Under Raven's Wing

Book Description

Beneath Raven's Wing

Book Description

Under the eyes of the Ravens, the visions of fantasy spring. Discovery drives the Unkindness, and the stories cling fast to their wings. Presenting a collection of fantasy and myth inspired tales that take readers on a flight of fancy through genres, mythos and time. In 15 unnerving stories, lovers of modern fairy tales will find something to treasure and keep them up at night.

Raven's Wing

Book Description

A collection of sixteen stories explores the mysteries and varieties of American experience and includes "Golden Gloves," the story of a would-be champion boxer whose career and marriage fall tragically short of his expectations.

Moon Cave

Book Description

On the east face of the Canyon del Río Hondo there is an ancient cave known to the Mescal Indians as Moon Cave. It is a sacred place to the Mescal used for the Ceremony of the Ancients, a ceremony performed every five years rewarding the five most honored braves for their bravery and honesty. The ceremony must take place in Moon Cave because that is where the great medicine man, Owan-atan, created the magic. The reward the braves receive is the opportunity to go back in time to live among their ancestors in the old way of life. This is a great honor and the fact that there is no way back to their former lives is of no relevance to the selected braves. But what does this mean to Denny Miller, who innocently enters Moon Cave during the 2004 ceremony and finds himself suddenly living in 1874? And what does this mean to Scott Franklin, Denny's best friend, who is determined to find out what happened to his vanished friend and help him if he can? Scott "coerces" Cha-tah-wa, a local Mescal shaman, into taking him back to 1874 to search for Denny--and the adventure begins.


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The Overland Monthly

Book Description

Overland Monthly

Book Description

Raven's Wings

Book Description

"The sweat poured off her brow. She could only hope the moisture didn't take off the charcoal and ash stains she had carefully placed on her face." Erin Raven Kerr prays God will help her escape from the horrid situation she has been held captive in for eight years. Will she make it out of Baltimore? Captain McBride wants to help this little old lady but doesn't know why. Will he trust God and help her? J. R. Riley has a strange dream and can't wait to talk with Michael about it. What does it mean? What will he come to know about Raven's wings? Things are happening in Crystal Springs, Texas, which have everyone on edge and wondering what will happen next.

The Parable of The Raven

Book Description

Whether you are a new supervisor for the first time, or an MBA graduate on your first job out of college, or the young entrepreneur of a market penetration business, or a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a large corporation, one of the most challenging problems or issue you will be challenged to deal with is those that are “people-focused”. 90% of all major problems that authority figures face that affect productivity, morale, and teamwork are “People” problems. So whether you are new to the business of managing and supervising people or an experienced professional with little-to-no time to “train” subordinates or junior executives, the principles presented in this book will give you a solid foundation for dealing with some of the most difficult "people issues" in any type of business. This book uses a short story in the form of a parable to teach five critical principles for dealing with the really troublesome and often organization-destroying people problems: 1) Learn the ropes to "skip" and the ropes to "jump" associated with the art of critical decision making, 2) Learn and understand the factors that impact a person’s desire to make a dedicated, personal commitment to an organization’s mission or vision. 3) Learn how to use the Johari Window Model to open or unblock communication channels and to effectively address issues of trust and integrity. 4) Learn how to effectively deal with the tough and touchy dysfunctional communication problems most commonly associated with organizational grapevines: Rumors, Gossip, and Backbiting. 5) Learn to use the most overlooked tool in developing others for management and supervisory positions – how to organize and conduct meetings effectively. This book will allow you to develop and master these skills in "record time" to promote your development as an effective supervisor, manager, or team leader.