation or by cuticular scratch. The increase in biomass during plant growth does not cause a loss of activity, but it does lead to a decrease in activity concentration due to effective dilution. There is also systemic transport (translocation) of radionuclides within the plant subsequent to foliar uptake, leading the transfer of chemical components to other parts of the plant that have not been contaminated directly.

Explaining and Reducing Variability of Distribution Coefficients of Radionuclides in Soils

Book Description

The assessment of the potential radiological risk for the human health and the environment that a radioactive contamination episode may entail is one of the most concerning issues in the current society, due to the increasing amounts of radioactive waste resulting from the proliferation of the nuclear industry and other activities. Such assessment is performed by taking into account a large number of environmental components, processes and interactions occurring in a given contamination scenario and governing the transport of radionuclides from the source point of contamination to a potential target individual. In those radioactive contamination episodes in which the terrestrial ecosystem may be affected, one of the key processes to be described, in order to properly assess the potential human exposure to radioactivity, is the partitioning of released radionuclides between water sources and soils in a given contaminated area, since it controls in a great extent radionuclide transport to non-contaminated areas and subsequent introduction into the food chain. Such process can be estimated with the solid-liquid distribution coefficient (Kd), which is a highly operational parameter that for a given radionuclide may remarkably vary depending on the soil-solution system characteristics. In light of this, the aim of this thesis is the development of strategies to provide reliable solid-liquid distribution coefficients (Kd) of radionuclides in soils as input data for models devoted to assess the radiological risk that could be arisen from radioactive contamination episodes involving the terrestrial ecosystem. To reach this goal, two different approaches aiming at reducing and explaining the variability of this parameter and based on the knowledge of the specific radionuclide-soil interaction behaviour, are explored. On the one hand, despite being paramount elements in the field of radioactive waste management and nuclear safety, there is limited knowledge regarding the interaction in soils of trivalent actinides and lanthanides, such as americium (Am) and samarium (Sm), respectively. Due to the scarce and highly variable soil Kd data available in the literature for these elements, and the unclear conclusions about their sorption mechanisms and the soil properties involved, the proposal of reliable Kd data for risk assessment purposes is seriously jeopardised. According to this, the present thesis is focused on the examination of the main factors controlling the interaction of trivalent actinides and lanthanides in soils. On the other hand, due to the lack of site-specific Kd data, radiological risk is frequently assessed with models using, as input data, generic soil Kd values of radionuclides. Such generic Kd data (single values or functions) most of times are statistically derived from compilations in which Kd values may range within several orders of magnitude as a result of contrasting sorption behaviour among the soil-solution systems involved. This fact leads to a high uncertainty in the description or prediction of radionuclide soil-to-solution partitioning in the contamination scenario under assessment. According to this, the present thesis is also committed to the development of a strategy to derive probabilistic Kd data from compilations with low uncertainty and suitable to perform reliable risk assessments.