Rayleigh-B‚nard Convection

Book Description

This invaluable book presents a concise but systematic account of the formation of spatial flow structures in a horizontal fluid layer heated from below. Flows of this type, known as Rayleigh-B‚nard convection, show important features of behaviour inherent not only in various hydrodynamic-instability phenomena but also in nonlinear pattern-forming processes in other contexts. The book describes the basic methods of investigating convection patterns, and the types of two- and three-dimensional flows, pattern defects, and sequences of convection-regime changes.The author pays special attention to the question of how various factors (mainly reducible to initial and boundary conditions) determine the shapes and sizes of the structures which develop. In this way, the role of order and disorder in flow patterns, as a factor strongly affecting the character of the evolution of structures, is revealed. The presentation emphasizes the physical picture of these phenomena, without excessive mathematical detail.

Rayleigh-benard Convection: Structures And Dynamics

Book Description

This invaluable book presents a concise but systematic account of the formation of spatial flow structures in a horizontal fluid layer heated from below. Flows of this type, known as Rayleigh-Bénard convection, show important features of behaviour inherent not only in various hydrodynamic-instability phenomena but also in nonlinear pattern-forming processes in other contexts. The book describes the basic methods of investigating convection patterns, and the types of two- and three-dimensional flows, pattern defects, and sequences of convection-regime changes.The author pays special attention to the question of how various factors (mainly reducible to initial and boundary conditions) determine the shapes and sizes of the structures which develop. In this way, the role of order and disorder in flow patterns, as a factor strongly affecting the character of the evolution of structures, is revealed. The presentation emphasizes the physical picture of these phenomena, without excessive mathematical detail.

Dynamics of Spatio-Temporal Cellular Structures

Book Description

The impact of Benard's discovery on 20th century physics is crucial to any modern research area such as fluid dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, just to name a few. This centenary review shows the broad scope and development including modern applications, edited and written by experts in the field.

Identification, Decomposition and Analysis of Dynamic Large-scale Structures in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection

Book Description

The central purpose of this work is to investigate the large-scale, coherent structures that exist in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) when the domain is large enough for the classical ”wind of turbulence” to break down. The study exclusively focuses on the structures that form when the RBC geometry is a cylinder. A series of visualization studies, Fourier analysis and proper orthogonal decomposition are employed to qualitatively and quantitatively inspect the large-scale structures’ length and time scales, spatial organization, and dynamic properties. The data in this study is generated by direct numerical simulation to resolve all the scales of turbulence in a 6.3 aspect-ratio cylinder at a Rayleigh number of 9.6 × 107 and Prandtl number of 6.7. Single and double point statistics are compared against experiments and several resolution criteria are examined to verify that the simulation has enough spatial and temporal resolution to adequately represent the physical system. Large-scale structures are found to organize as roll-cells aligned along the cell’s side walls, with rays of vorticity pointing toward the core of the cell. Two different large-scale organizations are observed and these patterns are well described spatially and energetically by azimuthal Fourier modes with frequencies of 2 and 3. These Fourier modes are shown to be dominant throughout the entire domain, and are found to be the primary source for radial inhomogeneity by inspection of the energy spectra. The precision with which the azimuthal Fourier modes describe these large-scale structures shows that these structures influence a large range of length scales. Conversely, the smaller scale structures are found to be more sensitive to radial position within the Fourier modes showing a strong dependence on physical length scales. Dynamics in the large-scale structures are observed including a transition in the global pattern followed by a net rotation about the central axis. The transition takes place over 10 eddy-turnover times and the subsequent rotation occurs at a rate of approximately 1.1 degrees per eddy-turnover. These time-scales are of the same order of magnitude as those seen in lower aspect-ratio RBC for similar events and suggests a similarity in dynamic events across different aspect-ratios.

Dissipative Structures and Weak Turbulence

Book Description

Dissipative Structure and Weak Turbulence provides an understanding of the emergence and evolution of structures in macroscopic systems. This book discusses the emergence of dissipative structures. Organized into 10 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the stability of a fluid layer with potentially unstable density stratification in the field of gravity. This text then explains the theoretical description of the dynamics of a given system at a formal level. Other chapters consider several examples of how such simplified models can be derived, complicating the picture progressively to account for other phenomena. This book discusses as well the theory and experiments on plain Rayleigh–Bénard convection by setting first the theoretical frame and deriving the analytical solution of the marginal stability problem. The final chapter deals with building a bridge between chaos as studied in weakly confined systems and more advanced turbulence in the most conventional sense. This book is a valuable resource for physicists.


Book Description

Leading experts present the current state of knowledge of the subject of magnetoconvection from the viewpoint of applied mathematics.

Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems

Book Description

An account of how complex patterns form in sustained nonequilibrium systems; for graduate students in biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

Turbulent Convection in Rayleigh-Bénard Cells with Modified Boundary Conditions

Book Description

One outstanding feature of the Rayleigh-Bénard problem which concerns a horizontal fluid layer heated from below and cooled from above, is the spontaneous establishment of spatial ordering and the formation of a coherent large-scale circulation. How different factors, such as the domain geometry and boundary conditions, influence the sizes and shapes of the large-scale flow remains an open question. Despite its apparent simplicity, Rayleigh-Bénard convection exhibits some incredibly rich and complex large-scale dynamics such as torsional modes, rotation, sloshing, and cessations, which often coexist and compete to each other. One approach, commonly used in the study of cessations is to constrain the large scale circulation to a plane by restricting the fluid domain to a (2-D) square cell or to a slim rectangular cell of small aspect ratio in the transversal direction. However, it is not entirely clear whether the 2-D and (quasi-)2-D reversals correspond to the same phenomenon. The present document is dedicated to the study of the large-scale flow patterns in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection, and of the influence exerted by different factors on the flow structures and on their temporal evolution. The proposed characterization combines a statistical analysis with a physical approach relying on the angular momentum as well as the kinetic and potential energies to highlight the underlying physical mechanisms. We subsequently attempt to tie these mechanisms together to each of the distinctive flow patterns observed and to their evolution.

Statistics and Scaling in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection

Book Description

This Brief addresses two issues of interest of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The first issue is the characterization and understanding of the statistics of the velocity and temperature fluctuations in the system. The second issue is the revelation and understanding of the nature of the scaling behavior of the velocity temperature structure functions. The problem under the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation is formulated. The statistical tools, including probability density functions (PDF) and conditional statistics, for studying fluctuations are introduced, and implicit PDF formulae for fluctuations obeying certain statistical symmetries are derived. Applications of these PDF formulae to study the fluctuations in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection are then discussed. The phenomenology of the different types of scaling behavior: the Bolgiano-Obhukov scaling behavior when buoyancy effects are significant and the Kolmogorov-Obukhov-Corrsin scaling behavior when they are not, is introduced. A crossover between the two types of scaling behavior is expected to occur at the Bolgiano length scale above which buoyancy is important. The experimental observations are reviewed. In the central region of the convective cell, the Kolmogorov-Obukhov-Corrsin scaling behavior has been observed. On the other hand, the Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling remains elusive only until recently. By studying the dependence of the conditional temperature structure functions on the locally averaged thermal dissipation rate, evidence for the Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling has recently been found near the bottom plate. The different behaviors observed in the two regions could be attributed to the different size of the Bolgiano scale. What physics determines the relative size of the Bolgiano scale remains to be understood. The Brief is concluded by a discussion of these outstanding issues.

The Dynamics of Patterns

Book Description

"This beautifully illustrated book brings together a remarkable array of pattern-forming phenomena The authors have assembled an impressive collection of striking photographs and computer-generated images, and the book would be worth buying for this alone the Appendix describing key experiments is a highlight. Here the authors outline the historical development of experiments in parametrically-excited patterns, thermal convection and diffusive chemical reactions." UK Nonlinear News, 2002