Book Description

Before there was anything known and invented there was always THE ISNESS LIFE IS. Like the sun shining in the sky that has shined, THE ISNESS LIFE IS, is still the same as IT ALWAYS IS. For the educated person who has been conditioned and intellectualized, they will not fully grasp this. All of us come up through a particular way of understanding, first of all, to learn where we are at here and what we have to do to survive this harsh place we have named the earth. It takes RealCourage and a RealHeart to explore one's self and discover that, 'ALL OF LIFE IS WITHIN YOU.' This is THE ISNESS LIFE IS, as everything any of us need is with us already, and that the Systems of the Earth are nothing more than creations from the minds and imagination of those who have not as yet PerSeeved The TruReality Life IS. All of us are as THE IS, IS. We are the exactness ALL OF LIFE IS. Take the risk and discover who you really are! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Duane The Great Educator, is an ALLHumanitarian Developer and Professional Writer. His only intent and purpose is to provide a RealEducation for ALLPeople Everywhere. Most of the public is not aware of the complexity of the hidden side of how the Controlling Systems of the Earth actually work. Since 1970, Duane has been in the public, and even paying his way to provide a better understanding for people to Become MoreAware. For those who do take the time to read what Duane is presenting, then patiently test it out, they will come to experience what very few people ever do. There is a much Bigger Picture of The Whole of Life, than what can be thought of and understood from the Literal Senses and mental capabilities of most people, no matter how well they have been educated according to the systems that have been invented here. Duane, has taught people how to look to themselves for a better understanding and discover their own answers for a RealCure. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Duane The Great Writer, is trying to 'Wake People Up!' He is 'Reporting the News' as it has happened and is happening Now, from this level of Life, and into ALL The Levels of Life. Again, how many people are really paying attention and listening? Most people want to stay asleep, but when things start to happen in their life as a 'WakeUp Call,' then they start looking around, but then, it is usually too late, as in the case of Noah trying to warn people about the great flood. There is so much to learn about what is taking place on Earth today and so little time, as anything can happen at any time. Duane, is not setting off an alarm or predicting any doom, he is merely advising people to investigate into What IS Real Now. Of course, most people will never do this and they will be the ones who will always be asleep to The Whole of Life, even though they may have some sort of a life on Earth, this 'Place in Life.' Have Fun Deciding! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

I AM SIMPLY REPORTING THE NEWS ON EARTH...Things are being created and happening on the planet all the time, and just like a newspaper with a good reporter, Duane The Great Writer is simply Reporting The News. Most people want to 'believe' Human History, as the so-called historians have written it and what we have studied in school to be all there is, but fortunately with the Internet and so many other sources to discover Real Human History, each person can now explore and discover there is a lot more to learn and Become MoreAware of. With this understanding, one can eventually surpass all the limitations of this world and enter new worlds and universes, that are so much better than constantly returning to earth as another 9 to 5 worker for some invented system of control. take the time to explore and you will find a way to RealFreedom! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info