Raising the Spiritual Light Quotient

Book Description

The concept of raising the spiritual light quotient is similar to the intelligence quotient used in modern psychology, the IQ test. However the spiritual light quotient is not the same as intelligence. Rather, the SLQ reflects one¿s ability to understand spiritual concepts, to meditate and to connect with other dimensions. It also is a measurement of one¿s ability to understand the relationship between Earth and the environment of the Earth, and Earth¿s relationship to the galaxy. Finally, it is a measurement of one¿s ability to understand the existence of other dimensions as well as the relationship between the ascended masters and guides and our journey to higher realms for soul evolution. Thus it appears necessary to look at the SLQ of a person, the SLQ of an area and the SLQ of a planet. All of the channeling I bring forth is based on the concept of the Sacred Triangle, which is a new paradigm for spirituality. This paradigm states that in order to heal Earth and bring everything into balance, one must unite the concepts of galactic spirituality with ancient mystical thought and with the energies of native peoples, including Native Americans.

Arcturians: How to Heal, Ascend, and Help Planet Earth

Book Description

On the Mayan Calendar, every day of the year represents the energy of one of the twenty solar glyphs and one of the thirteen numbers, called tones. The solar glyph indicates your soul purpose, and the tone is the energy you will use to attain this purpose.


Book Description

A shift in consciousness has occurred on the planet during the past twenty-five years, marking a new moment in the evolution of humanity’s consciousness concerning our relationship to Earth and to the cosmos. We now accept that human beings are interacting with a living planet, and we understand that this living planet has an energetic relationship to the galaxy. We have also come to understand that the entire biological and energy system of this beautiful planet we live on is totally dependent on how humans treat the planet, the environment, and other life forms on Earth. Biorelativity describes the ability of human beings to telepathically communicate with the spirit of the Earth. The goal of such communication is to influence the outcome of natural Earth events such as storms, volcanoes, and earthquakes. This book is a collection of channeled lectures through Arcturian, Native American, and other mystical guides, transmitted in sessions from 2009 through early 2011, that describe the exercises and thought developments related to biorelativity, the planetary cities of light, and the Arcturian Tree of Life that together form new technology for Earth healing. Through these lessons, you can implement new planetary healing techniques right now, actively participating in exciting changes as Earth and humanity come together in unity and healing.

Ascension Magick

Book Description

This practical how-to guide brings a new level of clarity and synthesis to the often misunderstood path of ascension, the spiritual practice of integrating higher consciousness into everyday life. This comprehensive reference work explores ascension theology and techniques from a magickal perspective, providing a solid foundation for beginners and greater depth and context for those already on the ascension path. Powerful meditations, rituals, and spells for personal and planetary healing are included along with more fascinating information.

New Spiritual Technology for the Fifth-Dimensional Earth

Book Description

Earth is moving closer to the fifth dimension and new spiritual ideas and technologies are becoming available for rebalancing our world: Native ceremonies to connect to Earth healing energies. Thought projections and thought communication to communicate with Earth. Connections with our galactic starseed heritage so that we can relate to our role in the galaxy. A new spiritual paradigm to help humankind transition into the next evolutionary stage. THE SACRED TRIANGLE REPRESENTS THE INTEGRATION OF THREE SPIRITUAL SOURCES FOR HEALING THE EARTH: The Native American spirituality and the spiritual work of the indigenous peoples of the world. The mystical energy found in all the major religions in the world, including Christianity, the Kabbalah, Hinduism, Sufism and the ascended masters. Fifth-dimensional galactic spirituality, which includes energy from extradimensional masters such as the Arcturians and the Pleiadians.

Teachings from the Sacred Triangle, Volume 3

Book Description

The knowledge and technology to proceed with holographic healing is hearby granted to each of you who reads these words. It is not necessary to travel to distant places. With the holographic technology and skills you have been taught, you will be able to project your energies in the most direct and transformative way throughout the Earth. I ask each of you to take that part of the Earth you are familiar with and know. When you interact with that part, you can affect the whole Earth. Whatever part of that whole that is distorted can be transformed into a fifth-dimensional holographic energy. --The Arcturians

Kaballah and the Ascension

Book Description

¿Throughout Western history, channeling has come to us in various forms, including mediumship, shamanism, fortunetelling, visionaries, and oracles. There is also a long history of channeling in Kaballah, the major branch of Jewish mysticism. I am intrigued by this, especially because I believe that there is now an urgent necessity for entering higher realms with our consciousness because of the impending changes on the planet; through these higher realms, new healing energies and insights can be brought down to assist us in these coming Earth changes. I consider myself a student of spiritual and mystical consciousness interested in obtaining and maintaining higher levels of being, and although I myself do not represent any particular school of mysticism, I have found through more than twenty-five years of studying the Kaballah that it allows for a unique understanding of the concept of higher consciousness, or higher self, as a conduit to accessing these higher realms.¿ ¿David K. Miller

Connecting with the Arcturians

Book Description

"Only on rare occasions does a book come along that contains the potential to change the consciousness of our entire planetary culture. Many have talked about the ascension process, but very few really understand what it means. Who is really out there? Where are we going? What are our choices? What has to be done to prepare for this event? Is everyone ascending to the same place? What happened to the fourth dimension? How can we understand the fifth dimension? What are fifth-dimensional beings like? This book explains all of these questions in a way that we can easily understand. It explains what our relationships are to known extraterrestrial groups and what they are doing to help the Earth and her people in this crucial galactic moment in time. It helps us to understand how we can raise our vibration now and begin the process of integrating higher-dimensional energies into our third-dimensional world. The Arcturians have given us a crucial focus for the acceleration of world consciousness. They have presented the concept of group ascension through the creation of groups of forty, and their concept of the Sacred Triangle reveals a powerful method for the integration and unification of spiritual and religious thought on the planet Earth. As you read this book, you will feel the presence of fifth-dimensional energy within your being, allowing you to be able to truly experience a view of fifth-dimensional awareness. This will profoundly affect your ability to expand your own perception of reality and help you to actively participate in the personal and planetary ascension that has already begun."

Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Crystal skulls invoke a sense of mystery. What was their role in ancient times? Are they important for us in current times? Can they assist us on our spiritual journey? How? Although much has been written about them, many questions still linger. This book addresses many of these lingering questions on practical, subtle-energy, and spiritual levels. This long-awaited sequel to Crystal Skulls: Interacting with a Phenomenon weaves practical information on crystal skulls with meditations to provide a deeper understanding of the role of crystal skulls in expanding the consciousness of individuals and humankind as a whole. Filled with useful guidance for both beginners and those who have worked with crystal skulls for long periods of time, Crystal Skulls: Expand Your Consciousness addresses essential issues: what material crystal skulls should be made from, what size to choose, how to clean them, and what to do with them. The most important part of the book addresses awakening the potential of a crystal skull. Learn about the energies of these awakened crystal skulls and the effects they have on the spiritual development of individuals and the collective consciousness of humanity. This book invites you on a journey of awakening the potential of your crystal skulls -- and consequently awakening yourself. Several meditations are given to support this journey along with descriptions of the known ancient and old crystal skulls, making this book a "must have" for anyone interested in crystal skulls and in the journey of spiritual development.

ETs on Earth, Volume 2

Book Description

Coloring book of line drawings derived from the twenty solar glyph paintings by Mary Fran Koppa. The solar glyph found somewhere in each picture holds the energy for the day. For children of all ages. Use your imagination and have fun coloring each one!