Radionuclides in Nephro-urology

Book Description

Nuclear Medicine in Urology and Nephrology

Book Description

Nuclear Medicine in Urology and Nephrology, Second Edition describes and explains the applications of nuclear medicine to urology and nephrology and their role in clinical diagnosis. This book consists of three parts. Part 1 presents a description of the nuclear medicine techniques and their interpretation. The application of nuclear medicine to specific clinical problems is covered in Part 2, while the basic principles and relevant theoretical and technical aspects that were not considered in the first part are dealt with in Part 3. The topics on “radiopharmaceuticals , wherein lies the key to the successful choice, application and development of nuclear medicine techniques, and “radiation dosimetry are also elaborated. This publication is valuable to urologists and nephrologists, including those working in the fields of nuclear medicine and medical physics.

Functional Imaging in Nephro-Urology

Book Description

Formulated by members of the International Scientific Committee of Radionuclides in Nephro-urology (ISCORN), Functional Imaging in Nephro-urology is not a textbook on uronephrology or radionuclides in nephro-urology, or even a book on new techniques in imaging. What the editor and authors provide here is a unique opportunity to evaluate the strategic management techniques (both diagnosis and follow-up) of a number of uronephrological entities. Demonstrating the experience of the authors in using various imaging modalities, and detailing the benefits and controversies which are associated with their clinical applications, this text presents management strategies based on the patient, the choice of modality, and cost implications. Detailed, well-referenced and highly illustrated, this is an important book for radiologists, nephrologists and urologists working with children and adults, specialists in renal nuclear medicine, and pediatricians.

Radionuclides in Nephrology

Book Description

Radionuclides in Nephrology

Book Description

Radionuclides in Nephrourology

Book Description

Diagnostic Radiology

Book Description

This book is a supplement to Volume V/I in the present series, Diag nostie Radiology, published in 1962. Despite the relatively long period of time whieh has elapsed sinee its publieation, that eomprehensive vol urne is still essentially valid, even though further developments have of course oeeurred in eertain fields. In reeent years the developments in nuclear medieine and ultrasonie teehniques have led to a number of new methods of medieal investigation, whieh, in different ways, eomplement diagnostie radiology. Funetional disorders of the urinary traet ean often be detected by means of radioiso topes. Sinee morphologie ehanges are almost always preeeeded by fune tional disturbanees, radionuclide teehniques in many instanees produee an earlier diagnosis than radiography. Disturbances of renal blood flow, slight ureterie obstruetion, and ureterie reflux are examples of pathologie states whieh ean be deteeted early by the y scintillation eamera. Bone seans, Le., imaging of the skeletal system using a radionuclide, are used extensively to diagnose bone metastases now that it has been demonstrated that such metastatie growths are identified both earlier and with greater aeeuraey by scintigraphy than by radiographie teeh niques.