Rapport Du Groupe de Travail de la FAO Sur L'évaluation Des Petits Pélagiques Au Large de L'Afrique Nord-occidentale

Book Description

Issues discussed at the FAO working group meeting, held in Morocco in April 2003, included recommendations that the catch levels of small pelagics should not exceed the average recorded during the last five years, and that for sardinella, the combined catch of both species in 2004 should not exceed the mean level of the preceding three years.

Rapport Du Groupe de Travail de la FAO Sur L'évaluation Des Petits Pélagiques Au Large de L'Afrique Nord-occidentale

Book Description

Issues discussed at the FAO working group meeting, held in Morocco in April 2003, included recommendations that the catch levels of small pelagics should not exceed the average recorded during the last five years, and that for sardinella, the combined catch of both species in 2004 should not exceed the mean level of the preceding three years.

Rapport de la Huitième Session Du Comité Scientifique Consultatif

Book Description

This publication reports on the 8th session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, which was held in Tirana, Albania in October 2005. Issues discussed include: fishery management proposals emanating from the work of sub-committees; research priorities and its workplan for 2006; measures for the protection of certain marine ecosystem including gear selectivity issues and stock assessment methodologies.

Sober Reflections

Book Description

Contributors include Susan Bondy (Toronto), Andrée Demers (Montréal), Madelyn Fournier (consultant, Montreal), Norman Giesbrecht (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH), Lynn Kavanagh (Mt Sinai Hospital, Toronto), Evert Lindquist (Victoria), Bronwyn MacKenzie (CAMH), Alan Ogborne (consultant), Robin Room (Stockholm), and Gina Stoduto (CAMH).

IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code, 5

Book Description

Die International Cataloguing Principles enthalten den aktuellen Stand internationaler Vereinheitlichung von Katalogisierungsregeln für OPACs. Sie ersetzen die Paris Principles von 1961. Die neuen International Cataloguing Principles sind das Ergebnis von Bestandsaufnahmen und Diskussionen der Katalogisierungsarbeiten in den verschiedenen Ländern der Welt durch internationale Experten. Sie bieten einen weltweiten Überblick über die verschiedenen Bibliothekskataloge durch Länderberichte: Band 1: Europa, Band 2: Lateinamerika und Karibik, Band 3: Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika, Band 4: Asien, Band 5: Südafrika. Band 5 schließt das Werk ab und enthält ein Glossar zu den Regeln.

Book Description