Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-knowledge

Book Description

Arthur Osborne has packed into this small volume all of the essential information relating to the life and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950). The extraordinary teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi continue to bless the lives of countless seeking souls, and his life fills us with wonder. As a teenager-hardly seventeen-he realized the Self through a spontaneous act of Self-enquiry without conscious effort or special training imparted by a teacher. He left his home (at Madurai) in 1896 and came to Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai), where he lived as an all-renouncing sage in a state of continuous Self-realization for fifty-four years-until his mahanirvana in 1950. The author includes in this volume instructions given by Sri Ramana to early devotees, such as Sivaprakasam Pillai, Frank Humphreys, Kavyakanta, Natesa Mudaliar, and others, as well as the experiences of Paul Brunton and other later devotees. Sri Maharshi's central message is that Self-knowledge is not something to be acquired afresh. It is only becoming aware of one's own natural state of Pure Being, through Self-enquiry. Arthur Osborne (1906-1970) was an ardent devotee of Sri Ramana Maharshi and particularly well known as founder-editor of The Mountain Path, the spiritual journal of Sri Ramanasramam. After completing his studies at Oxford, he moved first to Poland, then to Bangkok, where he lectured at Chulalonghorn University and through a friend learnt about French metaphysician Rene Guenon, whose works dealt comprehensively with Hindu metaphysics, eventually translating into English his Crisis of the Modern World. He later spent four years as a prisoner of war of the Japanese before being united with his family, who were waiting at Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai. He spent the remainder of his life there, writing about Sri Ramana and related subjects. He died in 1970, his body much weakened by the effect of his years in the concentration camp.

Five Flowers of Self-Knowledge: Atma-Vidya

Book Description

Atma-Vidya of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi with explanation by Nome Atma-Vidya, Knowledge of the Self, is a concise, profound set of verses that elucidate the highest wisdom that were composed by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. These verses are frequently referenced in the spiritual instruction presented at the SAT Temple. This present book is derived from five transcripts of the teachings and explanations given by Nome on these verses during five of the yearly Self-Knowledge retreats at the SAT Temple. Reading and deeply meditating with this book will provide the wisdom of Self-Knowledge, and thus happiness that never comes to an end.

True Happiness

Book Description

Sri Ramana Maharshi is regarded as one of the most important Indian sages of all time. At the age of sixteen, he experienced a spiritual awakening and travelled to the holy mountain of Arunachala, where a community grew up around him. From there, he touched the lives of influential writers, artists, and seekers such as Carl Jung, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Somerset Maugham. Today, millions around the world continue to be inspired by his teachings. Edited by his pupil Arthur Osborne, this classic work sets out Sri Ramana Maharshi’s thoughts on such subjects as how to live in the here and now, wealth, freedom, knowledge, and the essence of our true nature. Self-inquiry is the key to liberation, Sri Ramana contends, as he invites us to detach ourselves from our illusions and set out on the path that leads toward enlightenment.

Be As You Are

Book Description

'Our own Self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world' The simple but powerful teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of India's most revered spiritual masters, continue to enlighten and enrich over sixty years after his death. Be As You Are is the definitive compendium of his knowledge, edited by the former librarian from Sri Maharshi's ashram, which can be found flourishing at the foot of the holy mountain of Arunchala. The book collects conversations with the many seekers who came to him for guidance, answering the questions sought on the road to enlightenment. Through this book, we can discover the essence of Sri Ramana's teaching: that self-realisation is the vital quest we must all pursue, before we can attempt to understand the world. Reissue of the classic spiritual work, updated with a new cover.

The Essence of the Spiritual Instruction

Book Description

The Upadesa Sarah (Upadesa Saram) by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Translated with Commentary by Nome. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, abiding in the eternal Silence of the Self, composed The Essence of Spiritual Instruction for the supreme good of all in response to the supplications of the devoted Muruganar. The poet-devotee was writing in Tamil the story of the wayward rishis who dwelled in the Daruka forest and practiced rites for the attainment of powers that they desired. Their egos humbled by Siva and perceiving the error of their approach, they humbly sought spiritual instruction from Siva. Siva graciously bestowed the instruction, and it is these teachings that Muruganar requested Sri Bhagavan, Siva himself, to reveal in verse form. So, the Maharshi composed thirty verses in Tamil. Later, Sri Bhagavan translated them into Sanskrit. The Tamil version is entitled Upadesa Undiyar, and the Sanskrit version is entitled Upadesa Sarah and is also referred to as Upadesa Saram. This work is the English translation of the Sanskrit Upadesa Sarah. With each verse there is a ten-point commentary emphasizing the profound significance of the verse for those practicing Self-inquiry in the quest of nondual Self-Knowledge. An appendix that contains just the Sanskrit text with transliteration is included for ease of recitation and similar purposes.