Ready, Set, Wait.: The Unadulterated Truth about Navigating Sex, Singleness, and Abstinence as a Christian Woman

Book Description

"Be confident, but not too confident; be ambitious, but not too ambitious; show interest,but not too much." When it comes to marriage advice, single Black Christian womenhave heard it all. From the pulpit to the streets, to social media's virtual corridors,Christian conferences, and seminars, the message is always the same: single, Black,Christian women have got their priorities all wrong. Along with the list of dos and don'tscomes the list of who they must strive to be in order to attract the right man formarriage.In this biblically sound, eye-opening analysis of God's word, the church, and the singleBlack Christian woman, online community expert, and influential online content curator,Sade Solomon offers women another way of thinking about their season of singleness.Using scripture and her own personal journey as a catalyst to demonstrate God'sintentions and grace, she guides women on how to truly live a life of fulfillment andpurpose while they wait on the promises of God regarding marriage.This book is designed to teach women how to shed what they've heard the world sayand to tune their ears and hearts to hear what God says about them, their future, andHis will for their lives as single women.

Sex and the Single Girl

Book Description

A study on sex that goes beyond "just don't do it." Sexuality is a hot topic these days, and opinions are all over the place. A resource offering simple “do’s and don’ts” won’t cut it. Sex and the Single Girl fills the gap by providing a broader, more comprehensive understanding of what it means to honor God with our sexuality. This resource will equip single women to understand their sexuality, trust the Lord for redemption and healing, and stand against the cultural trends that marginalize and compromise God’s design for sex. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, and author of several popular books, including 25 Questions You’re Afraid to Ask About Love, Sex, and Intimacy. She has devoted the last five years to equipping women with God’s truth about sexuality, and here she drives home the truth that every sexual choice is also a spiritual choice. The six-week study is broken down into five days for each week, covering: Why Sexuality Matters: The connection between spirituality and sexuality Embracing a Grand Design: God’s design and the beauty of living according to His wisdom. Sexuality and Your Character: How sexuality is part of worship and Christian identity. Sexual Boundaries: A very practical chapter providing a biblical grid for matters like masturbation, oral sex, and how far is too far to go in a dating relationship. Battling Temptation: A peak at “the enemy’s playbook,” helping women anticipate, prepare for, and stand against sexual temptation. Restoring Intimacy with God: How God can tear down the wall of sexual sin, shame, and confusion through forgiveness and redemption. This study has been tested through pilot groups with college women and other 20somethings. Revisedaccording to their feedback, it is primed and ready to help any single woman think biblically about sexuality, live accordingly, and experience the joy and freedom of doing so. Sex and the Single Girl is especially relevant today. One of the greatest threats to the modern church and emerging adults is the distortion of sexual design. Study after study has documented the proliferation of porn use (among both men and women), sexual exploitation on college campuses, experimentation with homosexuality and bi-sexuality, and the acceptability of multiple sexual partners. The average single Christian has received very little teaching on the purpose of sexuality, and a simple “just wait until you’re married” approach won’t cut it. Christian singles need to be equipped with a biblical worldview of sexuality and practical tools for talking it out. This study, which Slattery created with two women familiar with curriculum development, is ideal for college campuses and small groups. It will prompt discussions on practical topics like sexual temptation, sexual conduct, and responding to cultural thinking on gender issues and sexual autonomy. It is designed to challenge women to examine the assumptions underlying their sexual behaviors and beliefs. The ultimate goal of this resource is to introduce women to an intimate relationship with God who cares about every aspect of her life.

Why Wait

Book Description

Why Wait? is a best-selling abstinence education booklet for Christians. It discusses one of the biggest challenges among teens and singles: pre-marital sexual activity. This bestselling full-color pamphlet presents 24 reasons--12 biblical and 12 medical and emotional--to think twice before risking health and happiness on sex outside of marriage. Although many public school students receive sex education in school, Christians have a distinct view of the sacredness of sex that is usually not presented in a classroom setting. This Why Wait Pamphlet is a very basic abstinence education overview from a Christian stance that presents a Christian viewpoint on human sexuality in a simple 1-2 hour discussion. The reality is that many students today have experienced sexual contact already. Some have been taken advantage of. Others were pressured or coerced. Some have simply been naive. This grace-filled pamphlet also helps those who want to be assured of God's constant love and good plan no matter what they have experienced. It is never too late to treat yourself with respect and expect others to do the same. Abstinence Education from a Christian Point of View Teens and single adults ask themselves, Why Wait? Why does God care if I have sex? Everyone else is doing it. In fact, these many people are often surprised to discover that God does have very good reasons for us to wait for sex until marriage. The pamphlet presents 12 of God's compelling reasons to wait, but also provides ideas for those who have not, as well as an encouraging section on "second-time virginity." Sources for the Medical Information in this Abstinence Education Booklet All of the medical information on this pamphlet is from nationally known health organizations or researchers, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the National Institutes for Health, the Kaiser Family Foundations, and Johns Hopkins Medical School.

What Are You Waiting For?

Book Description

If you need satisfying answers to your questions about sex, Dannah Gresh has one (surprising) word for you. In What Are You Waiting For? Dannah follows the trail of one provocative, ancient word through the Bible to discover God’s deepest thoughts about sex. The mind-blowing truth she uncovers clearly points the way to a sexuality that’s satisfying and real and everything God designed it to be. (Not one to shy away from edgy topics), Dannah candidly shares… - straight talk about masturbation and pornography - the ground-breaking science that explains the addictive power of romantic experiences - honest answers about the lesbian question - a clear plan for breaking free from sexual guilt - the unexpected key to a lifetime of truly fulfilling intimacy If you’re a young woman looking for honest answers about sex—and wondering why it’s such a big deal to God—you’ve come to the right place. In these pages you’ll discover a life-changing truth that no one ever talks about—a truth that will transform everything you think you know about sex, romance, and God. So what are you waiting for? The answer is right inside.

The Single Christian Woman's Guide

Book Description

The Single Christian Woman's Guide shares some of the common experiences that single women go through. Here, Russelyn Williams gives heartfelt and Spirit-led insight as to how to navigate the world of being single successfully. The Single Christian Woman's Guide discusses avoiding bitterness as a single woman, dealing with voids that attract the wrong men and behaviors into our lives, and the rejection that comes with being single. It also offers a biblical and relevant outlook on sex and so much more. After reading this book, singles will feel more affirmed, refreshed, and strengthened by the notion that the single life is not one out of rejection, but one out of becoming the mature women that God sees us as. We are God's precious flowershis single daughters waiting to bloom in our God-ordained season.

Sex and the Single Christian Girl

Book Description

Can purity survive real-world temptation? "True love waits"--but what exactly are you waiting for? After all, we're constantly bombarded with Hollywood's idea of romance--that sex is no big deal, that everyone is doing it, that it's the only path to a happy ending. Maybe you've even begun to wonder, What am I missing? Is the wait really worth it? Marian Jordan Ellis has been there. She knows the pitfalls of giving in to temptation--but also the blessings of God's best found in waiting after she committed herself to Christ and to sexual purity. Now, from one Christian woman to another, she hopes to spare you from the heartache of sexual sin and instead point you toward God's best. Marian offers lots of practical advice, backed by biblical truth, to equip you with the tools to overcome past mistakes and future temptations. You are cherished. Whether you are happily single, casually dating, or have found "the one," your purity is worth fighting for.

Sex and the Single Christian

Book Description

FORNICATION: CONSENSUAL SEXUAL INTERCOURSE BETWEEN TWO PERSONS NOT MARRIED TO EACH OTHER What does God say about fornication? To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. (I Corinthians 7:2 kjv) In her book, Pastor Alexis Soberanis explores the dangerous and devastating effects of fornication. She reveals that when God instructed the human race to avoid fornication at all costs, He provided a beautiful alternative: the covenant of marriage. "Marriage is honorable, and the bed is undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4 nkjv). Pastor Soberanis demonstrates how the act of fornication will continue to affect generations unless the cycle of pre-marital sex is broken by the power and blood of Jesus Christ. Fornication is a forgivable sin, but it has disturbing consequences, including incurable sexual diseases; mass murder (by abortions); unplanned and unwanted children, resulting in hundreds of thousands of them having to be placed in the foster care system (many of these foster homes are incompatible and abusive); and most recently, many newborns being disposed of in garbage dumpsters by unwed teenage girls not emotionally and psychologically prepared for motherhood. Pastor Soberanis' desire is that every single who reads this book will make the decision to accept God's alternative to pre-marital sex, which is to wait for their Godordained spouse, leading into the confines of marriage, and in the process, canceling the generational iniquity of fornication and fatherlessness and starting a new blessing of sexual abstinence until marriage, resulting in strong and lasting family units. Pastor Alexis Soberanis and her husband Pastor Harrison Soberanis are the Founders and Senior Pastors of Prophetic Word Global Fellowship Inc., in Tampa, Florida. They are also the Founders and Administrators of People Helping People, Inc., a non-profit agency through which they have been serving the disadvantaged in Los Angeles, CA, and Tampa, Florida, since 1990. Pastor Alexis Soberanis currently resides in Tampa, Florida, with her husband Pastor Harrison Soberanis, and their son Christopher.

Singled Out

Book Description

Authors Christine Colón and Bonnie Field thought that by a certain age they would each be married. But they watched that age come and go--and still no walks down the aisle. In Singled Out, they reflect on their experience--and that of an increasing number of Christians. Rejecting overly simplistic messages from the church about "waiting for marriage," they explore a deeper understanding of celibacy that affirms singles' decision to be sexually pure, acknowledges their struggles, and recognizes their importance in the church community. Thoughtful and accessible, Singled Out is an invaluable voice of realistic encouragement for any single as well as an important tool for church leaders and others concerned with mission and ministry for singles.

The Naked Truth

Book Description

"E. Marcel Jones' new book The Naked Truth is a treasure chest full of wit and wisdom on the upheavals and struggles of 'living single.' Jones' real-life stories, his own struggles, and experiences are profound...yet revealing his skills as a prolific writer. This new and rising author is worth watching and his book a must read especially for singles and singles' ministry groups." Bonnie Oliver Brandon, M. DIV, M.A.R. Connecting Leader, National Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM) Atlanta, GA Finally, a book intended for every SINGLE believer - engaged, widowed, divorced, or dating. No more dressed up lies about how to live successfully single. The time has come for Singles to know THE NAKED TRUTH! Christian writing phenomenon, E. Marcel Jones, addresses his personal struggles with relationships, sexual temptations, and a host of worldly issues while attempting to maintain his Christian values as a single man of God. He also captures the candid experiences and subsequent spiritual revelations of singles in search of purposeful living and healthy relationships. Readers will find his writing refreshing, innovative, and personable. E. Marcel Jones is an educator, minister, and inspirational speaker. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, a Master of Arts degree in Teaching, and will complete his Doctoral studies in 2009. Prior to completing this book, he published numerous magazine articles for single Christians and, for over 10 years, led his church's Singles Ministry. His testimony of devotion to God's service and personal declaration of an abstinent lifestyle have inspired many. He, his wife, and son reside in Memphis, Tennessee. To contact him, visit his website at Photo credit: One Image, Mario Jones


Book Description

Tired of feeling sorry for yourself? Sick of answering the same old questions about why you still haven’t found your perfect match? Despite what many people think, singleness is not a disease. It’s not the lesser option. Singleness is God’s gift to you today. In Thrive, Lina AbuJamra – who has been single for over 40 years - will show you how you can make a difference with your life right now instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen to you. If you’re ready to figure out what God has to say about singleness instead of relying on your own feelings and conclusions, this book is for you. Isn’t it time you get excited about your life in Christ and quit falling back into the same old pattern of thinking? Freedom. Joy. Abundance. Hope. All these are yours the moment you embrace all that God has for you right here right now. Go ahead. It’s okay to smile. Life as a single Christian is good.