Book Description

We are all Beings of RealLight from The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This is Real! You can 'think' of yourself any way you want to, but The RealTruth IS, You are a Being of Incredible Light and RealAwareniss. You have come a long ways through many different created forms of processing to where you are ready to compare all you have been through into The NUNowniss LifeIS. You have gone through countless creations from yourself and others and bowed and knelt to the Invented Gods of Man, those who have convinced you for lifetimes you are to be subordinate to them and all their Authoritarian Rulers. You have come from lifetimes of unconsciousness to this very moment when you can finally decide to Become MoreAware of who you really are. The Invented Systems of the earth want to keep you coming back here as their slave, which they have done this same routine so many times before and here you are again. Take The Risk and Test what Duane is presenting to you Now!


Book Description

Everyone is having nightly experiences while their physical body sleeps, whether they are aware of the fact or not. Each of us is individually unique and so are Your RealSide Experiences, Your DreamVisions. Duane The Great Writer & Educator is here to share his RealSide Experiences with those who want to realize their TruPotential as a 'Being of Light'. This Journey to RealFreedom is huge and it takes RealGuidance and a RealEducation for a person to learn to See Beyond this one-dimensional 'Place in Life'. You are now invited to enter The Hidden Worlds and Real UNUverses LifeIS. There is so much more to Life that is unseen than seen. Those who are successful with Your DreamVisions are usually more childlike in nature and their RealExperiences come to them rather easily. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret UNUverses. For more information about Your DreamVisions, I will send you a Free NUBook. Email Duane at: [email protected] / www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Duane The Great Writer is at the scene on The RealSide LifeIS, where everything is exposed and cannot be hidden. TapLining Master HarOld and his ever so cunning Reptilian Mate Joanny are busy moving about in the shadows of the Lower Astral Worlds looking for unsuspecting unaware souls to TapLine. MasterHead HarOld and Witch Joanny have had plenty of practice TapLining their personally owned MemberShrimps for the past 30 years with their 'pretty words' of emotional attachment that draws in the Alien Reptilian Influence that is unseen by most. TapLining is something the various Government Agencies have been doing for centuries along with entering a person's dreams, and this has become common practice for Takeover Joanny and her band of Dumbed Down Higher InMates she has convinced to help her. HarOld is so doped by her that all he cares about is looking good to the audience and being worshiped as an Authoritarian Representative for the Kalaum God.


Book Description

Towart Managi knows Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps that they must worship and pray to the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests that the Kalaum God supports with the RoundWorlds in time and Space. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, who is now the TapLining Master and has infected thousands upon thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in the unseen Astral Bodies of the membershrimps. Rebazar Tarzs, Towart Managi & The RealGuides are telling everyone who will listen to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by TapLining Master HarOld and his Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. For those who pay attention to The RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs, they will be shown in Your DreamVisions, What IS Real Now! THE ALLIS decides The NUSound, and IT IS The NU-U-U-U Now!!


Book Description

Reptilian Joanny was sent by the same God of Man that works with the Authoritarians of the Earthly Korporations. Most people look to religion as 'Holy' when in fact it is far from it. The Planet Earth is Kontrolled from its headquarters in Ratican City, Rome. The Black Pope and his Puppets, such as the Cardinals and the Presidendah of The United States, monitors all the Banking Systems like the Federal Reserve and has created all the World Wars for the primary purpose of TakeOvers. The Black Pope uses the US to steal from others for the DarkBrats who rule the planet, then setup their phoney Democratic GovernmentS, along with their own hand-picked henchmen as the Political Rulers. It is Grand Theft on an international scale and most people have no idea what is really going on. With the internet, many people are Waking Up to Real Human History. It has been the same with Reptilian Joanny, as she is tied to the Kalaum God and the Original Reptilian Aliens that came to Earth.


Book Description

Eva & Duane are on their own RealAdventure with Life. Duane & Eva are here to Share Something Wonderful for Everyone. Life just got Bigger! We are here to tell Everyone that no one needs a God or Master anymore and YU do not have to be Kontrolled by anyone or anything, such as all the 'sound-good' ideas that have been created from the past that are still around today that most people worship. Most unaware people like being Kontroled, as it makes them feel safe with a false security. This world is Kontrolled by the One World Order and they have created a 'False Security' for the masses to 'believe' in. Hope, faith and belief are Silly Fallacies created by the Reptilian Kings & Queens of Human History. People have been taught to agree with what makes them old, and Dumbed Down to the point where they are kept unconscious for lifetimes, which most people do not remember. Eva & Duane are here to Wake YU Up to Something Real & Wonderful, so pay attention!


Book Description

"ALL Distortion Shows Up..." Paul Twitchell had The TruHeart for What IS Real. Darwin Gross followed Paul, and he became an embezzler, then it was HarOld's turn, and he has become the greedy TapLine Master of the Alien Krone Korporation, who Married Joanny, the Reptilian Influence sent from the Kalaum God to takeover what Paul so skilfully created. Anyone can See for themselves by doing The NU-U Sessions and contacting Rebazar & Paul on The RealSide LifeIS. LifeIS AlwaysNU, never Old and Outdated, but most of the Dumbed Down Humans on this planet keep 'thinking' in the terms of other 'Time Zones.' History and tradition does have its place, but not with the TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. Those who want to stay with the Gods of Men have the right to do so, but what is still being marketed as 'spiritual' is nothing more than silly Earthly Korporations that have TapLine Masters with Reptilian Alien Joanny Mates. The Reptilian Alien Mothership hovers above the Krone Korporation.


Book Description

THE ALLIS ISALL... THIS IS REAL! Where there is nothing that can be created with the mind and imagination, There IS THE ALLIS, and IT IS EVERYWHERE. This is not a complete explanation of THE ALLIS, because it cannot be explained at all. This IS Real! Yet, everything we will ever completely have, not need, for ourselves already exists with THE ALLISNISS LIFEIS. It is all a matter of what we agree to and how we PerSeeve The TruReality LifeIS. We have all come from The TruReality LifeIS, yet we have not come from anywhere, because ALL LifeIS Here & Now. This IS RealTruth! To the invented Educated Literal Mind, which has created a position and relationship to what it has created, such as language and institutions to learn from and get a degree, those who have done so have agreed to what they alone created. The Educated Minds have deemed the possibility of discovering The TruReality LifeIS, but it cannot be defined by anything accept The TruExperience of ITSELF.


Book Description

In a world that has been so over-educated it becomes rather difficult for people to See Beyond this Created World of such a Matrix Design. So much of what we are experiencing here has nothing to do with The Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. A person can talk about how they love things, but it all becomes Real when they Do Something Wonderful with ALL. This world is being purposely brainwashed to agree to its own demise, and at the same time many are convinced that it is for the good of everyone. This is how deranged the Social Structures and that of Politics and Religion have become. It has become common place to agree to all the insanity people have created for themselves. When we look at Children and the creatures with The Natural Environment, we do not see the same results taking place as with the overly-created things that we now have to deal. It is time to See as Children See, from Your Heart & Your Being, moreso than just Your Mind.