Book Description

It is Now 2015, and Eva Shar is with me. Since our meeting, we have created a Wonderful Presentation for Everyone. We are Seen together on The RealSide with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides, and WE stand as WorldWide Educators with Rebazar, Paul, Fubbi, Gopal, ShamIS, Yauble and all The RealGuides with THE ALLIS. I cannot say that this world is ready for The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, but as this world becomes more desperate to WakeUp to 'What IS Real Now,' people will begin to See Beyond the fallacies of The Deceptors. This RealAdventure is not for everyone, as most people will stay with their LA LA Land Life on earth and be Emotionally Attached to the old Kontrolled ideas of boring tradition and 'pretty words' from politicians, religious deceptors and ancient outdated masters and gurus. LifeIS Always Bigger than our personal selves. Until you understand this, you will be TapLined and Trapped in this Designed Creation Matrix of The Deceptors.


Book Description

Duane The Great Writer was given The Rod of Power in 2001, from Rebazar & Paul. The HU Word was then destroyed by THE IS and replaced by The NU-U. Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps to worship the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, the TapLining Master and has infected thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in their unseen Astral Bodies. Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell & The RealGuides are telling everyone to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by TapLining Master HarOld and his Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. For those who pay attention to The RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs, they will be shown in Your DreamVisions, What IS Real Now! THE ALLIS decides The NUSound and The RealConnection... IT IS The NU-U-U-U Now!!

REBAZAR TARZS Presents YU are The NUSound

Book Description

Sing The NUSound "NU U U U" As YU Sing The NU U before going to sleep, YU will Become The Experience and Your DreamVisions will open up and YU will be shown What IS Real Now. We are ALL in the same Life, and what Life has Now decided IS The NU U NUSound for ALL of US. The NUSound will enable YU to have RealFreedom in The Real UNUverses beyond the Kontrolling & Restricting Gods of Man and their Kontrolling Earthly Korporations (KEK). As YU Read The NUBooks, YU will begin to Recognize there is so much more to YourSelf and to Becoming More Aware than YU ever have before. It does not matter what Restricting Religion or Kontrolling Reptilian Spiritualized Path that YU were in or associated with, YU will Now experience a NULife that IS Better than ever! NO MORE KARMA for YU!! The RealGuides are Here for YU!

Rebazar Tarzs Presents YOU 'THINK' YOU KNOW BEST

Book Description

YU, The RealU, A Free Being of Light, created You, the PersonalSelf. Your Personal Creation is the person your parents named You. You have been told and Konditioned to 'Think' that a 'god' created You, and that this 'god' Kontrols You and everything in Your Life, but this is not so... not even close! But! If You want to 'Believe' and 'Agree' to this Konditioned idea that also Kontrols most of this world and is doing all the destruction to The Natural Environment, You have the right to do so. But! Keep in mind that when You do 'Agree' with the 'god & belief' idea and the Restricting Konditioning You have been Kontrolled by, You will be coming back into more lifetimes unconsciously, just as You have this lifetime. You are always deciding what Your Life will be wherever You are at in Life. You will always exist somewhere in Life and wherever You do exist, that will be Your Life and Your LifeStyle. /


Book Description


Book Description

A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM REBAZAR TARZS, is an Adventure Like No Other! Duane The Great Writer has had lifetimes of Real Adventures with Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides. Rebazar Tarzs is laying out Duane's future when he will take on THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER NOW, as he has returned with Paul Twitchell to provide the biggest part of what Paul first started with his presentation, when he was given THE ROD OF POWER from Rebazar. Duane is providing The NUPresentation, an ALL Encompassing RealCure for The NUNowness of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Those who take the risk and read what Duane has written, then test The NU-U Sessions, they will meet with Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell in Your DreamVisions, then be shown What IS Real Now! Those with The RealCourage to step past the Authoritarians and the Gods of Man, only they will PerSeeve what very few ever will. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info


Book Description

AMAZING ROMANTIC ADVENTURES is what everyone wants. In our Hearts and Being we want a Real Life and Real Life Experiences, not just study time with books in rooms that we can only look outside and dream of a Real Life. Being educated on the earth has its place along with making a living here, but this 'Place in Life' is so temporary, and Duane The Great Writer is sharing a way to have everything a person wants, if they will only take the time to develop their insight, intuition and most of all their TruPerception of The TruReality Life IS. It takes a Real Heart! In what is termed the PsycRealms, there is creation, but The Whole of Life IS Already Complete. Once a person has Real Experience with The TruReality Life IS, they will See Beyond the limitations of their mind and See this world for what it really is. There is no hype with The TruReality Life IS, there is only a Real Life that is ALL Complete! REAL AND AMAZING ROMANTIC ADVENTURES is only for The Real RiskTaker! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info