Report of the FAO/CECAF Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish – Subgroup South. Elmina, Ghana, 12-20 September 2018.

Book Description

The fourth meeting of the FAO/CECAF Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish – Subgroup South was held in Elmina, Ghana from 12-20 September 2018. The overall objective of the Working Group is to contribute to the improved management of small pelagic resources in West Africa through the assessment of the state of the stocks and fisheries in order to ensure sustainable use of these resources for the benefit of coastal countries. The species assessed by the Working Group were: sardinella (Sardinella aurita and Sardinella maderensis), bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and horse mackerel (Trachurus trecae and Decapterus rhonchus), and other Carangidae, in the region between the northern border of Guinea-Bissau and the southern border of Angola. La quatrième réunion du Groupe de travail FAO/COPACE sur l’évaluation des petits pélagiques – Sous-groupe Sud, s’ets tenue à Elmina, Ghana, du 12 au 20 septembre 2018. L’objectif général du Groupe de travail est d’améliorer la gestion des ressources en petits pélagiques en Afrique de l’Ouest grâce à l’évaluation de l’état des stocks et des pêcheries de façon à assurer une utilisation durable de ces ressources au bénéfice des pays côtiers. Les espèces évaluées par le Groupe de travail sont les suivantes: les sardinelles (Sardinella aurita et t Sardinella maderensis), l’ethmalose (Ethmalosa fimbriata), l’anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) et les chinchards (Trachurus trecae et Decapterus rhonchus) et autres carangidés, dans la région située entre la frontière nord de la Guinée-Bissau et la frontière sud de l’Angola.

FAO Fisheries Report

Book Description

This document is the final report of the eighteenth session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern-Central Atlantic (CECAF) which was held in Douala, Cameroon, from 3 to 5 October 2006. The major topics discussed were: adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the session, action on recommendations of the seventeenth session, main outcomes of the fourth session of the Scientific Sub-Committee, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, CECAF fishery resources inventory -- FIRMS, FAO FishCode -- STF activities on improvement of fishery data and information collection systems in CECAF countries, United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement and the management of highly migratory stocks in the region, implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (1995-2005), and lastly, role of CECAF in a region with three fisheries management bodies.

Rapport de la Septième Session Du Sous-comité de L'aménagement Des Ressources À L'intérieur Des Limites de la Juridiction Nationale

Book Description

A Wokshop was held on the implications of the Law of the Sea Convention on Management and Development of Fisheries in the Region and the session further discussed management actions taken since the sixth session, the state of stocks and recommendations for resource management and fisheries statistics (conclusions of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Fishery Statistics).

Rapport de la Dix-huitième Session Du Comité Des Pêches Pour L 'Atlantique Centre-Est, Douala, Cameroun, 3-5 Octobre 2006

Book Description

This document is the final report of the eighteenth session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern-Central Atlantic (CECAF) which was held in Douala, Cameroon, from 3 to 5 October 2006. The major topics discussed were: adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the session, action on recommendations of the seventeenth session, main outcomes of the fourth session of the Scientific Sub-Committee, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, CECAF fishery resources inventory -- FIRMS, FAO FishCode -- STF activities on improvement of fishery data and information collection systems in CECAF countries, United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement and the management of highly migratory stocks in the region, implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (1995-2005), and lastly, role of CECAF in a region with three fisheries management bodies.