Re-imagining Preaching and Leading Worship

Book Description

If you’ve ever wondered how you could be more effective at engaging audiences, conveying what you have to say and, thereby, motivating them to change their attitudes and behaviour – you’re not alone. Robert Little has often wondered the same thing (but about himself, not you). He’s spent many years speaking in the world of business; advising other people on how to speak; listening to and watching others speak in a variety of contexts, as well as being a preacher. He’s also been a singer, performing as a soloist in concerts and operas around the UK. Cajoled into writing this book – outlining many of the tips and techniques you’ll need to be an effective public speaker – Robert has captured relevant thoughts and observations from many people. These include practical, pragmatic, preachers; assiduous academics, along with popular presenters and personable performers from the worlds of business, the arts and even sport. He’s contributed several of his own tried-and-tested techniques, too. Robert believes Christian communicators tend to miss out on some of this book’s tips and techniques which have been garnered from today’s business world. These tips and techniques focus on how to engage and keep an audience’s attention – and motivate that audience to put into practice what they hear and see. So, this book is worth at least a cursory glance from those who want their preaching ministry (or any other type of public speaking) to be effective – as well as, perhaps, to be memorable, popular and successful. *If you’re a Baptist, part of the Baptist church leadership, or just want to improve your biblical preaching and public speaking, this book can help you to prepare for worship leading. Discover the responsibilities of a worship leader; references to leading worship, Scripture and much more.

Reimagining Worship

Book Description

Worship is a dynamic, living encounter that should never be static. In the Church of England, although Common Worship provides texts for every season and occasion, the church constantly needs to refresh its worship, just as it reshapes its presence in local communities. In this comprehensive volume, a wide range of experienced liturgists, musicians and pastoral practitioners consider the principles that will determine the character and quality, as well as the content, of our worship in the future. It explores how new forms can meet new needs while remaining faithful to the church’s essential understanding of worship. Over twenty chapters consider how emerging forms of worship can be: - Relational, accessible and inclusive - Rooted in Scripture, the Creeds, and Spirit-filled - Sacramental, symbolic and multi-sensory - Transformative, pastoral and prophetic The contributors are all members of the Group for the Renewal of Worship, a broadly evangelical group within the Church of England and including senior clergy, musicians, theological college tutors in liturgy and former members of the Liturgical Commission.

Reimagining Ministerial Formation

Book Description

The Church is currently experiencing a transition in the way it understands and practises both mission and ministry. It is to be outward-looking, engaging with the wider community, involving all its members in mission and clergy are to play the role of enablers and equippers of the ministry of the whole church. However, ministerial formation in colleges and courses throughout the country lags behind this emerging consensus. ‘Theological education’ is still largely based on academic models. Reimagining Ministerial Formation offers a new way forward, where ‘ministry’ comes to be about the whole church, and ministerial formation is about collaboration between clergy and laity. It argues strongly for a shift away from ‘front-loaded’ training, to a new focus on formation as a life-long process.

Preaching Re-Imagined

Book Description

Imagine for a moment...that you can forget almost everything you've ever read, ever heard, ever been taught about preaching. Somehow, everything is new; nothing is impossible. Imagine if----with the Holy Spirit's working----missional communities could be formed, vibrant stories would be told and retold for generations, in new and ever vivid manners of communication. emergentYS author and pastor Doug Pagitt offers an invitation to the kind of preaching that 'creates followers of God who serve the world well and live the invitation to the rhythm of God.' He introduces you to an approach to engaging with the Bible with a focus on three questions: * What kind of communities are we forming? (Sociology) * What story are we telling? (Theology) * How can we tell it more effectively? (Communication) These questions are engaged through the introduction of Progressional Implicatory Preaching. This insightful combination of both theory and practical advice will open the floodgates of your imagination to once again dream big dreams for your church. Envision Preaching beyond speechmaking as an agent in the creation of Christian communities and take a hopeful look toward new approaches to encouraging the spiritual formation of your church body. Includes study/discussion questions.

Beholding and Proclaiming

Book Description

What if preaching could do more than inform the mind? What if it could also be an instrument to transform the soul...of both the preacher and the listener? Have you ever considered what could happen if local churches (not just seminaries or Bible schools) could become the intentional breeding ground for the next generation of preachers? The aim of this book is to empower local churches with practical tools to train preachers in their context. My hope is to help pastors and church planters train secondary communicators - including youth leaders and others - in developing robust, theologically informed, preaching pipelines.

Reimagining Church

Book Description

Author Frank Viola gives readers language for all they knew was missing in their modern church experience. He believes that many of today's congregations have shifted from God's original intent for the church. As a prominent leader of the house church movement, Frank is at the forefront of a revolution sweeping through the body of Christ. A change that is challenging the spiritual status quo and redefining the very nature of church. A movement inspired by the divine design for authenticity community. A fresh concept rooted in ancient history and in God Himself. Join Frank as he shares God's original intent for the church, where the body of Christ is an organic, living, breathing organism. A church that is free of convention, formed by spiritual intimacy, and unbound by four walls.

Preaching and Leading Worship

Book Description

Worship--the central task of the Christian community--is the focus of this thought-provoking book. William Willimon moves from theological understanding to the practical skills needed for preaching and worship leadership. He offers useful guidelines for conducting public prayer and for celebrating the Lord's Supper and Baptism. Focusing on preaching, he describes how to construct a sermon, deliver it convincingly, and evaluate it. He concludes with valuable suggestions for involving the laity in worship.

Preaching to Teach

Book Description

Preaching to Teach merges the related functions of preaching and teaching, and equips the reader to accomplish both. Preachers stand up to speak each week in challenging times to unsettled congregations. Each week seems to bring a new difficult subject: mass shootings and other forms of violence; hard conversations around race, ethnicity, and multi-religious contexts; immigration; poverty; climate change; foreign and domestic terrorism; and bickering about it all on social media. Preachers are hungry for ways to envision the work of preaching in these times, as well as for tools that will help them speak to difficult and contentious topics. In a divided and weary world, preachers struggle with the choice of any number of “images” to describe their preaching identity. Responding to social crisis after social crisis, preachers most often lean toward the roles of pastor, prophet, or somewhere on the spectrum in between the two. Juggling between these images and their associated roles on a week-to-week basis can be exhausting. But there is an ancient image of the preacher that may help: the preacher as teacher. The image of teacher has traditionally focused on content and rhetorical aspects of preaching: the preacher is conveying information, modeling theological reasoning, or effecting a certain pulpit style. But rather than focusing on traditional concepts of teaching to determine the content, form, style, or delivery of sermons, the field of critical pedagogy (represented by notable figures such as Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, Peter McLaren, and bell hooks) offers a way of re-envisioning the preacher-as-teacher. Recasting the preacher-as-teacher through the lens of critical pedagogy grounds the image of teacher in an ethical framework, inviting preachers to redefine their public roles, stand in relationships of solidarity with communities of faith, break the silences of taboos, tackle tough issues, and re-imagine the world in the shape of the kingdom of God.