Rapture, the Bride Redeemed

Book Description

The concept of the rapture is a highly charged and controversial topic. Does the Bible really speak of the idea of people essentially vanishing into the clouds? The short answer is yes. The concept of "rapture" is noted from the beginning in Genesis to the end in Revelation. There are rapture events (plural) even in the Old Testament. Rapture, The Bride Redeemed is a love story and dives into these issues and breaks down the text. What role does Jesus Christ play in the notion of "rapture"? Does it matter how individual people relate to Christ regarding the coming event?The idea was communicated across thousands of years ago and here we are in the 21st century. There is a cultural and language bridge we need to cross to fully understand and comprehend what is being stated in the text. We struggle to relate to customs of life in an agrarian society two to four thousand years ago in the Middle East.There are all kinds of theories as to when the event of the rapture occurs relative to the Great Tribulation. When will the rapture happen...before, during, or after the Great Tribulation?What about Israel and the church, the bride of Christ. Did the church replace Israel? Is God finished with Israel or do they have a future greatness? What does destiny have in store for both the church and Israel? Understanding these two entities is a key factor to making sense of the end time's scenario.The resurrection, the rapture, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ...are these events related? Confusion is often noted with the discussion of these three happenings. When do they occur relative to each other and the Great Tribulation?Does God give answers with time markers relative to His Appointed Holidays? God tells us how to keep time from the beginning in Genesis. Can we accurately tell time as directed by God? We need to look to the sky (sun, moon, and stars) for those answers. Marking time is a moral matter of truth, not science as far as God is concerned.What in the world is a kinsman redeemer? And what does a Jewish wedding have to do with Jesus Christ and His bride, the church, or body of Christ? Does Jesus have a role and what is it? What is the point and purpose of the church? The symbols, process, and order of the engagement and wedding tell the story. Today in the 21st century, where are we in the marriage procession?God the Father and God the Son are involved. Where is the Holy Spirit in this matter? What are the considerations for the Spirit? Does the Holy Spirit even have a role?These questions and more are answered in the Rapture, The Bride Redeemed.

The Rapture

Book Description

Will you be ready for Christ's return? The Rapture: Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh! examines this question and offers a prediction about what will take place when that event occurs. Author Debbie Furey has spent countless hours in prayer and study uncovering hidden prophecies throughout the Bible related to Jesus Christ's second coming. One such prophecy in the book of Ruth paints a picture of the return of the Jews coming back into their land shortly before the marriage of Jesus Christ and His church. Another prophecy is hidden in the Song of Solomon—the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins of Matthew 25, which explains what will happen to those who are ready and those who are not. For those who have ever wondered about the rapture or questioned how to be prepared, this insightful guide uses the truths of Scripture to answer questions such as: • Will all Christians be taken in the rapture? • What will happen during the seven-year tribulation period? • How is Jesus's return like the 'days of Noah'? • How is the rapture a picture of the ancient Jewish wedding customs? • What is the hidden prophetic meaning of the number two? May those who have ears to hear and eyes to see be ready when the shout is given, Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh!

The Rapture Wedding

Book Description

The two great divine plans: ?God's Plan of Creation? and ?God's Plan of Redemption? are enormous in scope. The Plan of Redemption culminates in the next wonderful event on God's calendar, The Rapture Wedding. The entire Rapture Wedding is based on the structure and customs of the ancient Jewish wedding. After their betrothal, the Bridegroom has returned to His Father's home to build the Bridal home. When it is completed, the Bridegroom will come for His Bride. The earthly Bride of Christ is anxiously awaiting the return of her heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus. Are you coming to the Rapture Wedding?

The Bride of Christ

Book Description

The Bride of Christ: Being Rapture Ready is a 6-week Bible study that parallels the ancient wedding customs with today's Church, Christ's Bride. God is setting things up for the return of His Son. Believer's hearts are being stirred. The Bridegroom is coming soon to retrieve His Bride, the Church. Still, there are many lingering questions: When will these things happen? What can we expect? Are we in the end days? How can we be ready? What specific things does the Bible teach us about the Rapture and the events that follow? In this Bible study, we seek to answer these questions and provide believers with biblically-based details of the end-day events. The purpose of this Bible study is to help Christians get prepared for their Groom's arrival, while illuminating certain features and events still in the future.

The Rapture of the Bride

Book Description

This book presents the Pre-Trib Rapture from a non-dispensationalist perspective. It contains many insights that are fresh and life changing! You will discover that it's not for all who profess Christ, but for the overcomers - the Bridal Remnant! It does not just appear in one or two Scriptures but is a major theme of the New Testament. The Bride longs and prepares for the Bridegroom as she awaits her upward call. The Bridegroom is coming soon, and she knows it, and can see the day approaching. He will take her to Himself as He has promised. This is, and has always been, the hope of the true church - to be with Jesus. Do you have this hope in you or has it been stolen by preachers who focus on this age rather than the one to come? There are two churches at the end - one that is lukewarm and one that's on fire. There is a bride and a harlot. There is a church that is taken and one that is left. Clearly now the lines are being drawn. If you are wanting to know the truth about the Rapture, this is the book for you!

Bride of Christ Without Spot Nor Blemish

Book Description

To prepare the Christian church and the currently lost in the world to become the Pure Bride of Christ and to be ready for the Rapture. Supply teachings, prophecies, and encouragement for the bride to become and stay pure and charitable and to prepare God's people to be holy and do works of service for both God and people that God wants them to do. Jesus is intensely looking forward to "marrying" His Bride. The "marriage" is spiritual in nature - not physical. This will happen at the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" in Heaven after the Bride of Christ is raptured from the earth. This is all predicted in the New Testament especially in the book of Revelation. The Bride of Christ will be pure and without spot nor blemish. This is the people (both male and female) that Jesus will rapture before the Great Tribulation.

The Rapture of the Bride

Book Description

We have entered into a phase of human history in which what the Bible teaches regarding the events of the end of this age is coming true right before our eyes. The Bible is as relevant today as it has ever been, and this present generation of believers is privileged to live in these times, and to be able to what observe what is clearly unfolding before us. So it is my conviction that believers need to prepare themselves for what is coming, and, by continuing to observe events as they happen in the world, they can be ready for the coming of the Lord for his bride, the believing church. The rapture of the bride of Christ is the next great event prophesied in the Scriptures which will happen to the believing worldwide Body of Christ. Jesus is coming very soon!

The Rapture of His Bride

Book Description

The Rapture of the Church has been very controversial and has divided many people. This book is intended to have a fresh look at this topic through diligent Biblical research. In this book you will learn when, who, and how the Rapture will take place; and hopefully after reading this book share in the final words of His bride: "Even so, come Lord Jesus."

The Rapture Was Real

Book Description

What WAS the Rapture, Anyway?And Who Was it For? Prophetic Message to My Bride September 1, 2014 The Lord is calling His Bride, or His potential Bride to repentance. She's not ready for the Rapture. And He is wanting to prepare her. And, as I have shared in a previous teaching, part of the reason the economy in this country is slumping and the Lord is allowing it, is to get His Bride back from the world. To get her mind off of the things of the world and onto Him. So, you know, we have a lot of prosperity Christians in this country, people who talk about prosperity - that you're not really a successful Christian if you don't have the faith to be prosperous. Nothing could be further from the truth, because prosperity and money was the last thing on the Lord's mind in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, it was sometimes a mark of favor from God, but in the New Testament, the Lord set a standard. He didn't choose to be born as a king, or a prince, or to live like a king or a prince. He chose a simple life, an unpretentious life. A life that was not entrenched in the things of the world. So, He's looking for a Bride who resembles Him. And as I examine my heart every day before the Lord, and I realize the areas where I fall short, I'm writing those things down for you as well. Because I think we can help each other, by recognizing some things about ourselves and sharing them.

The Church in God's Program

Book Description

The Church in God's Program is a biblical study covering the entire scope of the church - its beginning, government, ministries, and the new covenant.