Book Description


Book Description

We now come to The Chosen Few, those who are given The Real Opportunity to See and Be what the rest of the people on this 'Place in Life' cannot See or Be. Since the beginning of my short time here, I have learned a lot and also taught a lot of people. I have experienced their enthusiasm and their pain, and also watched them drift away, then go back into their Earthly routine and forget once more who they really are. In Paul Twitchell's time it was the 'membership idea,' as this is what people needed as a means to relate to what Paul was presenting. In such a short time, the membership idea has become an artifact, an ancient philosophy, an outdated idea and nothing more. The NUNowness is all about The Real RiskTaker, a person who Sees Beyond what has already taken place and is ready to dedicate their life to a Real Lifestyle, not just that of still staying as an 'attendee' with the old routine. Take the dare and read this NUBook! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

THE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH has nothing to do with the physical body, it is all about Becoming Moreaware as THE REALU. All of us are in the same Reality we call Life, and The Whole of Life is all about RealAwareness. We each have the opportunity and Free Will to decide our RealPosition in Life. The Earthly Systems, from political, religious, educational, and scientific, have tried to find THE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, but as yet they have not. Even the Spiritual Paths and Teachings have not totally encompassed The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides stand in THE NUWAVIS, The PurReality of THE ALLIS, which can be experienced by those who do The NU-U Sessions, which are provided in, 'The AdventurIS Series, ' by Duane The Great Writer. Now, is the time for this world to realize the Existing Systems do not have the answer to RealTruth and RealFreedom, only those who take the risk to explore with The RealGuides do. Website: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description


Book Description

A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM REBAZAR TARZS, is an Adventure Like No Other! Duane The Great Writer has had lifetimes of Real Adventures with Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides. Rebazar Tarzs is laying out Duane's future when he will take on THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER NOW, as he has returned with Paul Twitchell to provide the biggest part of what Paul first started with his presentation, when he was given THE ROD OF POWER from Rebazar. Duane is providing The NUPresentation, an ALL Encompassing RealCure for The NUNowness of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Those who take the risk and read what Duane has written, then test The NU-U Sessions, they will meet with Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell in Your DreamVisions, then be shown What IS Real Now! Those with The RealCourage to step past the Authoritarians and the Gods of Man, only they will PerSeeve what very few ever will. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info


Book Description


Book Description

This is The Atomic Age, and humans seem to forget so fast what they have already experienced in the past. The Ruling Indoctrinated Systems have absolute control over the minds and hearts of most, humans have been led to 'believe' that this 'Place in Life' called Earth is all there is, and that each person here is not in control of their own destiny, but it is the Authoritarians and their Gods who control the fate of mankind. As each person decides to agree with all that is taking place here, then the Causes of future Effects will become self-evident, but only to those who can See Beyond the Literal Senses that society has been bred with. With all the so-called educated people on the planet, there is still a huge momentum toward demise. It can be true there are a lot of people concerned for the welfare of the Earth and those on it, but there are Dastardly Forces, Imperialistic DarkBrats, who are not at all interested in what the general population wants for themselves. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS, has always been in Human History. He, and The RealGuides have always been behind the scenes from The RealSide and in Your DreamVisions, to assist those who have a TruHeart for RealAdventure and RealTruth. It takes lifetimes for all of us to finally mature enough to come into a position of TruRecognition of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. What this means is, ALL Life IS About Becoming MoreAware. The lifestyle people have chosen for themselves while on the Earth is not the ultimate reality of what is possible. Each lifetime we are here is so very short and passes so fast, and this is why it takes numerous lifetimes with The RealGuides to wakeup from all the self-created confusion. What is taking place on the Earth today is because of all the choices each person has made. Therefore, Human History, when properly understood, provides a good reference and comparison, until each person can discover for themselves What IS Real Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info