New Creation Realities

Book Description

Christianity has revealed the secret that psychologists have long sought--the "inward soul," the re-created spirit, the focus of God's great redemptive work on earth. The four Gospels give us a wonderful picture of the lonely man of Galilee, the humble Messiah who ends His earthly walk on Calvary. But Paul's Epistles give us the risen triumphant One, the conqueror of death, sin, and Satan. He provides the revelation of what happened on the cross and in the tomb, and how that affects who and what we are in Christ today. Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon delves deeply into Paul's teaching to give us a living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ, which made possible the new creation, a new race of men and women who can stand in God's presence without a sense of guilt, condemnation, or inferiority.

New Creation Realities

Book Description

The rights and privileges of the new creation in the Light of the Pauline Revelation. Makes the Bible a living reality!

Realities of the New Creation

Book Description

Life after Salvation. Discovering the depth of your Christian life. Understanding the quality in Christianity. What is Christianity suppose to look like? What God had in mind when He made you the New Creation in Christ. After reading this book, you will never take your Christian life for granted again... Pastor Glovis Eben is the president of LoveWorld Ministries International with an apostolic and prophetic mantle to take the love Gospel of Christ to the nations. He has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ ever since he was a 7 year old boy. His desire to touch lives and change the world is constantly driven by his undying love for God and people. Despite his age, he possesses wisdom well beyond his years. The knowledge and revelation he brings from the Word is with depth and is simply life changing. Pastor Glovis is taking strategic Spirit-led programs such as 'Word Alive Conference', 'Atmosphere of Love', 'Women without Limits Conference', 'Healing School', 'Royal Conference', 'Holy Ghost Academy' and much more to different cities and nations around the world every year. In these Spirit-led events, he ministers the undiluted Gospel of Christ, teaching and preaching about the unconditional and unending love of God. In each meeting, he also brings a fresh revelation of God's Word, emphasizing on the fullness of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit and the realities of the New Creation in Christ demonstrating the character and power of the Spirit. His weekly program called Inspiration with Pastor Glovis airs on several social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and a few others. Through this social media ministry, many lives are being transformed with the revelation and simplicity he brings in sharing God's Word. Thus helping many become aware and gain a deeper understanding of spiritual realities.

New Creation Reality

Book Description

Walking in the reality of the New Creation

From Creation to New Creation

Book Description

Packed with diagrams, illustrations and timelines, this accessible overview unlocks the storyline of the whole Bible. Sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees. Running through the many gripping and memorable stories the Bible contains is one big story of God’s plan for the world he made, and how he brought it about through Jesus Christ. Packed with diagrams, illustrations and timelines, this accessible Bible overview unlocks the storyline of the whole Bible €“ how God promised and then brought about the plan to save our fallen world. But this is no book of arid theological ideas. It is a story that will encourage effective, active Christian living in today's world. Looking at God's covenantal promises with Abraham, Moses and David, Tim Chester presents the 'big picture'‘ of the Bible and helps Christians understand the part in relation to the whole. From Creation to New Creation traces different elements of the promise and introduces: * A people: God's promise to save a people who will be His people * A land: God's promise to provide a place of blessing * A king: God's promise to re-establish his rule of freedom and peace * The nations: God's promise to bring his salvation to all the peoples of the world

New Creation Image

Book Description

A.L. and Joyce Gill invite us to discover who we were created to be. A powerful revelation of righteousness releases believers from defeating thoughts of guilt, condemnation, inferiority, and inadequacy so they can be conformed to His image.

The Son of God and the New Creation

Book Description

"Truly this was the Son of God!" Matthew 27:54 The theme of divine sonship stretches across the pages of the Bible: from Adam in the garden of Eden, through the nation of Israel and King David, and ultimately to Jesus Christ in the New Jerusalem—the Son of God par excellence. In this volume, renowned biblical scholar Graeme Goldsworthy shows what Christ's fulfillment of the divine sonship motif means for all who are sons and daughters of God. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.

The New Being

Book Description

Meditations on key passages from the Bible by the leading Protestant theologian of the 20th century.

Activating the Power of God's Word

Book Description

The confidence, courage, and resolve in many of the greatest Bible heroes and world-changers are the result of a single, powerful, biblical principle. It's a principle woven into the very foundation of creation that, when applied, has the power to calm chaos, overcome obstacles, and win every battle. The secret? Activating the power of God's spoken Word.