Rapture's Witness

Book Description

Three nonbelievers and a pastor search for answers when people suddenly disappear and three-quarters of the world fall to disease and natural disaster as a world leader, who might be the Antichrist, comes to power.

The Testimony of Jesus

Book Description

The timing of the Church's Rapture has been and continues to be among premillenarian Christians (i.e., they who affirm a literal 1,000-year reign of the Son of David upon the Earth in the person of the glorified Son of Man) a most contentious issue. They who refrain or boast that they are, consequently, "pan-trib" are only hiding from the fray behind ignorance or seek to keep a very shaky "unity" with others around the table where such issues are best left to the nether world of those who delight in counting the number of angels who can dance on the end of a pin. Under the adage that "They who stand for nothing may fall for anything" cannot be said of stalwart pretribbers (i.e., those who believe the Rapture comes before the final Week of human history as we know it to be--the 70th Week of Daniel's prophecy found in Daniel 9:24-27). They at least have conviction on the matter. Although this text will "take on" the alleged "biblical" assumptions of the pretrib Rapture position as doctrinally erroneous; it at least commends them for taking a position!Furthermore, they are our "comrades in arms" when push comes to shove in the trenches of "spiritual warfare" in the latter days. Notwithstanding our many compatibilities on key elements, not only of the Faith once delivered to the saints, but on a host of prophetic possibilities--we simply agree to disagree agreeably on one of the most important aspects of end-times' prophecy: The Rapture's Timing.This text seeks to systematically counter point after point made by those versed in the pre-trib position--and, yes, this is an in-house food fight . . . so if this might interest you, it would most likely be because you take your eschatology seriously enough to delve into these matters.Much is at stake regarding the primary issues of the pre-trib position relative to the chronological order of Matthew 24-25 - the timing of the "Birth Pangs of the Messiah" - issues defining the timing of the Day of the Lord, Day of Christ, Day of God - the nature of the Wrath of God/the Lamb vs. the "Devil's Great Wrath" - Tribulation vs. God's Wrath - the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" - issues surrounding the "Tribulation Saints" - Israel and the Church's possible "united testimony" in the Latter Days - the so-called "Imminent Return of Christ" - the "Last Trumpet" - the Revelation of the Man of Sin/the Antichrist - timing/nature of the Abomination of Desolation - the timing of the New Heaven and New Earth - the Fullness of the Gentiles - Who are the Two Witnesses? - John the Baptist would have been Elijah "if you would have received him?" All these and many more issues are brought forward in systematic fashion in an attempt to "deconstruct" the superstructure of the pre-trib Rapture of the Church.If you are easily offended by such disputes and find them counter-productive to the "main thing" of the gospel, we unapologetically do not concur with your position. It is time to examine these matters with all due diligence to determine if these things be so--what if one is the wrong and the Church embarrassingly, if you would, finds herself smack dab in the middle of the fray at the end of days until "they [the martyrs of the Church under the Fifth Seal] should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were was completed" (Rev. 5:11)? Are these martyrs just the martyrs during the "tribulation" or do they represent the martyrs of all generations? Rev. 3:10 speaks of being "kept from the hour of trial which is to test them that dwell on the earth." Agreed. But are not these the same "earth dwellers" who delight in the death of the "Two Martyrs" (a.k.a. Witnesses) of Rev. 11? This nearly 500-page book - if you can endure unto the end - is designed to change your world view. It has an abundance of charts, references, indexes [both subject and Scripture] and is heavily footnoted. MARANATHA - Our Lord, Come!


Book Description

The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.

Rapture's Witness

Book Description

Raptures Witness, Left Behind Series Collector's Edition I, containing Left Behind, Tribulation Force, and Nicolae. Left Behind. On a flight from Chicago to London, several passengers aboard Capt. Rayford Steeles plane mysteriously disappear. When he discovers that the incident is a worldwide occurrence, Steele begins his search for answers. He learns that Christ has come to take the faithful with Him in preparation for the apocalyptic battle between good and evil. Those left behind will face seven dark years in which they must decide to join the forces of Christ or the forces of Antichrist. Tribulation Force. In this sequel to the bestselling Left Behind, Rayford Steele and Cameron Williams are pressed into service for the man they believe could be the Antichrist, Nicolae Carpathia. Meanwhile, Gods judgment begins to fall upon the earth. Nicolae. World War III begins! The Antichrist, has won! Or has he? Nicolaes personal pilot Rayford Steele and journalist Buck Williams join forces against Nicolae. But can they do the impossible, stop the Antichrist?

The Rapture Code

Book Description

Can there only be one Rapture? The Rapture Code—Part One of an—Eight-Book Coded Series! This is the first book of an Eight-Book Coded Series, concerning Christian living. I’ve been a Christian for 34 yrs., and for over 30 of those years, I have tried to augment the Rapture of the Church; with additional biblical evidence. I started out all those years ago; to accomplish this one task. Well, God has greatly blessed me, in that I found not—one code—concerning the Rapture, but a coded series of eight codes total. Thus, each one relating to the Christians walking out their salvation, in one aspect or another. (Doctrinally, this first book pertains to the Rapture of the Church in a Pre-Millennial position, that promotes as true; The Seven-year Tribulation, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ; here on earth, the “little season” of Satan, and then the New Heavens and Earth.) What I have uncovered is a deeper answer that gives good reasons for all three rapture positions, which are: Pre-, Mid-, and Post-Tribulation—being three different raptures all taking place during this 7 year time period. Thus, there being three separate raptures instead of just one. I see there are—three raptures of—three different groups of peoples in the Tribulation Period. Instead of the one group—of the one—Rapture of the Church—in only one—of the three rapture positions offered us. Namely, the rapture positions of: Pre-, or Mid-, or Post-Tribulation. Thus again, I see three different raptures taking place as follows: Rapture of the Church—Rapture of the Two Witnessess—Rapture of the Elect of Israel (Pre-Tribulation) (Mid-Tribulation) (Post-Tribulation) Israel is always the key to proper biblical prophecy. Without Israel in existence today as a nation; there would be no final: End Times. Israel and the Church are separate in the Scriptures, and so it only makes sense (especially after seeing the evidence that I have accumulated in this book) that Israel would have it’s “OWN” rapture. Further, Christians, are making the same error of judgment pertaining to Christ’s Rapture of the Church (seeing only one rapture); that Israel made concerning Christ’s First Coming. Israel, perceived wrongly that there was only one Coming of Christ, which they were sorely mistaken, and we now know that there are two Comings of the LORD, one 2,000 yrs. ago and one in the near future. But Christians are making the same error in thinking that there is only one rapture of one major group of people: The Rapture of the Church. When in fact, there are—two raptures of—two major groups of peoples, as noted above. (Note: The Two Witnesses are not a group, though, I feel, with some Scriptural evidence; that the 144,000 may go up with the Witnesses.) In which the “Left Behind” notion will be proved wrong. Also, I have found a “word pattern order” exclusive to the KJB, that shows forth this order in many OT verses as well as the NT. I have found the threefold pattern of these three raptures in the “Breastplate of the High Priest,” in the “Seven Feasts of Israel,” in the books of “Daniel and Revelation,” in the books of “Matthew, Mark, and Luke,” and in many other places! In addition, these truths will strengthen the “Eternal Security” of any Believer. Finally, I have discovered many new “study aids” for advance studies that only appear in the KJB, which will strengthen the Christian for the ongoing battle for the Bible—The King James Bible, in which these study aids can and will be demonstrated throughout this Eight-Book Coded Series, by which these eight codes are based in Acts 3. The codes are there in this chapter; four times—in a four times over—repeating order—perfectly. This co

Studies in the Scriptures

Book Description

God Has Made Known

Book Description

God makes himself known in the Gog Magog war. God has also made known the identity of the Two Witnesses. There are biblical answers to questions about major prophetic events. We may not know the date when something will happen, but we can know how prophetic events relate to each other. Through careful study of the prophetic scriptures many things can be known about both the past and the future. In this book the reader will learn who the Two Witnesses in Revelation are. The identity of the beast spoken of by Daniel and by John the apostle will be revealed. The reader will learn the last trump is not the seventh trumpet. The three woes in Revelation will be identified to reveal a mystery inside an enigma. Biblical revelations in the Bible will surprise many devoted Bible students. Scripture can explain other scripture, and the connections can be amazing and involve both the Old and New Testament. Greater clarity will be given on some of the most misunderstood and controversial topics in end times prophecy. Multiple timelines, tables, and maps are presented to explain various end times prophetic teachings. The Bible has many prophecies that are still future, and the Christian ambassador for Christ can learn how these events will impact the ability to be a faithful witness. God’s word is a light to our path.

Notes on Scriptural Messages (1)

Book Description

Watchman Nee's writings have become well known for their deep spiritual insight among Christians in many nations for many years. Through these volumes a full understanding of his balanced and proper view concerning the Bible and the spiritual life can be accurately appreciated. This new compilation and retranslation of Watchman Nee's writings present the reader a fresh and unedited version of his ministry and promises to shed new light on the reader's understanding of Watchman Nee's ministry.

The Rapture Revisited

Book Description

The Rapture of the Church. Often talked about, incessantly preached but rarely debated. As it states in Proverbs, "The first one who pleadeth his cause seemeth right until his neighbor comes and examines him." Now it's time for an attorney to cross-examine the witnesses who have pleaded their case for a pre-tribulation rapture and this book does just that.There is no dispute about the certainty of a coming rapture, only its timing. Since truth is the product of evidence, what is the evidence for a pre-tribulation rapture? This book will open your eyes to what the truth really is and not what many modern theologians want the truth to be.

Three Raptures

Book Description

Lamb explores the book of Revelation, posing such questions as: What if there were three raptures? Is that scenario sound, and what are its implications?