Rebound & Keep Moving!

Book Description

Rebound & Keep Moving! is the key that unlocks the Christian way of life. After salvation the sin nature remains a relentless adversary, tempting the believer to sin and live in carnality. When the believer sins, fellowship with God is destroyed, the filling of the Holy Spirit is temporarily lost, and spiritual progress ceases. Rebound is the simplest yet most incredible concept in the spiritual life. Rebound defeats sin. Guilt, anguish, remorse over past failures vanish knowing that God forgives and forgets all past sins. Rebound is our access to intimacy with the Lord, the gateway to divine power in our lives, our license to serve the Lord. Rebound opens the door to the wonderful freedom the grace of God offers to every believer in Jesus Christ.

Rebound and Keep Moving

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Book Description

HERITAGE TORONTO 2022 BOOK AWARD NOMINEE From basketball hoops to cricket bats, the role community sports play in our cities and how crucial they are to diversity and inclusion. “The virus exposed how we live and work. It also revealed how we play, and what we lose when we have to stop.” For every kid who makes it to the NBA, thousands more seek out the pleasure and camaraderie of pick-up basketball in their local community centre or neighbourhood park. It’s a story that plays out in sport after sport – team and individual, youth and adult, men's and women's. While the dazzle of pro athletes may command our attention, grassroots sports build the bridges that link city-dwellers together in ways that go well beyond the physical benefits. The pandemic and heightened awareness of racial exclusion reminded us of the importance of these pastimes and the public spaces where we play. In this closely reported exploration of the role of community sports in diverse cities, Toronto journalist Perry King makes an impassioned case for re-imagining neighbourhoods whose residents can be active, healthy, and connected. "I couldn’t stop reading Perry King’s Rebound. An evocative essay about the transformative and uniting power of local sports in a city with residents from every country in the world, the book is well researched, entertaining, and informative. It spoke to my own experiences as a young athlete fitting into a new city when I first came to Toronto – and to the importance our city government must place on local recreation and sports if our city is to help all residents reach their potential. A fantastic contribution to understanding Toronto – and to the power of local recreation in any major city." —David Miller, former mayor of Toronto

Isolation of Sin

Book Description

Isolation of Sin breaks the vicious cycle of carnality shackling many believers to their past failures. God’s grace solution for the believer’s sin is rebound, privately confessing or naming your sins to God the Father. Rebound instantaneously accomplishes divine forgiveness, recovery of the Holy Spirit, and restoration to fellowship with God. Yet many believers immediately fall out of fellowship, caught in reaction, guilt, and a chain of mental, verbal, or overt sins. As their frustration mounts, carnality seems overwhelming. How do you break this cycle? Disengage yourself from forgiven sin! When God forgives a sin, it no longer belongs to you. Do not reclaim the burden! God has blotted out your sin! Feeling guilty, habitually looking backward, worrying, or chronic self-reproach only perpetuates your status in carnality. When you isolate your sins by “forgetting those things which are past,” you can “press on” to the high ground of spiritual maturity in your Christian life.

The Plan of God

Book Description

The Plan of God reveals God’s provision for your salvation, His purpose for your existence after salvation, and the treasures He has waiting for your eternal future in heaven. The moment you believe in Christ you immediately share His life and destiny. But for you to attain the wonderful peace, happiness, and contentment God has planned for your life on earth, you must learn Bible doctrine and grow to spiritual maturity. The Bible communicates God’s Word to you so absolute truth becomes the measure of your conscience, the source of your thinking, and the motivation of your life. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and armed with Bible doctrine you can fulfill your destiny to glorify God. You can receive the highest and best He has prepared for you. Your consistent spiritual growth from Bible doctrine in your soul creates capacity for life, for love, for Christian service, for blessing, for happiness. God has devised the design of the ages, the perfect plan for you personally. All you have to do is understand His gracious offer and seize the incomparable opportunity for a life of meaning, purpose, and definition.


Book Description

Giancarlo Stanton and Justin Verlander's trainer (and coauthor of Foundation) shares a total body program that focuses on functional fitness and core strength for a pain-free, active lifestyle Peter Park is a go-to trainer who has worked with pro athletes (Justin Verlander, Giancarlo Stanton) and celebrities (Matthew McConaughey, Maria Shriver, Rob Lowe). Park himself is a three-time World's Toughest Triathlon Winner. As one of his clients says, "Having Peter as your trainer is kind of like having Bill Gates as your computer science teacher." Now Park and his team bring their expertise to anyone who spends long hours at work, has lost strength, mobility, and freedom of movement, and who wants to get it all back. Park's proven program will help readers reclaim fitness by learning functional movements designed to retrain poor patterns. With a series of workouts that build upon one another, readers will learn to get the whole body working together, restoring the core and regaining pain-free movement to truly live a life without limits.

The Faith-Rest Life

Book Description

Faith-Rest is the life of peace designed for you as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. This life is characterized by a moment-by-moment tranquillity, happiness, and stability. But how can you have this perfect rest when you are surrounded by pressure, adversity, and disaster? God wants you to do only one thing—trust Him! Believe His Word! Mix the promises from the Bible with faith! If you trusted Him for the greatest thing He could ever provide—salvation, then, you can trust Him for the lesser thing—solutions to your problems. When you use the faith-rest technique, you stand on the solid ground of the Word of God. Bible doctrine becomes a living reality in every experience. No matter what happens to you, no matter how difficult your problems, you have "the peace of God which passes all understanding."

The Divine Outline of History

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Book Description

Witnessing is the declaration of the good news of salvation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unbelieving world. But is this responsibility and privilege reserved solely for the pastor, missionary, and evangelist? Definitely not! Every believer is responsible for presenting the Gospel to a lost and dying world. What do you tell unbelievers about Christ? You must explain what He accomplished on the cross and how anyone can receive His incomparable gift. Your guiding principle is faith alone in Christ alone. You are the point of contact in the unbeliever's search for meaning and purpose in life. Without faith in Christ and an eternal future, ultimately his life is meaningless. When a loved one, friend, or even stranger believes in Christ as Savior from your presentation of the Gospel, you will experience the inexpressible reward of serving our Lord through witnessing.


Book Description

Who among us has not experienced "failure"? Rebounding is about the process of rediscovering, reinventing, and recovering yourself in the face of a personal or professional setback or failure. It is about learning how to suck the juice out of a lemon and turn it into lemonade, picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and moving on with the business of living at hand...emerging even stronger, wiser, and with more confidence than before! We all have a unique set of experiences, talents, and gifts - all of which present opportunities for growth and for unique perspective. Blending personal experience with practical suggestions for reengaging, Rebounding presents a perspective that gives one the space to breathe in the face of a failure and learn how to turn that liability into one of your greatest assets. With a rare sense of vulnerability, the author opens up about some of her greatest challenges and what core beliefs created an ability to experience an inner resilience that many never talk about. Sharing the failure of a business, the failure of a marriage, and struggles with her recent financial reality, she creates in Rebounding a unique chance to get inside the ebbs and flows of life and examine the real power of personal choice in the face of adversity. Word Count: 212