Rapport de la Quatrième Consultation Intergouvernementale Sur la Création D'une Commission Des Pêches Pour Le Sud-ouest de L'Océan Indien

Book Description

The Consultation was attended by delegates from ten States, the European Community, and two observer organizations. The Consultation unanimously adopted a draft Resolution and Statutes for the establishment of the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission for submission to the FAO Council. The Consultation also carried out a first reading and discussion of a draft text of an instrument for the high seas. As an interim measure, until the establishment of a high seas instrument, a Resolution concerning the collection and handling of information and data was adopted. - Ont particip� � cette Consultation des d�l�gu�s de dix Etats, de la Communaut� europ�enne, ainsi que deux organisations en qualit� d'observateurs. La Consultation a adopt�, � l'unanimit�, le Projet de r�solution et de statuts relatif � la cr�ation de la Commission des p�ches pour le sud-ouest de l'oc�an Indien, qui sera soumis au Conseil de la FAO, pour approbation. La Consultation a aussi proc�d� � une premi�re lecture du projet d'instrument relatif � la haute mer. Comme mesures int�rimaires, la Consultation a adopt� un projet de r�solution, notamment concernant la collecte de donn�es sur les ressources de haute mer, en attendant qu'un accord soit finalis�.

Rapport de la Troisième Consultation Intergouvernementale Sur la Création D'une Commission Des Pêches Pour Le Sud-ouest de L'Océan Indien

Book Description

This document is the final report of the Third Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishment of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, held in Nairobi, Kenya, from January 27-30 2004. For waters under the sovereignty of coastal States, the Consultation agreed that a regional body for the management and development of coastal fisheries, with advisory powers only, be set up under Article VI of the FAO Constitution. For the high seas, it agreed that there should be a separate instrument, outside of the FAO, with the power to take binding decisions on conservation and management measures. The Consultation recognized the right of involvement of coastal States in the high seas instrument and identified linkages between the proposed coastal State and the high seas arrangements. The Consultation also agreed on the draft text for a resolution to the FAO Council and for the statutes of a regional body for the management and development of coastal fisheries. Possible elements of a draft agreement for the high seas were briefly discussed.--Publisher's description.

Report of the Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishement of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, Saint-Denis, Réunion, 6-9 February 2001

Book Description

This document is the final report of the Intergovernmental Consultation of the establishment of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, which was held in St Denis (Reunion), in February 2001. A draft agreement for the establishment of a regional fisheries body in the Southwest Indian Ocean was reviewed. The major items of discussion were the area of competence, membership, functions and finance of the regional body. Eight members of the former Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean as well as the European Community were present at the meeting.

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Rapport de la Deuxième Consultation Intergouvernementale Sur la Création D'une Commission Des Pêches Pour Le Sud-ouest de L'Océan Indien

Book Description

A draft agreement for the establishment of a regional fisheries body in the Southwest Indian Ocean was reviewed. Three substantial issues need to be resolved for progress: accommodating all interests within an agreement or agreements on high seas fisheries and straddling stocks; a framework for cooperation in the sustainable development of fisheries under the jurisdiction of coastal developing states; the role of FAO in the future Agreement.