Reading Scripture Canonically

Book Description

Veteran Old Testament teacher Mark Gignilliat explores the theological and hermeneutical instincts that are necessary for reading, understanding, and communicating Scripture faithfully. He takes seriously the gains of historical criticism while insisting that the Bible must be interpreted as Christian Scripture, offering students a "third way" that assigns proper proportion to both historical and theological concerns. Reading and engaging Scripture requires not only historical tools, Gignilliat says, but also recognition of the living God's promised presence through the Bible.

Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture (Reading Christian Scripture)

Book Description

This survey textbook by two respected New Testament scholars is designed to meet the needs of contemporary evangelical undergraduates. The book effectively covers the New Testament books and major topics in the New Testament, assuming no prior academic study of the Bible. The authors pay attention to how the New Testament documents fit together as a canonical whole that supplements the Old Testament to make up the Christian Scriptures. They also show how the New Testament writings provide basic material for Christian doctrine, spirituality, and engagement with culture. Chapters can be assigned in any order, making this an ideal textbook for one-semester courses at evangelical schools. This is the first volume in a new series of survey textbooks that will cover the Old and New Testaments. The book features full-color illustrations that hold interest and aid learning and offers a full array of pedagogical aids: photographs, sidebars, maps, time lines, charts, glossary, and discussion questions. Additional resources for instructors and students are available through Textbook eSources.

Canon and Biblical Interpretation

Book Description

Drawing on a broad array of contributors, volume seven of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Series assesses the current state of canonical interpretation and uses that as a starting point for exploring ingredients in theological interpretation of the Bible today. Canon and Biblical Interpretation begins with a masterful examination of the canonical approach and the various criticisms that have been leveled against it. Additional chapters look at canonical interpretation in relation to different parts of the Bible, such as the Pentateuch, the Wisdom books, the Psalms, and the Gospels. Articles address such issues as canonical authority and the controversial relationship between canonical interpretation and general hermeneutics. A unique chapter explores the relationship between academic exegesis and lectio divina. Editors: • Craig Bartholomew • Robin Parry • Scott Hahn • Christopher Seitz • Al Wolters

The Canonical Approach

Book Description

The Canonical Approach makes a detailed assessment of Brevard Childs' 'canonical approach' to biblical interpretation. A careful analysis of Childs' work identifies a number of historical, hermeneutical, and theological issues that are central both to Childs' programme and to the wider methodological debate. These include the adequacy of the historical-critical tools, their relationship to the more recent, 'synchronic' approaches, the role of the interpreter's own presuppositions, the viability of working from a specific faith-commitment, and ways in which the ancient texts can 'speak' to the modern Church. After an incisive discussion of these questions it is suggested how Childs' programme can be set on a sounder methodological basis. This book is particularly notable for its clarification of Childs' approach, and for its original solutions to a number of central methodological problems.

The Message of the Psalter

Book Description

What's really going on in the Psalms? Is it just an anthology of old Israelite songs? Or is there more to it than anyone ever guessed? This evergreen classic is the book that first proposed, in 1997, a messianic metanarrative in the Psalms. It explains how someone arranged the Psalms to outline a program of future events like in Zechariah 9-14. There is an appendix of apocalyptic midrashim, translated into English for the first time. A bridegroom-Messiah gathers exiled Israel. He sets up a kingdom, but dies a violent death. Israel are scattered in the wilderness of the nations. Then they are gathered again in troublous times. Finally, they are rescued by a king from the heavens. He sets his throne on Zion and receives the homage of the nations. 160,000 words. Read all about it!

The Canon of Scripture

Book Description

How did the books of the Bible come to be recognized as Holy Scripture? After nearly nineteen centuries the canon of Scripture remains an issue of debate. Adept in both Old and New Testament studies, F. F. Bruce brings the wisdom of a lifetime of reflection and biblical interpretation to bear in addressing the criteria of canonicity, the canon within the canon, and canonical criticism.

Introduction to Old Testament Theology

Book Description

The author's purpose for Introduction to Old Testament Theology is to show how different approaches to the Old Testament can be brought together into a single theology. The author develops his own distinctive approach which he calls canonical theology.

Reading While Black

Book Description

Reading Scripture from the perspective of Black church tradition can help us connect with a rich faith history and address the urgent issues of our times. Demonstrating an ongoing conversation between the collective Black experience and the Bible, New Testament scholar Esau McCaulley shares a personal and scholarly testament to the power and hope of Black biblical interpretation.

The Concept of Canonical Intertextuality and the Book of Daniel

Book Description

Scheetz undertakes to make the concepts of intertextuality and canon criticism more comprehensible in the field of biblical studies. This volume is a combination of, on one hand, an observation of intertextuality, canon criticism, inner-biblical exegesis, intratextuality and kanonische intertextuelle Lekture and, on the other hand, an inductive study of the Masoretic Text of Daniel, of its connections with other texts of the Hebrew Bible, and of clear passages in the Greek text of the New Testament. Scheetz uses the Masoretic Text of Daniels as an appropriate testing ground through the medium of its multilingual character, its diverging placement in various biblical canons, and its concrete citations in some texts of the New Testament. Theend result of this study is a theory of canonical intertextuality unique in its definition in relation to the theories investigated, as well as in its application to an entire biblical book and to other texts in the Old and New Testaments.

The Imago Dei as Human Identity

Book Description

Theologians and Old Testament scholars have been at odds with respect to the best interpretation of the imago Dei. Theologians have preferred substantialistic (e.g., image as soul or mind) or relational interpretations (e.g., image as relational personhood) and Old Testament scholars have preferred functional interpretations (e.g., image as kingly dominion). The disagreements revolve around a number of exegetical questions. How do we best read Genesis 1 in its literary, historical, and cultural contexts? How should it be read theologically? How should we read Genesis 1 as a canonical text? This book charts a path through these disagreements by offering a dogmatically coherent and exegetically sound canonical interpretation of the image of God. Peterson argues that the fundamental claim of Genesis 1:26–28 is that humanity is created to image God actively in the world. “Made in the image of God” is an identity claim. As such, it tells us about humanity’s relationship with God and the rest of creation, what humanity does in the world, and what humanity is to become. Understanding the imago Dei as human identity has the further advantage of illuminating humanity’s ontology. Canonically, knowledge of the contours and purpose of human existence develops alongside God’s self-revelation. Tracing this development, Peterson demonstrates the coherence of the OT and NT texts that refer to the image of God. In the NT, Jesus Christ is understood as the realization of God’s image in the world and therefore the fulfillment of the description of humanity’s identity in Genesis 1. In addition to its specific focus on resolving interdisciplinary tensions for Christian interpretation of the imago Dei, the argument of the book has important implications for ethics, the doctrine of sin, and the doctrine of revelation.