Descartes' Error

Book Description

Since Descartes famously proclaimed, "I think, therefore I am," science has often overlooked emotions as the source of a person’s true being. Even modern neuroscience has tended, until recently, to concentrate on the cognitive aspects of brain function, disregarding emotions. This attitude began to change with the publication of Descartes’ Error in 1995. Antonio Damasio—"one of the world’s leading neurologists" (The New York Times)—challenged traditional ideas about the connection between emotions and rationality. In this wondrously engaging book, Damasio takes the reader on a journey of scientific discovery through a series of case studies, demonstrating what many of us have long suspected: emotions are not a luxury, they are essential to rational thinking and to normal social behavior.

Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior

Book Description

Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior provides new insights into the effects that emotion and rational thought have on marketing outcomes. It uses sound academic research at a level students and professionals can understand.

Emotions and Reasons

Book Description

In Emotions and Reasons, Patricia Greenspan offers an evaluative theory of emotion that assigns emotion a role of its own in the justification of action. She analyzes emotions as states of object-directed affect with evaluative propositional content possibly falling short of belief and held in mind by generalized comfort or discomfort.

Reason and Emotion

Book Description

Emotion and Reason

Book Description

(Play It Like It Is). Matching folio to the album DMB created in tribute to LeRoi Moore, their saxophonist who died in a 2008 accident. The All Music Guide calls it DMB's "richest, and quite possibly best" album to date. 12 songs: Alligator Pie * Baby Blue * Dive In * Funny the Way It Is * Lying in the Hands of God * Seven * Shake Me like a Monkey * Spaceman * Squirm * Time Bomb * Why I Am * You & Me.

Reasons Vs. Emotion

Book Description

The battle has raged ever since man began standing upright. No matter how technologically advanced we become, the question remains. What controls us? Is it our logic and our deductive/inductive reasoning, or is it our emotions, and our desires and impulsive reactions? There is no question that both systems play a part, a role in our behavioral reactions. We want to believe we are logical, rational beings. All this aside, our intelligence or rationality is frequently guided, or undermined, by our emotions. We often buy things because we want them (they make us feel good), not always because we need them. We are sometimes (or often) impulsive, reacting before we think. We fall prey to good salesmen or fancy advertising, and then realize we've been duped. Believe it or not, our emotions fuel our actions. Without emotional input we evaluate, but don't do anything. It's been suggested that 80% of all decision-making is emotion, and only 20% is logic. So, one of the goals of life is to balance your emotions and your logic. Not let either rule the day (much easier said than done). Some of what you will learn in this small book is: - Emotional Leaking And The 5 Monsters Of Unhealthy Emotions - What Emotional Intelligence Is And What It Is NOT - Take The Who Is Me Test To Help You Understand Your Strength And Weaknesses - Toxic Stress And How It Affects Your Body, Mind, Emotions And Behavior - How Your Brain Controls Your Flight, Fright And Freeze Response - Getting Control Of Your Thoughts - Tools To Give Your Brain A Break - The Two Systems That Control Us If you want to begin your journey to making better decisions, click the buy now button and you can begin today!

Passion and Reason

Book Description

Passion and Reason describes how readers can interpret what lies behind their own emotions and those of their families, friends, and co-workers, and provides useful ideas about how to manage our emotions more effectively.

The Case for Rational Optimism

Book Description

The Case for Rational Optimism tackles a host of challenging subjects in an engaging, accessible, down-to-earth style. It is intellectually serious, ceaselessly intriguing, and devoid of banalities. While other books in this genre tend to be oriented toward self-help, this volume brings evolutionary biology, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, economics, and a keen sense of history to the topic. Robinson begins with three goals: making the case for feeling good about oneself, about humanity in general, and about the global situation. He addresses such seemingly disparate subjects as selfi shness versus altruism, mind and free will, human nature, and issues relating to economics, technology, the environment, and more. Unifying these ideas into a coherent philosophical whole are central concepts: evolution has endowed our species with more good qualities than bad, and why; those qualities, and our use of reason, are the foundations of civilization, and how; and, consistent with our nature, we make a better world by valuing human life therefore enabling others to fl ourish in ways they freely choose. The Case for Rational Optimism argues that the highly challenging conditions confronting early man created a Darwinian selective pressure for cooperation, even altruism, among members of a tribe. Th e author fi nds evidence for this in the way our brains work, and in observable human behavior. He argues against existential despair over the human condition. Even though there probably is no grand celestial design investing life with meaning, he considers this liberating, giving every person the freedom to craft their own meaning. To Robinson, whether sentient beings experience suff ering or joy is the only thing that matters; without emotive highs and lows, the Universe would hardly matter.

Reason and Emotion

Book Description

This book brings together twenty-three distinctive and influential essays on ancient moral philosophy--including several published here for the first time--by the distinguished philosopher and classical scholar John Cooper. The volume gives a systematic account of many of the most important issues and texts in ancient moral psychology and ethical theory, providing a unified and illuminating way of reflecting on the fields as they developed from Socrates and Plato through Aristotle to Epicurus and the Stoic philosophers Chrysippus and Posidonius, and beyond. For the ancient philosophers, Cooper shows here, morality was "good character" and what that entailed: good judgment, sensitivity, openness, reflectiveness, and a secure and correct sense of who one was and how one stood in relation to others and the surrounding world. Ethical theory was about the best way to be rather than any principles for what to do in particular circumstances or in relation to recurrent temptations. Moral psychology was the study of the psychological conditions required for good character--the sorts of desires, the attitudes to self and others, the states of mind and feeling, the kinds of knowledge and insight. Together these papers illustrate brilliantly how, by studying the arguments of the Greek philosophers in their diverse theories about the best human life and its psychological underpinnings, we can expand our own moral understanding and imagination and enrich our own moral thought. The collection will be crucial reading for anyone interested in classical philosophy and what it can contribute to reflection on contemporary questions about ethics and human life.

Emotion, Reason, and Action in Kant

Book Description

This book is open access and available on It is funded by Knowledge Unlatched. Though Kant never used the word 'emotion' in his writings, it is of vital significance to understanding his philosophy. This book offers a captivating argument for reading Kant considering the importance of emotion, taking into account its many manifestations in his work including affect and passion. Emotion, Reason, and Action in Kant explores how, in Kant's world view, our actions are informed, contextualized and dependent on the tension between emotion and reason. On the one hand, there are positive moral emotions that can and should be cultivated. On the other hand, affects and passions are considered illnesses of the mind, in that they lead to the weakness of the will, in the case of affects, and evil, in the case of passions. Seeing the role of these emotions enriches our understanding of Kant's moral theory. Exploring the full range of negative and positive emotions in Kant's work, including anger, compassion and sympathy, as well as moral feeling, Borges shows how Kant's theory of emotion includes both physiological and cognitive aspects. This is an important new contribution to Kant Studies, suitable for students of Kant, ethics, and moral psychology.