Book Description

Duane The Great Writer was given The Rod of Power in 2001, from Rebazar & Paul. The HU Word was then destroyed by THE IS and replaced by The NU-U. Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps to worship the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, the TapLining Master and has infected thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in their unseen Astral Bodies. Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell & The RealGuides are telling everyone to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by TapLining Master HarOld and his Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. For those who pay attention to The RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs, they will be shown in Your DreamVisions, What IS Real Now! THE ALLIS decides The NUSound and The RealConnection... IT IS The NU-U-U-U Now!!


Book Description

When I, Duane The Great Writer, was given The Real Rod of Power in 2001, from Rebazar & Paul, I was shown that the HU Word was destroyed by THE IS. Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps that they must worship and pray to the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests that the Kalaum God supports with the RoundWorlds in time and Space. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, who is now the TapLining Master and has infected thousands upon thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in the unseen Astral Bodies of the membershrimps. Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell & The RealGuides are telling everyone who will listen to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by TapLining Master HarOld and his Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. YU will be shown in Your DreamVisions! IT IS The NU-U-U-U Now!!


Book Description

I more than understand what you out there are saying about, "Where is the Love, Duane?" We have all come up through the 'Idea of Love' moreso than the 'Reality LUV IS!' I will explain the best I can to where YU, The RealU, can somewhat understand, but there will always be those who will want to hold onto their Personal Emotional Attachments and ideas about what they 'Think' LUV IS. Just like anything, what we have come to learn about the idea of Love, Personal and Emotional Love that is, is that there are many stages and always more to learn. For the most part, many people take for granted what they 'Think' is Love and how others should react accordingly, or it seems as though this person or that person does not at all care, but there is always more to See, Understand & Experience with anything. There is the old saying, 'Love Makes The World Go Round!' Is this really so, or is this just a cute idea that people like to feel good about? You Decide. /


Book Description

In a world that has been so over-educated it becomes rather difficult for people to See Beyond this Created World of such a Matrix Design. So much of what we are experiencing here has nothing to do with The Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. A person can talk about how they love things, but it all becomes Real when they Do Something Wonderful with ALL. This world is being purposely brainwashed to agree to its own demise, and at the same time many are convinced that it is for the good of everyone. This is how deranged the Social Structures and that of Politics and Religion have become. It has become common place to agree to all the insanity people have created for themselves. When we look at Children and the creatures with The Natural Environment, we do not see the same results taking place as with the overly-created things that we now have to deal. It is time to See as Children See, from Your Heart & Your Being, moreso than just Your Mind.


Book Description

For hundreds of years there has been 'The One World Order' and mainly unseen and unheard of by most. What these Kriminals of the Kalaum God and the Krone Korporations of the earth cannot See IS, What IS HereNow! Most of this world will not be able to grasp what is being presented by Duane The Great Writer, but there will be those who will. What ISNow taking place on The RealSide LifeIS, is a Huge Preparation of a WorldWide WakeUp that has never been seen before in Human History. While this world looks to all the Old Planned Deception that has 'Looked So Good' for the longest time, there are many who are Waking Up and Seeing thru all the 'Fabricated Fronts' of the Karmic Korporations and their Bosses, the Politicians and their Presidents, the Religious and Spiritual Masters, who have held people to a passive emotional level of suppression as servants and slaves, and always burdened with so many kinds of worthless tasks to keep people Konfused and disabled. Take The Risk and discover What IS Real Now!


Book Description

Hello, I am Duane The Great Writer, and I want to be one of the first and very few to commend Krone of the Krone Korporation, Deceptive TapLine Master JerOld and President Geeter, for the excellent job and undertaking they have taken on, and I do mean 'undertaking' like in a morgue. There really are very few on the earth who can come up with such a Business Plan of such Mass Proportional Deception as these three have done, along with the Paying MemberShrimps, because most people are just too honest with themselves and would not dare such an undertaking, and I do mean 'undertaking.' So, with this being said, and there is a whole lot more to be experienced and for you to learn with "An Adventure Like No Other, ' get ready for The Ride of Your Life with, 'THE NUWAVIS REAL NOW!' If your have The Heart & Courage for RealTruth & RealFreedom, you will want to read every word of this NUBook. Have Fun Deciding Your NUJourney!


Book Description

We have all experienced what 'seems' to be a real life and what is here and seen is all there is. This idea and all the other ones the average person can invent are so far from anything Authentic and Real! It is very easy for any of us to say anything, so the only 'Truth & RealTruth' we can each experience is with what we discover for ourselves. Everyone is searching for THE ALLIS. This IS Very Real! Because we each have to first go through a process of Waking Up and Becoming MoreAware, we are very limited with the inadequate faculties we have to work with here. And so from all that we can create there has become more distortion than what is really beneficial. So, a huge sorting out has to take place before we can even begin to 'Recognize' THE ALLIS. This TruReality IS such an Accurate & Pure Reality, that from the limited area of human understanding with a body and mind, it is almost impossible for most people to fathom and see that such a TruReality can even exist.


Book Description

We are all Beings of RealLight from The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This is Real! You can 'think' of yourself any way you want to, but The RealTruth IS, You are a Being of Incredible Light and RealAwareniss. You have come a long ways through many different created forms of processing to where you are ready to compare all you have been through into The NUNowniss LifeIS. You have gone through countless creations from yourself and others and bowed and knelt to the Invented Gods of Man, those who have convinced you for lifetimes you are to be subordinate to them and all their Authoritarian Rulers. You have come from lifetimes of unconsciousness to this very moment when you can finally decide to Become MoreAware of who you really are. The Invented Systems of the earth want to keep you coming back here as their slave, which they have done this same routine so many times before and here you are again. Take The Risk and Test what Duane is presenting to you Now!