
Book Description

The classic introduction to Ramtha and his teachings now revised and expanded with a Foreword by JZ Knight, a glossary of terms and concepts used by Ramtha, a detailed index and a commentary essay by Jaime Leal-Anaya showing the significance of Ramtha s teachings. It addresses questions on the Source of all existence, our forgotten divinity, life after death, evolution, love, the power of consciousness and the mind, lessons from nature, and Ramtha s ascension

Ramtha, the White Book

Book Description

"The general introduction to Ramtha and his teachings now revised and expanded with a foreword by JZ Knight, a glossary of terms and concepts used by Ramtha, a detailed index and a commentary essay showing the significance of Ramtha's teachings. It addresses questions on the Source of all existence, our forgotten divinity, life after death, evolution, love, the power of consciousness and the mind, lessons from nature, and Ramtha's ascension"--Publisher's website.

A State of Mind, My Story

Book Description

JZ Knights intimate and very special story of her life. It is a life she was chosen for but a life with every conceivable hardship and obstacle imposed on it. Throughout her life JZ Knight has fought disease, prejudice, and loneliness and has triumphantly overcome them all.It is her and Ramthas revealingly candid and unforgettable story that will touch anyone who ever asked the great questions: Why am I here? How can I truly enrich my life? What does the future hold for me and the world?

That Elixir Called Love

Book Description

Parallel Lifetimes

Book Description

Part of Ramtha Fireside Series on the topic of parallel universes and creating dramatic change in our life using the principles of quantum physics. "A shift in quantum state brings a parallel lifetime, and now everything in that lifetime is different. The relationship to you and your environment is lifted, for what compelled you before is not a compelling influence in the new shift. You are now in a parallel existence. In the parallel existence our mind does not leave our body behind in the old state but rather the body can also live in parallel existences because it is made of quantum material. It is now shifted into the new hall, the new life, and everything is different. What becomes apparent is that the climax that governed your life once before is now at rest. The old climax is not apparent in the new life and its influences are not seen in people, places, things, times, and events. That is the truth. This knowledge is the key to the kingdom of heaven." - Ramtha For more information about Ramtha and his original international school of the mind and ancient wisdom, offering courses live and online around the world for the last 4 decades, visit: Ramtha.com

Finding Enlightenment

Book Description

In Finding Enlightenment, J. Gordon Melton, a respected scholar of traditional modern religions, chronicles the life of JZ Knight, her extraordinary experiences as the channel for the ancient warrior teacher Ramtha, and the school whose teachings are based on the ancient wisdom of Gnosticism. Located in Yelm, Washington, this esoteric mystery school was founded by Knight in 1988. Melton presents the Gnostic teachings of Ramtha and shows how the inner path of wisdom and knowledge is accessible to students today.

When Fairy Tales Do Come True

Book Description

A Master's Key for Manipulating Time

Book Description

We rearrange the past every time we manifest, every time we manifest. You never take a pot of gold out of Fort Knox. That would be robbery. But anytime you want to manifest gold that has got a minted mark on it that is acceptable as currency, then you are rearranging the past and your involvement in past events that happened thirty, forty, fifty years ago, and suddenly you are going to live an event that brings you that gold. And all the history books will be rewritten, and one day you will open up and see that you are one of the people involved in it. Of course you didn't know that now because it is yet to be rewritten. So the study then of the Great Work is to manipulate reality and evolve it. - Ramtha